Dear lord that might be the worst opening of all timeI don't even know if 4kids are on this level.
On the bright side, we get this amazing German Opening, assuming it's real, I honestly can't quite wrap my head around it being real.
Dat face!
"Naughty" indeed.
This is a thing that exists?I don't even know if 4kids are on this level.
On the bright side, we get this amazing German Opening, assuming it's real, I honestly can't quite wrap my head around it being real.
Someone come here and slap me this medication is about to put me out and I want to stay up!
oh my god this is fantastic
Oh god that was horrible.
I had seen this before, but it's still hilarious.
That particular running gag is worth waiting for.Can't wait till the episode three weeks from now. The dub clips I've seen from it are so great.
Yeah that was amazing lolI'm still laughing at the face Luffy made after he got knocked out the ring lol.
That particular running gag is worth waiting for.
I still don't get why Robin doesn't just hold his ankles
Suffer like silvas face
Ok, now you've gone TOO FAR ANDREXThe OST for this show reminds me of DBGT in that it is also absolutely terrible. The 4kids rap was better than whatever tripe is playing in the background of most episodes of One Piece.
The OST for this show reminds me of DBGT'd dub score in that it is also absolutely terrible. The 4kids rap, nay, the GT rap was better than whatever tripe is playing in the background of most episodes of One Piece.
Get that man some abilifyCaptain Foxy really defines the term mood swings.
He should never post on the Internet.Foxy is easily manipulated.
Ok, now you've gone TOO FAR ANDREX