Sorry I didn't help. I didn't realize how close to done you were and I was planning on doing it today when I got home from class. But you've already finished, so great job.
Here's the stream clip from twitch, youtube upload coming soon:
Edit: youtube version:
Is the item limit still a problem in the full game? I constantly have to sell stuff after misions, only to realize I needed that stuff for new weapons or armor... I know it's higher than 30 in the full game but is it unlimited/very high or will you still have a full inventory after a while?
IIRC The max is around 999 but you do have to complete the blacksmith guy's quest in order to expand your item storage.
Is the item limit still a problem in the full game? I constantly have to sell stuff after misions, only to realize I needed that stuff for new weapons or armor... I know it's higher than 30 in the full game but is it unlimited/very high or will you still have a full inventory after a while?
There's a 'medal' for expanding your storage. If storage will still be a problem in the full game, I recommend making a list. It has helped me tremendously with inventory management.
Good to hear. That will take a while to fill up I guess.
PSN: tjokeboke
Character: Za Warudo
I mainly use gauntlets atm.
This game really reminds me of Soul sacrifice in its style but its much better then SS.
When playing in MP is there any difference in the missions or its the same ones?
PSN: Deep_Chord
Char: Sakura
Weapon: Dual Knife
europe release is 3days after the US release, so I'll have to catch up a bit at first
PSN : do_you_even_pose
Character: Diavolo
Heh, love that PSN ID![]()
Cheers, lol.
Just started using the spear and can't work out how to throw it.
I can only do the leap up and crash down move.
The spear throw is its special triangle + O move.
That's weird I tried that and he still just does the slam.
Edit never mind I just realised its the ultimate attack.
Does anyone know the lobby limit? I'm guessing four.
It may be like Monster Hunter in that you need specific parts before a piece shows up in the store. You might need to kill the boss a few more times, breaking all parts, before it shows.How do you create the stygian weapons? I finished all the missions in the demo, yet I only see the 2nd tier and fire weapons. Its weird since I got the full stygian armor set a while ago.
It may be like Monster Hunter in that you need specific parts before a piece shows up in the store. You might need to kill the boss a few more times, breaking all parts, before it shows.
I think you have to do the quest related to the blacksmith to unlock them.