Is murder really a requirement? Couldn't you just drip some blood from a cut or something over the sword?
Man , why do the humans of this era suck so much.
Man , why do the humans of this era suck so much.
Because the whole country is trying to murder and bathe in their blood.
You'd be a total douchenozzle too if you lived in that era. Every little thing can kill you.
Wait a sec. What if the demons want to kill all humans because they're douchenozzles? whatatweest.jpgFair enough, but I think the show could do better than show at most a handful of humans i wouldnt actually want all murdered and used in a blood bath.
Wait a sec. What if the demons want to kill all humans because they're douchenozzles? whatatweest.jpg
Fell asleep during Naruto. Miss my alarm for work. This morning is going great.![]()
I couldn't even make it to Naruto... felt like junk last night... At least my One Piece/Soul Eater recording worked (As well as the computer randomly deciding to record from 2 AM until I find out its still going at 10:30 AM...)
Watching One Piece right now...
Jeez you guys. That kinda sucks but to be fair, I'm not sure how long I would last if I wasn't PST.
Ha ha, i'm PST AND i get the eastern feed of CN on Directv. Don't know how you guy stay up so late every Saturday.
Yep me too. Love DirectTV
I think those who do manage to stay up (12-6am?) and even those who try deserve some applause. *applauds*
It dousnt help that I have to get up at 5:00am during the weekends for work.. ;__;Jeez you guys. That kinda sucks but to be fair, I'm not sure how long I would last if I wasn't PST.
I've had a bad couple weekends, energy wise, but I'm usually good until 2 AM. Gonna be interesting to see if I can stay awake through SAO.
It dousnt help that I have to get up at 5:00am during the weekends for work.. ;__;
I'm usually pretty good staying up for Toonami. But with the heat we've been getting. I'm just exhausted and dehydrated.
Folks, imma talk about The Thundercats 2011 for a second.
First off, this aint some anti toonami rant, or nothing against Demarco or his people working with him. He fuckin cool. Its like this though, if i ever get into the music biz i want him on my fucking corner. Thats that real shit.
All right, real shit now - fuck CN, fuck Bandai, fuck Warner Brothers Animation, fuck the fucking estate fuck everybody who fucked up this SLAM DUNK Of a series.
Dont blame the VA's. Blame the fucking writers, who got no balls outside of that Disney Dude and Peter Lawrence and that one other dude that wrote episode 24.
Fuck that motherfucking Kent motherfucker running Turner, THANK GOD Warner's fired his fucking ass. He was the motherfucker that hired Snyder- that punk ass.
I have much, much love for those that were fighting for the series - but you know what it aint the fuck enough anymore. There aint such a thing as a fucking industry anymore. Its all fucking marketplaces where you sell shit. Wasnt the fucking WHOLE FUCKING POINT of the Childrens TV Act of 1991 was to limit advertising because it has an "adverse" effect on Kids?
I wake up in the fucking morning and i see the reason why the media corrupt as shit - i got six hundred cooking shows, three hundred nature shows, more "making" in Hollywood shit - but because they have the fucking e/I sticker their ok by a Government who admitted they SNOOP on us? FUCK THAT SHIT! Japan dont do this shit. Germany dont do this shit. FUCKING SWEDEN stated they cant air Naruto (for example) during the early hours and none of Kids shows is aired for under 12 years old. FUCKING UK DONT DO THIS SHIT. Only this nation does.
And why, pray tell this deals with the Thundercats?
I dont GIVE a fuck how it was done, but explain to me - how Fox Kids and Kids WB, fuck me even The dead and fucking BURIED 4Kids get their shows ready to air every fucking week but Cartoon Network could give a rat ass about these action shows they aired.
You know what, you want comedy? fucking fine. Cancel Batman, Pokemon, all your fucking kids anime, Ben 10 etc, and just air your fucking hipster postmodern sardonic bullshit. America loves to laugh at its bullshit - give to them CN.
Now at the fucking writers (except the writers i mention) and a artist im not gonna mention here, but he knows who I be.
You writers all happy that you get to work on CG Batman?
You writers fucking ruined my fucking dreams.
Fuck, that dude thats said I was a part of his squad of weaklings? He never knew me, because we never met - and quite honestly - I dont trust no body with some 3 year old kid he got to impress.
All I ever was, was that dude you know - fucked up job, working, hustlin for his masters degree, debt - trying to make his name out there - and like dudes from the ad folks came up and said, "help us with the series" and i JUMPED because i wanted 4 legs and a biscuit instead of getting help from my folks eatin. I barely even pay my net and cell bills and i got no kids cause you see these c-heads out there SHIT, treating me like im Lion-O and they Cheetara but they fucking Tygra.
