Francias Castiglione
C Jones said:
Some quick impressions/tips from someone who's beaten the game 3 times with 2 different classes.
50 hours of play between Friday and Sunday. God DAMN!
C Jones said:
Some quick impressions/tips from someone who's beaten the game 3 times with 2 different classes.
C Jones said:
Some quick impressions/tips from someone who's beaten the game 3 times with 2 different classes.
Here are some of the tips (the others are pretty obvious if you've played the demo a good amount)slasher_thrasher21 said:i'm blocked here at work. Anyone care to put some choice quotes from his post.
How to deal with polarity enemies? If an enemy is fire, poison or ice you can keep your distance - but still attack in melee with a fierce attack (push LS and RS at the enemy simultaneously)
Lost? Look for clues in the environment, lights will pulsate in the direction you are supposed to head, doors will have animated lights around the frame of where you should go.
Charm system confusing? Equip the charm, then "complete" it by inserting the proper runes into it after you have accomplished the specific objective for that charm. Rare charms need common charms inserted into them rather than runes
Zefah said:Well I guess you don't enjoy going back to old areas after leveling up and getting new items and just obliterating the enemies that gave you trouble earlier in the game. I find it to be rather entertaining and I think a lot of people enjoy that part of RPGs and hack & slash games. I have always found level scaling to be really annoying. If the monsters are going to level up with you, then what is the point of even having levels?
I just find it really annoying and because Too Human utilizes such a system I think I will definitely be passing on it. If you enjoy games where all enemies stay relative in power with the player, then I'm sure you will have blast.
Wizman23 said:Has anyone actually gotten it yet? Still no call from the robot bitch it Gamestop![]()
Zefah said:Wait... so the monsters' levels scale with the player? a hack and slash game? Can anyone confirm this? If this is indeed true I am getting off the fence and never looking back.
Mifune said:Not to be the bastard or anything, but gamerscoreblog is a Microsoft website. So take anything they say as straight PR.
Yes, even though I gave the game only 100 minutes, Im appreciating and enjoying it. Its mid-August. I know the epics are coming this fall. Im happy to play something I know will be short. Its four days since I finished Braid, so Im happy to chase down that mentally stimulating game with something thats constant action. I consider Too Human to be the anti-Braid, a game that champions collecting and action over level design elegance and brain-teasers. The game is dessert.
Its a good week to be a cyber-Norse hunter/gatherer/barbarian. Im in a Too Human mood.
in his blog you can see his gamertag. level 40 character and 790pts of achievements.ringlord said:I doubt he'd put 50 hours into a game he didn't honestly enjoy, and I don't think he'd lie about putting 50 hours into a game.
I got it. I'm about to jump in and give it a go.Wizman23 said:Has anyone actually gotten it yet? Still no call from the robot bitch it Gamestop![]()
goldenpp72 said:anyone have any sales data for TH? Even anecdotal would be interesting.
_tetsuo_ said:YEEAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
goldenpp72 said:anyone have any sales data for TH? Even anecdotal would be interesting.
Nos_G said:Just played for 4 hours as a Bezerker. I'm having lots of fun with it. Hit me up for online phat lewts hunting.
Gamertag: Nos G
slasher_thrasher21 said:Damn... called a store that has it today but won't sell it till tomomrrow. Sons O' Bitches. :lol
funkmastergeneral said:my local gamecube hut is sold out
Thanks for posting the impressions/tips, very appreciated.CPaladino said:Assumed PR or not, please let the record show I wouldn't spend 50 hours with a game I didn't like.
I may (or may not) be in the minority here BUT - Too Human works for me much in the way Shadowrun worked for me, or Bourne Supremacy, Commanders, Conan, or any of the other "Metacritic be damned" games out there.
I think that if you dig that obsessive "loot gathering, skill tree using" gameplay, Too Human may be for you.
PS: In my 50 hrs. I've gotten one Epic (red) helmet - level 33, which saddens me a bit because by the time I get the rest of the set I'll be level 50.
Jtyettis said:Just saw the Xplay review they were pretty positive overall after playing it a couple of times they said. Overall storyline not perfect, but good enough to setup for a trilogy. Some issues with aiming and Diablo like boss battles. They ended up giving it a "very strong" 4 out 5.
If you played the demo and enjoyed it, you shouldn't be hesitant.mh56 said:hmm I originally was gonna pick this game up but due to shitty reviews, im a little hesistant...I just got a sexy are the loot drops when ur max level? Playing games like diablo 2 and monster hunter 2, I love getting sweet equips, but only if they look awesome
Yeah, level 44 (I think) Cybernetic Commando (slug-based cannons), and a level 30-something Berserker.p3tran said:in his blog you can see his gamertag. level 40 character and 790pts of achievements.
soon we will know..
mh56 said:hmm I originally was gonna pick this game up but due to shitty reviews, im a little hesistant...I just got a sexy are the loot drops when ur max level? Playing games like diablo 2 and monster hunter 2, I love getting sweet equips, but only if they look awesome
Eric WK said:![]()