Umm, Pfeildorf is under siege and I tried to recruit units but it says local recruitment isn't allowed because military chain buildings are required. However, Pfeildorf itself has a level 3 Barracks. Is this a bug or am I missing something here?
Umm, Pfeildorf is under siege and I tried to recruit units but it says local recruitment isn't allowed because military chain buildings are required. However, Pfeildorf itself has a level 3 Barracks. Is this a bug or am I missing something here?
You can't recruit units while under siege I'm pretty sure.
How the hell are the Dwarven armies able to move so far each turn? They run around the map and I can't catch them at all with my armies and those bastards are always just staying barely out of my range.
How the hell are the Dwarven armies able to move so far each turn? They run around the map and I can't catch them at all with my armies and those bastards are always just staying barely out of my range.
Although, whenever greenskins or dwarves tunnel, they run the risk of triggering an interception fight on themselves if the tunneling path is anywhere near you, like half a marching turn away.Moving underground ignores overworld terrain penalties or obstacles, like river crossings or mountains. But in open terrain it will never match a good march. So human factions, Vampire Counts, and Chaos (I think) have a huge disadvantage in rough terrain.
Although, whenever greenskins or dwarves tunnel, they run the risk of triggering an interception fight on themselves if the tunneling path is anywhere near you, like half a marching turn away.
One time I was prepping a fight against Archeon who was sieging my allied vampires as greenskins, and when I tried to tunnel one of my two armies through a river, an underground interception fight triggered despite Archeon being half a screen away from the tunnel's destination.
the AI know exactly your movement range.
There are 2 ways to catch an army, the easiest is by using agents that can block armies that cuts their movements points so that you can eventually catch up; the hardest but most accessible is by using the ambush stance, when you enter ambush the AI will "forget" where your army is and move towards their target, if it discovers you it will try to flee but by that point it has probably wasted too many movement points to fully escape you.
I'm still in shock that GW has thrown out 30 years of lore because they didn't deem it financially viable.
I need to get this. Is there a mac client yet?
Just Windows and Linux so far
XCOM is turn-based while Total War series' gives you 20-40 units to control in real time.Is there any chances of this game come to consoles like xcom2 did?
Let's talk about balthasar gelt. T the lore implies he is using his fealty as a mask and he had his own secret amnitions. In WH lore does he ever betray the empire?
CA has confirmed that it is in February. CA will release Warhammer "old world" edition in february which will add the bretonians and this new physical edition will also have some kind of book.Does anyone know the release date of the Bretonnia FLC? IIRC it's pretty soon, no?
The next major faction will be released with the next stand alone game; acording to the datamine it will have high elves, dark elves and lizardmen. I'd also bet they will add skaven since they are enemies of the lizardmen and would be a nice faction to "combine" both the old world and the new world.So the data mined predictions are right so far, what's the next big race?
Not going to lie though, the old world is getting old as hell. Really hope some custom maps for grand campaign comes along.
No total war has been released on console. I bet the main reason is that total war uses a lot of CPU which consoles normally kinda "skip" on. In short there's probably no way this game on its current form will be released on current gen consoles.Is there any chances of this game come to consoles like xcom2 did?
Yes. In lore he eventually turns to serve Vlad von Carstein, and then gets killed (can't remember who kills him).
BTw, why does Vlad look so bad in the game? in the lore he was essentially suppossed to be Dracula, the archtypical vampire lord. But now he is more like a Zombie, and Mannfred looks like a barbarian wearing beast furs?
Looks like mannfried gets the kill.
Man.. warhammer lore is so cool
CA has confirmed that it is in February. CA will release Warhammer "old world" edition in february which will add the bretonians and this new physical edition will also have some kind of book.
(Keep in mind that the hero slot next to Wurrzag was the two Empire wizards. They haven't updated it.)
Ah damn, a bit further away than I'd hoped, but that's awesome. Looking forward to it.
Going to pick up all of the DLC in the Steam sale this week![]()
That's a good point. That and ambushes are some of the easiest to underestimate aspects of engagement. (Ambushes are seriously SO GOOD.)
Interceptions can work against the interceptor, though. They are always 1v1, which means no reinforcements for either side--and both sides fight to the last man. Like, there are occasions where a stack of enemies has intercepted my main army and been slaughtered... I mean, yeah, I have no idea why they proceed with the interception, but whatever; what's good is good.
I wonder if they'll drop some free DLC near Christmas or something. They have 4 to deploy before Bretonnia in Feb, which will make it pretty rapidfire compared to the previous release schedule, IIRC.
(Keep in mind that the hero slot next to Wurrzag was the two Empire wizards. They haven't updated it.)
I wonder if they'll drop some free DLC near Christmas or something. They have 4 to deploy before Bretonnia in Feb, which will make it pretty rapidfire compared to the previous release schedule, IIRC.
(Keep in mind that the hero slot next to Wurrzag was the two Empire wizards. They haven't updated it.)
Aren't these both the Empire wizards of Life and Shadow? And the 2 lore of magic are those. I don't think there's anything else coming up.
