Anyone feel like doing a few rounds of Windshredder? Need one more armour piece and the sword from him.
Rad, I'll make a room called GAF, pass 123I'm good to go.
Rad, I'll make a room called GAF, pass 123
Edit: Just realised I need to do a few online quests first, you okay with that?
Heh didn't realise Windshredder is available right from where the demo quests ended, should be good to jump right in!Sure that's fine. Wait for me.
Sure isLooks like I'm not going to work or moving my car anytime
That means I will just have to play toukiden all day!
Any room left in that lobby? I'll join in.
Sure is![]()
Got an error... I think only the room maker should accept and start quests, seems to happen otherwise :/Ok cool gimme a few minutes and I'll be on. It the server set to all or English?
Edit: Ok i made one GAF 1234.
Anybody else coming? 2 slots open.
Got an error... I think only the room maker should accept and start quests, seems to happen otherwise :/
Sure, made one with the same name and pass if anyone else wants to join!Yeah that seems to be the case. Make one and pick the missions you wanna play.
Hmmm. Sorry guys, my internet connection broke down a while ago. Must have overheated since I haven't turned it off once.
I WANT IN ON THIS. Just got home from my one and only class. No other obligations for 7.5 hours, Fuck homework, let's roll.
F5'ing thread waiting for one of you to tell me you're in the lobby.
Just finished a quest nowI WANT IN ON THIS. Just got home from my one and only class. No other obligations for 7.5 hours, Fuck homework, let's roll.
F5'ing thread waiting for one of you to tell me you're in the lobby.
Having a ton of issues with online play. Network errors, people dropping, etc. I have port forwarding on for both PS3 and PS4 and I wonder if there are some conflicts for Vita in that regard and it is causing me issues.
.......beginners that are still on chapter 1 has no business joining you guys, huh.
Aw man, is that so? Oh well, I wouldn't mind replaying and helping other people reach up to higher quest levels. (Only on the second set myself atm)I wish it was like Monster Hunter where you can still join regardless as long as you were the same Hunter Rank (and we're still technically on low rank), but this game works differently. The available quests are limited to the lowest member of the party.
It's the little things like this that make me smile. I couldn't agree more. No need to sell, no need to buy to keep earning money. And that's just inventory management! Loving every second of my experience with this game so far.Wooooooooooooooooohooooooooooooo!!!!!!!
It feels SO GOOD to do a mission and not have to sell shit!
I love this game
I wish it was like Monster Hunter where you can still join regardless as long as you were the same Hunter Rank (and we're still technically on low rank), but this game works differently. The available quests are limited to the lowest member of the party.
Nope I unlocked chapter 3 already Haha. Easy if you just do key quests.Not really. Otherwise me and Himiko wouldn't be able to fight Pyroteryx.
Not really. Otherwise me and Himiko wouldn't be able to fight Pyroteryx.
Nope I unlocked chapter 3 already Haha. Easy if you just do key quests.
Neither have I, online missions and story mission progression is separate.But I haven't even fought him yet in the story missions.
Neither have I, online missions and story mission progression is separate.
I'm trying to come back in, but the room isn't showing up. Did everyone leave, by chance?
Lol, I left mine to join yours.
Doh >.<
Just join the one you left we are all in here.
Edit: Host pick a mission, seems to bug out if someone else does at the moment.
Ah, I didn't know that. I've only played with one friend thus far and we traded back and forth just fine. I'll make sure to do that from now on.
I have a ton of problems unless my Vita is running under the router's DMZ.
Also guys: 5:02 Jollux with all parts break? Hell yeah <3.
I'd like to battle the flaming bird again.![]()
Oh shit Terragrinder eh? My body is ready.