Just started a Bio Engineer...healing is fun...having to get used to mêlée combat instead of Commando is harder than I expected. Lack of AoE or Spider damage makes challenge rooms nearly impossible at low level.
Phthisis said:Laser damage +X%
Xenon said:I have never seen that.
MWS Natural said:On the commando tree is the only place I have seen laser +dmg.
I would so pounce on that(since I'm a Defender), but 10,000? Yeah, don't think I'll ever complete that one:lolfunkmastergeneral said:Would anyone like an epic charm that "there is a chance of converting damage done into health for the player" with killing 10,000 undead as the quest
funkmastergeneral said:Would anyone like an epic charm that "there is a chance of converting damage done into health for the player" with killing 10,000 undead as the quest
goldenpp72 said:I wouldnt mind it, do you want to give it away or you wanna trade?
dork said:Im enjoying this game, however I am stupid and am stuck.
Just finished killing the 2nd boss guy, now im in space and dont know where to go. I just keep teleporting in a circle I think.
edit- I think i found it
I also got some sort of awesome drop, because the music went on for like 15 seconds. Its a weapon craft of some sort.
I would assume you need more than 1 play through for doing 20 rune quests? because you cant get that many runes in a play through I wouldn't think.
Jtyettis said:Just got my fourth epic armor set piece off Grendel. So far all my set pieces have dropped off bosses. While I have heard others say they have gotten some of there epic amor set piece drops off other mobs I have yet to see it. I've got a ton of epics off trash mobs, but only the bosses so far for the armor set pieces. Perhaps the bosses give just a little more of a chance.
_tetsuo_ said:I've got that charm. Only 2000 kills more to go. It adds a point to all your skills too.
But ya, I got the 25% off usedgame coupon at gamestop and went up there. I have an edge card to so that would brb me to 35% but all I kept thinking was "I'm not going to play aything but too human anyway" lol. I ended up getting condemned 2 for my girlfriend.
?Zaraki_Kenpachi said:"Just started lvl 8 beserker here, I will say one thing about this game the Targeting is fucking awful otherwise it is pretty fun."
You know you can aim right?
yeah, that's the limit. It normally tells you the max % limit, and where you're currently at in the description.goldenpp72 said:I was wondering what 'capped' means, im trying to add loot bonuses to my stuff but it says capped next to it.. I assume it means there is a limit but how do I know?
goldenpp72 said:I dont see a loot stat though..![]()
Soroc said:Well I'm now 40 hours in and still no red armor or weapons have dropped for me. I did luck out though and got my bio engineer gun thats part of the 7 piece set in the weapons store.
Gunnlogi of the Græöari
Damage 272 (base) (hybrid rifle)
Hybrid Damage +10%
Hybrid Radius +10%
Mastery: Idunn's Boon +1
Thermal Induction Pulse +6%
Set Bonuses:
2: Mastery: Skuld's Embrace +1
4: Mastery: Wrack of Lightning Mine +1
6: Mastery: Ascent to Valhalla +1
7: Mastery: Bio-Engineer Skill Tree +1
Can't wait to get the rest of this set... Although its for the left most tree.... Seems the cybernetic set is for the right most tree. I use the middle tree so I don't think there is a set for my tree yet![]()
BenjaminBirdie said:In this instance what does it mean by "Mastery"?