The only FLC confirmed before bretonnia is the dwarf LL called white dwarf which should be released in January (the codes for him expire in january).I wonder if they'll drop some free DLC near Christmas or something. They have 4 to deploy before Bretonnia in Feb, which will make it pretty rapidfire compared to the previous release schedule, IIRC.
(Keep in mind that the hero slot next to Wurrzag was the two Empire wizards. They haven't updated it.)
Currently the red duke command mousilion as an incomplete LL (available only in custom battles once you finish the WE mini-campaign) from my knowledge CA has never mentioned what content they will make after bretonia releases in feb so don't count on mousillion so readily. that said it really makes sense to have new subfactions for both empire and VC as such mousilion could be one of those factions.I think they said March for the RedDuke and mousillon?
Also, as the map indicates, I am currently working on exterminating the Wood Elves. The problem is, one of their cities has an absurd auotresolve result (full stack vs. like 12 defenders, 100% in favour of the Wood Elves) which is going to be a bother... Hoping they aren't all like that.
Aw man. As Empire, I confederated with Talabecland and got a cool unique lord, an Arch Lector, who was promptly wounded and now I can't re-recruit him. He's in office and everything, but unable to replace old or lead new armies. It's a bummer.
James Rodzinner pls.
Also, as the map indicates, I am currently working on exterminating the Wood Elves. The problem is, one of their cities has an absurd auotresolve result (full stack vs. like 12 defenders, 100% in favour of the Wood Elves) which is going to be a bother... Hoping they aren't all like that.
Wood Elves are the worst.
Once you take out their first wave of armies they're pretty defenseless. Sacking their cities sets them back too many turns, and they're never able to recover, even with all the AI boosts. It's just a matter of actually razing their settlements that takes a while. But that initial force is super intimidating and can be rebuilt, given time.
for the campaign:My first Total War Game ever, going to try to learn by using Dwarves first!
Any essential tips for this game?![]()
for the campaign:
- start in normal/easy (depending if you are a veteran on strategy games)
- Don't over-expand, take only provinces that are either easily defensible or have no immediate threats.
- build walls in every settlement
- "abuse" the army stances
- don't over commit to the quests
- don't ignore agents
- don't only use agents inside armies
For the battles (dwarf version)
- you have no "cavalry", so expect to be flanked
- if the enemy has no AP you can probably win easily
- gunpowder units need direct line of sight (which means they can't fire above your troops)
- you have the best ranged units and one of the highest armours, which means you always win the ranged combat as long as the enemy doesn't get to your quarrellers/rangers/thunderers, make sure they don't reach them, ever.
- your lords and LL are really strong, use them.
- artillery is not really meant to make causalities, instead it is to be used to make the enemy engage you where you want them to. That said it can also hurt/slow enemy elite units.
Awesome!thank you! I'll probably be back and ask some more questions, might shoot em in PM!
Ugh, just played 1 hour on grand campaign. 1 settlement taken, 1 razed. Got into a quest to survive ambush but seriously its retarded - how am I supposed to survive being attacked from all 4 sides? The behaviour of my army is also not OK, my lord just keeps running away and chasing stuff and getting himself killed. Not a fun first hour..
Awesome!thank you! I'll probably be back and ask some more questions, might shoot em in PM!
Ugh, just played 1 hour on grand campaign. 1 settlement taken, 1 razed. Got into a quest to survive ambush but seriously its retarded - how am I supposed to survive being attacked from all 4 sides? The behaviour of my army is also not OK, my lord just keeps running away and chasing stuff and getting himself killed. Not a fun first hour..
Did you immediately run off to do the ambush quest? It's best to build up your first army while defending your starting province. Don't head North until you have a full stack, and even then, you have to wtach for Greenskin armies tunneling under the mountains from the south.
You chose Franz and played through the tutorial right?
Note that you can teleport to all quest battles for a nominal gold fee. If it's out of the way take advantage of this. (You can find the teleport button in the quest's log, top right UI area. It is not mentioned anywhere else in the game, IIRC.)
And yeah, pay attention to the autoresolve results to give an idea of how you'll do in quest battles. You'll always want to have a full, 20-unit stack, because the fights are generally pretty tough. Also, they generally have a gimmick that helps you win--it can be special terrain, a multi-army battle, or a goal (like "kill the leader").
And regarding autoresolve, don't be afraid to use it on overwhelming victories--it is very player-friendly and will save you a lot of time overall.
Now... For that first Dwarven ambush battle, so long as you have a bunch of units it's a simple fight. Stay where you are, melee in front, quarrelers and artillery behind; let the enemy come to you, entangle their melee units with yours, and use extras to go West and East to get the reinforcements. Be ready for the large unit ambush from the rear, preferably with one melee unit and your lord.
Focus on breaking their morale by flanking (attacking from behind or the sides) or focused fire--Greenskins have terrible leadership, routing easily.
Edit: Oh, one more thing. Mount Gunbad, Northeast-ish of where Dwarves start, is incredibly valuable to your economy, so try to get it when you can. Though, don't fight your fellow Dwarves, just confederate with them via diplomacy; non-aggression packs, alliances, and trading will all help you get there, along with monetary gifts. They will only confederate when on the brink of destruction, generally that's when all of their armies have been destroyed, so be ready.