I manage to get the amber by wiping out estalia, tilea, parravon and crocked moon. .
Nice, but how on earth did you manage that? =P
I manage to get the amber by wiping out estalia, tilea, parravon and crocked moon. .
What I usually do (starting as Leonceur) is blitz the Skulltakers. You can beat them on turn 2 with your starting stack and raze their settlement. That handles the Greenskin incursions. Then I sit back and play defensive for a while, making buddies with Lyonesse and Artois. If I can get military alliances from them I make a second stack of mostly peasant troops (hold the good stuff back to guard against Marienburg) and start doing some expeditions against Mousillon.
Ideally you want to research the tech that lets you confederate with Artois and Lyonesse ASAP. That'll give you the income and peasant surplus you need to start going on the offensive against Marienburg, the Beastmen/Wood Elves, or anyone else you feel like fighting.
Also fighting the Norscans is pretty easy money early on, if you just stick to raiding and sacking the closest areas.
I think my army is something like: durthu, branchwraith(hero), 7 glade guard, 2 tree kin, 6 small trees, 4 wild ryders. I'm not sure of the numbers but the units were those.Sändersson;231283577 said:Nice, but how on earth did you manage that? =P
I tried playing Bretonia, I couldn't get dissent down, it was -20 from everything wtf
Get the tree to level 3 to get the ability to confederate other WE factions.
I manage to get the amber by wiping out estalia, tilea, parravon and crocked moon. Estalia and tilea are great targets at the beginning of the game because they don't have allies.
I don't know what is the best strategy when co-oping with empire, however i would wipe crocked moon and karak norn, then either aid the empire player to get to akendorf and then press against GS/Dwarfs or go after norzca.
Leave the dwarves alone. They are just trying to reclaim their landsyeah, I got the tree to level 3, confederated with everyone and now we took over all of Bretonnia and are preparing for Chaos. We still need to take/destroy 40 more settlements and need about twice our army sizes for the win cons, so I'll guess we have to go after the dwarfs/orcs next
I just got this is the Humble Monthly bundle. Was a bit apprehensive cos I'm more interested in historical stuff (although I like Warhammer but more 40K) but I had to get it at that price. I own every single TW game except Rome II and Napoleon so you could say I'm a veteran of the series, although I'm terrible at it. How does this stack up to recent ones like Attila?
Is there a mod that will let me scale the UI past 100%? I'm playing from the couch and would love a way to make it bigger other than running the whole game at 1600x900.
There's a UI scaler built in. Are you saying you've got it maxed and it's sitll not enough?
I am absolutely addicted to this game. Installed it on first march and already have 47 hours clocked![]()
That happens at the start. You need to be careful when you send your army out at the start of the campaign.
Not sure if the new patch changed anything, but on Very Hard you really have to be planning ahead for any successful confederations, regardless of faction. You need to be both VERY friendly with them (allied, etc) and have an extreme military advantage over them (generally meaning, their armies have been annihilated for some reason) to have any chance at confederation. It's really difficult, andbribesgifts are required. On this difficulty, it's much, much easier to just conquer them vs. confederating.
On lower difficulties confederation requirements much more reasonable, but not nearly as necessary. It's weird.
Diplomacy is a little obscure in TW
iirc some dev said that it's easier to confederate if you're not a defensive or military ally
go figure
Do you have the DLC?
I'm not sure you can confederate (and play ad) Belegar if you don't
I don't have the DLC that lets you select Belegar's campaign, no. Shit. I bet that's it.
Edit: felt a bit gamey, but I was able to take the province I needed by rushing my longtime ally kins' fortress with two stacks, breaking aaaall the treaties and feeling very ashamed, then peacing out with them afterwards all in the same turn.
whats the point of this betonnia faction? It just isn't fun to play. Lots of stupid mechanics for the sake of being different. You can't field large armies even when you control lots of provinces due to shitty income generation and peasant mechanics.
stupid allies don't even attack your target and good luck trying to kill that undead guy.
The game is 50% off on Steam, all DLC except Wood Elves is 25% off.
What's worth getting? I heard the Chaos Warrior DLC is garbage.
when AI hero spam gets out of hand
You can tell it's really old because it's the Greenskins dominating.
When AI army spam gets out of control. This is the very worst I've ever seen it.
(from several months ago)
You can tell it's really old because it's the Greenskins dominating.
Giants are utterly dominant barring specific countermeasures like Luminarchs or Steam Tanks. That Ork subfaction that starts with a giant is crazy easy to overperform with.I've been running some AI vs AI custom battles lately and one thing I noticed is that giants overperform consistently. They really seem to counter pretty much anything you throw at them
also, the goblin army I made is the reigning and undefeated champion, suprisingly
Giants are utterly dominant barring specific countermeasures like Luminarchs or Steam Tanks. That Ork subfaction that starts with a giant is crazy easy to overperform with.
Giants are utterly dominant barring specific countermeasures like Luminarchs or Steam Tanks. That Ork subfaction that starts with a giant is crazy easy to overperform with.
I usually focus fire them with archers/artillery. I can break their morale before they get into melee a lot of the time.
tried empire campaign again and by turn 30 every time I pushed out to expand I would have beastmen razing my cities. Have I just been unlucky here? a new tribe was popping up every 5 turns.
You can do it with more basic armor-piercing archers and artillery, but then the rest of the enemy line slams into you totally fresh because if you're doing that you're not wearing down their Chosen or Boyz or what have you.
There's a countdown out there for the announcement of the second Total War: Warhammer game on March 31: https://comingsoon.totalwar.com
This looks a lot like a jungle and an Aztec-like temple. If true, this will mean Lustria and the Lizardmen with the other factions probably being Skaven, Dark Elves, and High Elves. It's pretty much what most of us expect, but it's interesting to see how CA is going to execute it.
I'd expect them to buff up the naval features and combat so Lizardmen actually end up getting involved in the Old World's shenanigans.
If it really is Lustria it's very likely. CA has already said that Game 2 will have 4 factions in it, and the four that would be clustered around Lustria would be Lizardmen, Skaven, Dark Elves, and High Elves. Besides, the Elves are among the sexiest factions, so it'd make a lot of sense to put them into the next game. And with them, it would provide a good reason to focus more on naval movement and maybe combat.How likely is it that the High Elves will make it in? That's really the only race I am dying to play.
How likely is it that the High Elves will make it in? That's really the only race I am dying to play.