Another little girl? Maybe Shippo will have better luck getting laid with this one![]()
Wasn't the last one like 12 or dead or something?
Still better than Bleach.
This fucking episode. This fucking episode!!!!! Bleach has better fillers.
So the sword doesnt work, but you can punch it
I can't even
Another little girl? Maybe Shippo will have better luck getting laid with this one![]()
Anonymous Asked: With SARA back will it also be possible that we may see the clydes return too?
It’s possible…maybe….
Anonymous Asked: Nice new shot of the absolution mark 3 during the TOONAMI Intro with TOM & SARA. As the months go by will we get to see more new angles of the ship from outside and maybe see more of the ship inside?
Yes, absolutely!
gentleman-skeleton Asked: Having personally attended the Aniplex of America panel at Anime Boston, I can attest the Sword Art Online announcement was met with pretty major fanfare. Does providing the R1 distributor materials to announce a show is coming to Toonami themselves represent the future of announcements for you guys or was it a one-off thing?
Hm, hard to say! We’d like to see it happen more often, but we’ll just have to see.
4chanisbetter-than Asked: Dear Toonami Staff: As you can see I'm sending this before your Q&A session, but I'm also sending this before I head off to bed after another 6 hour challengeMy question is, do you guys host these in the morning because you're busy in the afternoon? I'd like to be able to participate in the Q&A's in real-time too, so could you perhaps host the next one in the afternoon? My sleep schedule thanks you!
We host these because we’re doing this on our day off, for free. So we have to do them when WE have time. Sorry!
jellybeandrinker Asked: hi umm would you guys any time in the near future open a submit button on the tumblr?? So fans can share their toonami stuff or just show off their love for toonami loving igpx and loving toonami dont stop bein awesome!
Sorry, we won’t be having a submit function on this tumblr. We’d love to do that, but we don’t want to open the doors to the many trolls who would surely try to ruin the fun for everyone else…
Anonymous Asked: So what is the perks of working on Toonami with Adult Swim?
It’s fun! We get to talk to amazing fans, review video games, pick shows… hard to complain about any of it!
Anonymous Asked: With the rights to the thundercats lost and titan taking a break there wont be any American cartoons on toonami for a while. Does that concern you and you think it be better to stick to Anime only?
It’s not ideal, but we’re confident we’ll have more American animation on Toonami again!
Anonymous Asked: Okay that igpx promo a while back was awesome but it had a tv-14 rating. Was that a lie that rating?
A “Lie"? What reason would we have to lie? That’s the rating we were told to give it when making the promo. We don’t have the time, inclination, or motivation to lie about anything.
Anonymous Asked: Since you guys are only going to air season 2 of big O do you think it will be a problem for anyone that hasent since the first season of big o? They are going to be lost.
We don’t like it, but we can’t get the rights to show Big O season one. We disagree people will be “lost," since season two of the show begins with a pretty clear break from Season one. But if people REALLY want to catch up… we’ve heard all of Season one is available to view on youtube…
Anonymous Asked: We haven't heard howard parker in a long time. Is he okay?
He’s fine! We only bring him out for special occasions. You’ll hear Howard again!
Anonymous Asked: With Toonami back action shows are more focused than ever, but what does this mean about other adult themed genres like mystery shows who, in the past, found its way onto AS?
It means you’ll see less of that type of show, sorry.
Anonymous Asked: If Sword Art Online does well overall in ratings is there a chance you and Aniplex may do more business?
Anonymous Asked: Someone is gonna ask this anyway so I figured I get it out the way. There is 1 or 2 minute tentacle scene in sword art online and some think its going turn away viewers. Do you agree that is stupid?
We aren’t worried about that scene turning away viewers, at all.
Anonymous Asked: Is the real reason you started one piece at episode 206 cause funimation only cares about dvd sales?
Uh, why? We don’t even understand what would make you think that. Anyway, the answer is no. We could have started wherever we wanted, but WE picked episode 206. And it’s worked out great so far!
This month’s Toonami Q&A starts… now! Send us your questions for the next couple of hours, we’ll answer as many as we can!
nuckles87 Asked: Why have you started announcing your shows months in advance? Announcing One Piece at your first panel makes sense, but why did you decide to reveal SAO so far in advance?
Why is it a problem? SAO was announced that far in advance because Aniplex asked us if they could announce. Of course we said yes!
Anonymous Asked: How come you guys like to review so many first person shooters? Can you please review some games that aren't fps?
We just did, last night. Pay attention, anon!
Anonymous Asked: Hey, how are the comics coming along that explain TOM 4, Sara's absence, etc coming along????
The comic is coming along. But we’ll be honest, it’s going very, very slowly. So it won’t be ready any time soon. It’s gotta be right!
Anonymous Asked: Anything that we can do for a Sym-Bionic Titan season 2?
Sorry, we think the writing’s on the wall, there…
Anonymous Asked: Will E7 repeat or will it be replaced?
Once Eureka 7 comes to an end, it will leave Toonami and it will not return, sadly.
Anonymous Asked: Will Thundercats continue streaming even though the rights are expiring? I remember you guys said that the rights to Durarara!! expired, but it's still streaming.
We have no idea, sorry. That’s not our department.
Anonymous Asked: Can you tell us if Sym-Bionic Titan did decently in ratings for Toonami?
