Ok what is elite armor? I thought it was orange armor, and it also says 7 pieces, im so fucking confused :/
goldenpp72 said:Ok what is elite armor? I thought it was orange armor, and it also says 7 pieces, im so fucking confused :/
Zaraki_Kenpachi said:"They really need to shorten the death\revive scene =["
They really can't... They're hiding loading by doing that.
xxjuicesxx said:Me n Fin just played through Ice Forest and I was going for no death achievement I didn't get it but don't remember dieing. Only thing I can think of is failing a secret room and it took us out, could be considered a death? O well.
There's an achievement for obtaining a set? Trick that!Truelize said:The achievement is for an elite armour set? Dang I've been selling armour once I don't need it and I had three pieces for a set of elite/orange.
I'm thinking it's 7 pieces because each shoulder is considered a piece. A pair of shoulder pieces.
fin said:yeah that was fucking epic. The trolls were insane!
27 hours? Good god man! I'm only 16 hours in, but then again, I haven't given online co-op a go yet. I'm sure once I jump in on that they'll reach crazy heights. It's addictive enough doing soloJtyettis said:Haha, Sevenchaos and I just did the same and it took us 5 hours. Both hit level 40, constantly stopping to trade gear. 27 hours in. Sogood.gif
Grecco said:Thats some real long ass loading.
(and it freaking sucks) Im in the Ice Forest and ive seen it 10 times now![]()
Oh, you'll know when you've hit 100.Philthy said:It's about 10 seconds and its a good time to stretch the hands before you get back into the mix. I think i've died well over 100 times.
Philthy said:Honestly it has never bothered me. It's about 10 seconds and its a good time to stretch the hands before you get back into the mix. I think i've died well over 100 times.
Maybe playing Shadow of the Beast as a kid prepared me for this game.
Grecco said:Its close 30 seccond actually. If you die 100 times, its almost 50 minutes of wasted unskipable time. I guess it pads that "ending time" for gameplay.
DarkAngelYuna said:Hey, does anyone know how to tell when it's safe to save and quit without losing too much progress into a level? I saved far into level 2 earlier today and just went back to play it and I'm like 20+ minutes behind the spot I saved at then quit =\
Many other games take just as long... in something like Ninja Gaiden you just have to go through a load screen, or something like Diablo or World of Warcraft where you have to trek back through now empty areas to return to where you were, and often it's a long walk
if the death sequence bothers you so much, play better!
Grecco said:Err both of those games have alot more ways to regain your health as well. Be it orbs in NG or Pots, Bandages, Heals in Wow.
This wouldnt be an issue if the cinema was simply skipable.
Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!
p3tran said:you guys shouldnt be complaining about LOADING on too human.
it handles the loading stuff extremely well.
if the death sequence bothers you so much, play better! ;p
Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!
I cannot agree that loading is bad on too human, no.Grecco said:Yes if something is bad in the game it MUST be the players fault!
Mairu said:Can someone explain the charms to me? I'm kind of confused. I get that each one has an objective that you have to complete a certain amount of times... but then you insert runes into it? I completed one of them but I'm lost as to what doing that actually did
Yeah we just finished about 20 minutes ago. Decided to get through area three and that took about two hours. Gonna massacre area four tomorrow. We're both 43 now. Sadly we didn't find any epic pieces.Lebron said:27 hours? Good god man! I'm only 16 hours in, but then again, I haven't given online co-op a go yet. I'm sure once I jump in on that they'll reach crazy heights. It's addictive enough doing solo![]()
why'd you prefer SP?U K Narayan said:Just beat it at 15 hours. Pretty sweet!
I played a bit of co-op. To be honest, I prefer single player. Maybe I'll hop on it when I reach 50.
There's just nothing that grabs me about multiplayer, at the moment. Especially since the four-player mode was taken out.AgentOtaku said:why'd you prefer SP?
All the boss fights in this game suck.VaLiancY said:SK, I'm loving the game but don't you everPlease don't, it was a Hod type boss fight again.
U K Narayan said:All the boss fights in this game suck.
Yeah. Silicon Knights needs to take some notes for the sequels. I DO NOT want to have to fight bosses like this in the next games.AgentOtaku said:I've only done the first one as a defender thus far before restarting as a Champion, and yeah, I wasn't impressed =/
AgentOtaku said:I've only done the first one as a defender thus far before restarting as a Champion, and yeah, I wasn't impressed =/
mm04 said:For those who own the Prima guide, are you finding it useful at all? I'm thinking of picking one up for my nephew because he's a research freak when it comes to his games, especially rpg/action rpgs. He's the only kid (9 years old) I know that actually takes the time to read the manuals and guide books prior to playing a game. Is there enough info in there that he'd actually learn some good things from it? Plus it's selling for $13.59 on Amazon and I'm a Prime member. Seems like a pretty good price.