Kagura should take the chance to kill Muso since it would obviously hurt Naraku or something.
stick it up his ass!
stick it up his ass!
Kagura should take the chance to kill Muso since it would obviously hurt Naraku or something.
whoa whoa, youre going too fast for inuyasha characters, they need another 15 minutes (or more) to figure it out.
And about 3 characters stating it out loud in rapid succession.
I like how casual a conversation they are having. Can I just ask you something , enemy?
What happened to Muso?
Gone for good next week.
lol I was talking about the little lynx demon on Inuyasha.
Still applies.![]()
He's gonna make a bath for the demon.
You'll note pictures missing for FMA, IGPX, and Soul Eater... Internet issues ate a few of those, so... Yeah! I did capture a pic of the Soul Eater one (I rather liked it!) but I'll post that....
I couldn't do it. I barely stayed awake through Naruto, so I skipped out on One Piece and Soul Eater. Gonna have to catch up on those later...
I fell asleep sometime around Soul Eater's first commercial break, don't feel too bad.
Is IGPX almost done? That show consistently puts me to sleep. Something more exciting in that slot would go such a long way to me staying up the entire night more often.