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Yeah, big thanks to Seda! Stealing all of Andrex's hotpockets and sending them to you.
Yeah, big thanks to Seda! Stealing all of Andrex's hotpockets and sending them to you.
Funi got the rights to the original NGE/EoE?
i'm just trying to remember which Digimon movie disturbed the fuck out of me as a kid because it had a bunch of people lying on the ground like they were dead or something lol
That was the shitty 4Kids version. It's not what they'll be using.
There was a scene in the first season when the all returned to Earth and a large majority of the citizens where put in a "coma" for a while.
FRIES!I dunno man, "UNCUT" Naruto still uses the garbage American OP...
man....i was a dumb kid. Digimon is so much better than Pokemon.
Also Kaiba with that boss narration
I'm going to go find that scene now, just because I can.Yes, I own the first season.
Epsiode 35: Prophecy
New thread title:
Toonami |OT3| Happy Birthday! Let's Watch A Movie (NOTE: includes unrelated Digimon talk)
Luckily for all those people, they weren't raped
Or were they?
what happened when this dude showed up then?
ah that explains it
also why count they start one piece in the the middle. its a rag tag team of pirates searching for treasure. do we really need an origin story.
Oh, Apocalymon.He destroys the digital world, along with the Tags and Crests, then deletes the kids and the other digimon. Then they realize that they never needed them because it "was inside them all along." They digivolve, reconstruct themselves, then kick the guys ass. He tries to blow up the real world too, but the Digivices contain him in a box. Everything goes back to normal, the end.
so he's not the one who made everybody collapse or some shit?
Nope, Myotismon was "killed" and digivolved to VenomMyotismon and caused a fog that did it.
*walks into thread*
*walks out of thread*
AHA. that'd be the one. i knew it was some freaky looking giant monster. i got mixed up. when was that?
February 19, 2000, episode 39.
Episode 1 aired in the States on August 14, 1999.
^^^^^^ LMAO: Lycan, you and your Digimon. That's all you ever talk about. Hehe
Didn't realize how detail oriented one piece was. This news has inspired me to read the manga.
GMN said:anyways, back on topic. do you guys think TOM 5 looks a lot...simpler? maybe this redesign was so we can have a wider variety of animation for him?
No more Soul Eater?
Nah, keep it up with the Digimon talk.
No more Soul Eater?
Season 3 and 1 were the best.
also for someone who has watched all of soul eater where is a good spot to read the manga?
also season 3 of digimon is awesome and 4 is underrated!
I haven't read it, but I heard that it deviates afterthe first fight with Arachnophobia.
Yeah, his design looks intentionally less sleek. Will probably be related storywise.To answer GMN's question about TOM 5, I don't think he's simpler - I think he's more streamlined, but yet has more detail that TOM 3.5. He actually has some wear and tear on him if you look close enough.
Mature said:....What if the absolution is like a junker? Haha, that'd be kind of awesome.
Is there any video of the Steve Blum and Toonami panels up yet?