Dragon Ball Super 30-31
-Krillin's impressions LOL. Oh I guess this is mostly recap but that actually works for me because it's been three weeks. Oh I guess Uub is still canon.
-I definitely enjoy these low stakes laid-back episodes more than the DBZ ones. Babby Bulma! (who flies a spaceship). The boob jokes were kinda cringy, but could be a lot worse I guess.
Dragon Ball Z Kai: The Final Chapter 129-130
-I was not expecting to get an 18 boob squeeze, Yamcha ass, a Roshi fart, and a Piccolo I CAN WIN flashback all in one episode.
-I feel like the drama of this arc could actually be pretty decent if there were stronger limitations on what death means in this universe. Oh well. Also The Final Chapters soundtrack is so much better than the replacement Kai stuff.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders 4-5
-MASSACRE. It's definition? To kill.....everyone! I don't really like Avdol's voice. Is he supposed to sound, I dunno, dweebishy having a hard time saying anything? He sounds like it hurts to talk every time he speaks.
-Polnareff's voice seems pretty good to me (I have no idea what he sounds like in Japanese), and yeah having him spout the occasional French word is much preferred over doing an accent all the time. And I didn't realize Tony Oliver was the voice director here too (also the director for HxH)
Not watching Tokyo Ghoul
Hunter x Hunter 63-64
-Bisky is cool and I'm glad is competent. 'what's attrition mean?' fucking gon.
-I don't mind this training arc, but this bomber villain, I dunno. Hope he's just a small fry. Actually at this point I'm not sure why I should care about these other dudes, or I don't remember.
Lupin III 9-10
-Lupin seems actually incredibly competent and capable this episode. Oh wow this got really sad really fast,

-This second episode I feel like it could have been actually pretty good if it was longer than 20-some minutes. Everything kinda happens so rapid-fire and moves too quickly from one point to the next to really nail any emotional weight. Also, Goemon's voice doesn't seem to fit him. I know apparently his voice is new for the character, but even not knowing what any other Goemon sounds like, this sounds off, way too deep for one. Also this was full on Samurai slobbering perfection Kirito slicing up bullets all perfect-like
I'll catch Outlaw Star tomorrow.
Also, Thanks MetatronM for the schedule posts