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Top Gun 3 is happening!

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
I wish Tom Cruise would do something else besides Top Gun and Mission Impossible sequels ... Hollywood has been creatively bankrupt for a very long time and it seems there's no end to that decline in sight.

Unfortunately, he's a great actor who makes blockbuster movies, and the only movies that are blockbusters now are franchises.

In general, we're seeing more and more sequels because that's what people show up for. Hopefully people will one day enjoy a film for it's originality and then go look for more original ideas. But, as is, I can well imagine the payoff being "I want more originality! Can we get a sequel?"


Al Pachinko, Konami President
Sequel needs to be less nostalgic and more homo-y like the original.



Gold Member
Sequel needs to be less nostalgic and more homo-y like the original.
What the OG film understood is that, from the outside, it IS very "homo-y", but from the inside, these men have to rely on each other in lethal situations and that behavior isn't gay at all. Hollywood, with their derth of vets these days, doesn't really understand male bonding. We have a bazillion loner guys in films, very very few with good social support and platonic male relationships whilst being in a very hazardous job.

Days like these...

Have a Blessed Day
What the OG film understood is that, from the outside, it IS very "homo-y", but from the inside, these men have to rely on each other in lethal situations and that behavior isn't gay at all. Hollywood, with their derth of vets these days, doesn't really understand male bonding. We have a bazillion loner guys in films, very very few with good social support and platonic male relationships whilst being in a very hazardous job.
I was half joking ain't nothing gay about two jocks fucking.


Maverick on 4K Bluray is amazing 8K downsampled to 4K,Dolby Vision and the Atmos sounds incredible on my Nakamichi Dragon.


ידע זה כוח
In the first one there's an unexpected event that gives some gravitas to the story, makes it more real.

The second one, meh, it's all very predictable.
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