Fuck, all i wanted to be is a writer for the longest fucking time - im seeing JJ and Joss and i want what they got. I want to fucking tumblr getting gif (Pronounced JIF, thanks POTUS - now worry about Slate calling your boy Holder your inner n-word, which is what the fuck wajah) bombed, ComicCon getting ask all that shit and pissing off these stank dudes who havent taken a bath since the end of the second bush administration. I wanted to be THAT DUDE. BRO.
And then i hear shit like, Bandai didnt want to cannibalize sales or, one the writers wanted out cause he didnt like the direction, or Warners TV boss wanted more soap, or CN didnt like cats, or Lego made CN a offer that they couldnt refuse.
FUCK all that. That shit is all in the fucking past. I was tired of the excuses and now Im tired of the bullshit they pull. Look, I look at the TV Business too, thats why whenever Im posting where Ivysaur is posting, Im trying to learn from him. All I did was promote the series sort of like the same shit EA did with some of their games in Gaming Forum. That is my only fucking "crime".
But then again, its hard enough to get in to writing without getting shatted on by all my peeps, my brahs, my detractors.
All i wanted to do was to stop consuming and start producing. not baby mama dramas, fuck that high school bullshit. but dramas reaching the soul of the commonfolk. but these brahs acting some type of way and saying why you mad tho?
Im pissed because Warners dont know what it wants to be and who they want to fucking deal with. Its fucking Ironic why they didnt mention CN in any fucking PR lately? Because they realize that they be better off buidling bridges with Hasbro. CN can pretty much die in a fucking fire and Warners has STATED this via their PR. But still, fuck them - they been fucking tasteless with that shit with the Butler, and then with the Handling of Pacific Rim? I dont know what WBA wants, but im at the point saying, fuck it - fight a comic movie war between yall and Disney - i want no part of that shit. I care about three things in media , Star Trek, Thundercats, Toonami, fuck everything else. If its good its gravy, it aint fuck it and fuck who made it.
But these writers, yo. FUCK them. I had it with them. I had it with these pseudo wannibe JJ and Josses thinking they can go from TBS comedy to TNT drama - fuck yall mother fuckers for real. No wonder nobody fucking likes this show. The fuck you doing with this weak ass love story!? Weak ASS Mumm-RA!? Mumm-Ra should have been so Uber-Hax like Aizen he breaks the fucking walls by walking. For real. And you know what, until somebody like me or somebody who REALLY gives a fuck - I dont mean give a fuck and then try and impress your 3 year old son - Im talking about GAME changing shit that fucking goes on page 3 of NYT with Nate Silver type shit, fuck anybody trying to bring back the Thundercats, LET my memories and let my hopes and dreams REST IN PEACE, SON.
So you know, im done with that shit - i dont trust none of these companies to try and replicate what anime USED to do 10 -15 years ago, because 10 -15 years ago they were censoring the fuck out of anime, then tried to hardcore their own North American work and it never really fucking worked because we became so fucking Jaded, so fucking full of shit - folk started stealing shit and created Crunchyroll. THATS what happened.
We back in 1996. Crooked, False, Educational BULLSHIT, Dragon Ball Z back in Saban's hands...everybody thinking Fox Kids returned with Digimon coming back August some fucking whatever.
Like Demarco said, FUCK THESE VORTEXX FUCKERS. Toonami Saved DBZ, Sailor Moon, all these companies can go fly kites son. SAO going to be a hit for 14 good weeks and then Wall Street Journal, thinking they Tronfucius or Tron Burgandy going to say something smart - oh its only Asians watching this show. Some type of race baiting bullshit.
But thats what happens when everybody fighting for bullshit. I work so many dead end jobs just to live but im not going to stuck just living like some punk ass bitch who everybody in High School told me to take out there fucking trash for them like i was their fucking janitor and shit. Im not bitchmade. The writers outside of those i mentioned before for this series are BITCH made. The art director, BITCH made, for using one of the best animated studio's in the world like they fucking trash. Those in warners who didnt fight for this show, BITCHmade. Those that ended the show, BITCH THE FUCK MADE. Bandai can go with their "buddy" Saban and make Power Ranger toys forever, see who GIVES A FUCK.
As for me, see this advitar - my new one. Noire. Why? Sony has been there for me bad and good. So its whatever. Ill get my ps4 and see what they got planned.
Im done trying to convince comic whores that movies are fucking done in this country. Im done trying to convince people Crunchy is heading towards Spotify's reputation in the music business (bad and getting worse)
Im done trying to convince folks from the T-Cats fanbase that talking about the past isn't good enough.
Ima do my own shit - and maybe one day - when i got a whole bunch of stuff done, and we willing to talk - the Thundercats will be back in better hands ready to tell a much better story.
But until then, the dream is dead.
The Great Sword of Omens is Buried, under the tears of children of a fatherless homeland.