Sym-bionic did just fine! It’s just ready for a break. It will definitely be back!
Anonymous Asked: Are u guys gonna do another movie night?
Anonymous Asked: Do you guys have any more surprises this year?
radiospringy Asked: Ten years ago, Toyfare published an article regarding the Zeta Gundam dub from Bandai, claiming that it was not going to just air in edited form on Cartoon Network, but again in uncut form on Adult Swim. Can you shed any light on why that never came to be?
Sure. That never happened because CN cancelled Mobile Suit Gundam due to low ratings. This of course lead Bandai to stop the Zeta dub, since it wasn’t clear they could get Zeta on American TV at that point!
Well, you don't get paid.Anonymous Asked: So what is the perks of working on Toonami with Adult Swim?
Its fun! We get to talk to amazing fans, review video games, pick shows hard to complain about any of it!
Anonymous Asked: What different designs were there for TOM 1, if you remember? Were there ever any designs that had him with a face? (You don't have to post a picture, you can just describe.)
There were not, actually! There were only about five or six designs, all told.
Anonymous Asked: Why do people want the "classics" back on Toonami if all they're going to do is complain about the lack of new content? Even worse when you guys announced that SAO was going to be part of Toonami, I heard that it apparently sucks hardcore (last time I checked, it was the Best Anime of 2012). I've practically come to the conclusion that Toonami fans--if not--anime fans will just complain the way Toonami currently is and no matter how hard you guys are working, they'll cry no matter what.
Well, SOME of them will for sure! But some of them are open minded, lovers of great action cartoons who just want to see what we bring them! Luckily, they vastly outnumber the first kind.
Anonymous Asked: Hey guys! If you don't mind me asking, what was your relationship with Joe Boyd Vigil like during the production of IGPX? I know I hear some of his work in that show. I could be wrong, but I thought he had left Cartoon Network by that point.
Joe wasnt working with us on IGPX. We dont think any of his music is in the show, but if it is, it was created well before the show came along and we would have used an older track.
Anonymous Asked: Uh, Is it just me or is actually hating on English Dub anime kinda redundant and destructive? Because apparently I'm "disabled" for liking Bleach in English better than Japanese. If it weren't for English dubbing, how the fuck would anime become so popular in the States then?
Nope, its not just you! We think hating dubbed anime is pretty silly.
Anonymous Asked: Can you guys skip the filler episodes of Bleach and Naruto?
Sorry, we dont believe in filler arcs" and we wont be skipping anything.
Posted: Sun June 30th, 2013 at 10:16am
Anonymous Asked: Sunny, the original voice of Tom, has expressed no disdain for Toonami for his replacement. But, out of curiosity, what inspired you guys to replace him with Blum after the Intruder? I know this question was asked before, but I couldn't find it in the archives, thanks!
We simply wanted to change the voice after The Intruder killed" the original TOM, thats all! It was nothing against Sonny, whos a wonderful guy.
Oh shit.Anonymous Asked: Can you guys skip the filler episodes of Bleach and Naruto?
Sorry, we dont believe in filler arcs" and we wont be skipping anything.
secondratesaint Asked: Have you all had a chance to watch any of Attack on Titan yet? if so, what do you think of it? Seems like a natural fit for Toonami!
We think everyone suggesting AOT should let the series finish before they tell us how certain they are that it’s a great fit…. just enjoy it for now and we’ll see!
toonfaithful53 Asked: Question for Jason! (And anybody else interested, i guess. haha) If IGPX were to be rereleased on DVD or BluRay one day, would any of the Toonami staff be willing to do commentary on ALL 26 episodes? I loved listening to Jason talk about this show, its pretty entertaining.
Thanks! We’d love to do that, if that were to ever happen. Fingers crossed!
snackster1001 Asked: Do you guys still get troll anons asking for Dbz?
Very rarely!
theawestruckkid Asked: With Sym-Bionic Titan and ThunderCats leaving the lineup soon, will we see any American animated shows added to the block within the upcoming year?
Sorry, we can’t talk about possible/future acquisitions here.
toonfaithful53 Asked: Alot of us Faithful miss those cool little stickers from VIZ Media and BANDAI that said "AS SEEN ON TOONAMI" (Or Cartoon Network, as FUNimation always wrote). Any chance those could return? If you wanted them, could you simply ask FUNimation or whom ever to do that or....? How does that process even work?
Those were based on deals those companies had with Cartoon Network at the time. Those deals are not in place currently. Sorry!
Anonymous Asked: O.K. Since i'm a huge fan of Metal Gear, can you promise me that you guys will review MGS5?
Not really, no. No promises! Maybe!
finchomatic Asked: Any plans to review any Nintendo titles soon?
The Wii U is hard to capture footage with, and only two of the Toonami crew own one, so it’s taking some time! We’re working on it.
boyaku-otaku Asked: What was behind the decision to air SAO after Soul Eater? Since it's a dub premier, I imagined it'd be in a much better position airing after the big 3. Is this purely based on Soul Eater's ratings or is it more involved than that?
It’s based on the fact that historically, the more stable our lineup has been, the better the ratings have been. We think this is because a stable lineup makes it easier to form habit tv watching. For this reason, we didn’t want to move any of our first four shows that are working so well, even for a premiere like SAO. That said, if it does really well, it might move up earlier!
Lots of cool stuff in these Q&A's I like the filler question/response