Lebron said:You can trade items? Sorry, I've been living under a rock. Hot damn that's awesome.
Cornballer said:
Denis Dyack said:No, it was just the last character i finished playing on the pre-GM build. I am going to switch it up. I think people will really like how different the bio is. I will likely get every class to 50. I really love Too Human.
Macattk15 said:Least someone does.
(Had to.)
Jtyettis said:Might want to read the OP next time. Pro-tip, that little banner at the bottom it actually means something.
Macattk15 said:Or you can get butt hurt over it.
Clearly I was kidding with the "Had to" in parentheses. Seems that review thread have got you all in a tissy!
Macattk15 said:Or you can get butt hurt over it.
Clearly I was kidding with the "Had to" in parentheses. Seems that review thread have got you all in a tissy!
Macattk15 said:Or you can get butt hurt over it.
Clearly I was kidding with the "Had to" in parentheses. Seems that review thread have got you all in a tissy!
Jtyettis said:Haha, Bish is coming that is all I'm going to say, junior. Mixed reviews or not, heh.
_tetsuo_ said:small update on the reviews for guys not venturing into the review thread:
Gamespot - 5.5/10: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/toohuman/review.html
IGN - 7.8/10: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/899/899826p1.html
Gamepro - 4/5:http://www.gamepro.com/microsoft/xbox360/games/reviews/206650.shtml
Giant Bomb - 3/5:http://www.giantbomb.com/too-human/61-20499/reviews/
Milkman said:Oh fucking well!
On another note, regarding the 42 that C-Net-owned Metacritic translated our score into, it most certainly does not, according to our own scoring system, equate with as 42.
As for the game itself, I reviewed it as well for EGM, and arrived at the same score as GianCarlo, independent of GianCarlo (we don't discuss our scores with each other until the text is handed in, to avoid hive-mind stuff). As a freak for loot whoring type games (Diablo II, Phantasy Star Online, Final Fantasy XI, Monster Hunter) I found Too Human unsatisfying on all levels. I can appreciate the spin on Norse myth, but once past that, there's so little else to keep me coming back to Too Human.
Mifune said:I've known about the leveling of monsters for like forever. Why is this news now?
darkressurection said:So does anyone know what level the preorder armor sets are for?
Well hopefully we will get to find out tomorrow.Mifune said:Such an excellent oft-repeated question, and still no answer.
BenjaminBirdie said:That sounded like one of the appealing things. Challenge. Oh, well.
It's just too bad Too Human's difficulty is so uneven. I got through the first mission just fine but a few minutes into the second mission, there was a sudden spike in difficulty and the game suddenly stopped offering me helpful guidance. The next thing I know, I'm being pummeled by rockets that rained down on me from afar while elemental enemies exploded in my face and froze me in place. Oh, and my enemies were suddenly invulnerable to particular kinds of damage.
The Good
A constant supply of interesting weapons and armor, Combat can be fun when it gets in a groove, Skill trees give you a lot of room to mold your character, Co-op play can be enjoyable as long as both players are around the same level.
The Bad
The story doesn't get interesting until the final minutes, Too many elements chop up the pace, Area attacks and status effects are poorly implemented, Ranged combat is unsatisfying.
_tetsuo_ said:that sounds awesome. i was hoping the game wasnt going to be too easy.
_tetsuo_ said:that sounds awesome. i was hoping the game wasnt going to be too easy.
FateBreaker said:he had no idea what the point of playing was?
ringlord said:Agreed. The demo was more or less a cakewalk once you got the hang of the controls. Good to know the game can kick your butt later on.
Speaking of the polarity enemies, I wonder if you were to do a 2in1 Slide to a Ruiner on one of the reverse combo meter enemies, would it take your combo BEFORE you got to pull off the ruiner? That could be interesting.Chrange said:Is that from a review? The guy weighing in on the game's worth didn't even know what Polarity enemies were about?
Xenon said:I prefer PSO system of difficulty of NORMAL, HARD, VERY HARD. Taking on the hard levels early was a great challenge. Sure you could get through the first level and its boss if you tried hard, but the next level would kick your ass. So you had to loot and level to move forward. It was rewarding to finally pass that hurdle and move on. If the revew is acurate, TH will lack this. You will just keep on moving through the game and collecting.
Lykathea said:^ Interesting point, however it seems reviews are inadequate in this regard since we can only assume the reviewers beat the single player once, and then sample some co-op for good measure. I guess what I am getting at is that the quality of high level play remains to be determined.
_tetsuo_ said:small update on the reviews for guys not venturing into the review thread:
Gamespot - 5.5/10: http://www.gamespot.com/xbox360/action/toohuman/review.html
IGN - 7.8/10: http://xbox360.ign.com/articles/899/899826p1.html
Gamepro - 4/5:http://www.gamepro.com/microsoft/xbox360/games/reviews/206650.shtml
Giant Bomb - 3/5:http://www.giantbomb.com/too-human/61-20499/reviews/
Lykathea said:Anyone notice that if you take the score of the GS review away (as well as remove 'oddity' from the author's vocabulary) that it reads surprisingly positively?
Mifune said:Yeah, the actual text isn't nearly as damning as the final grade.
Too Human is a treadmill. Lots (if not most) games are, but the failing of Too Human is that it doesn't mask its ceaseless procession of incredibly similar gameplay with either a unique narrative or anything else that might draw your attention away from the fact that you are smashing the same horde of monsters throughout. You may think that the overpopulated loot carousel could hold your interest, but Too Human misses the sweet spot of providing just enough meaningful pick-ups and shoots well past the obviously Diablo-inspired mechanics. By the end of a single playthrough, there's little to keep you coming back for more... assuming you even make it that far.
It almost feels like open contempt for the foundation on which role-playing games are built because you are completely robbed of any meaningful way to play a role. Case in point, the Commando class specializes in ranged weapons, but any Commando will quickly discover his unique ability to stop enemies in their tracks by rooting them to the ground totally useless when engaging a foe that is immune to ranged attacks... and enemies are routinely immune to ranged attacks. Root them to the floor all you want, they won't take any damage and their friends are probably already sharpening their claws on your esophagus.
Deprived of a decent storyline, innovative mechanics, and limited variation in either enemies or environments, Too Human is barely worthy of a weekend rental. It's an extremely repetitive treadmill set in a world you'll never get a chance to actually learn anything about thanks to the almost complete lack of exposition. Whatever points it scores for its somewhat interesting approach to combat are almost instantly retracted once you perform them for the umpteenth time on the same robot that fights in the same way. Unfortunately, Too Human can't even provide decent graphics at a consistent framerate, as graphical hitches and choppy visuals are a regular occurrence. All of these negatives leave little reason to recommend Too Human.
Lykathea said:^ Interesting point, however it seems reviews are inadequate in this regard since we can only assume the reviewers beat the single player once, and then sample some co-op for good measure. I guess what I am getting at is that the quality of high level play remains to be determined.
Lykathea said:Also soroc, don't expect the ability to customize controls--TH's appear to be set in stone.
It almost feels like open contempt for the foundation on which role-playing games are built because you are completely robbed of any meaningful way to play a role. Case in point, the Commando class specializes in ranged weapons, but any Commando will quickly discover his unique ability to stop enemies in their tracks by rooting them to the ground totally useless when engaging a foe that is immune to ranged attacks... and enemies are routinely immune to ranged attacks. Root them to the floor all you want, they won't take any damage and their friends are probably already sharpening their claws on your esophagus.
Chrange said:They complain there's no strategy to the game, then seem to show they don't understand how to play the class with any strategy. Root the immune one, kill those "friends" of his, and then finish him with melee. How freaking hard is it to comprehend basic strategy like that?