
Genre: Fantabulous Loop de loop, wall riding, booster, big air, drifting, community driven, custom track creating, replay sharing, movie making, leaderboard obsession arcade racing
Platform: PC
Release Date: September 14th, 2011
Price: 20e/20l~/25$
I debated not making a snarky Q&A for this OT. It's the next installment in the best arcade racing series of the past decade. End of. That's all you need to know. Buy it.
You praise this game pretty highly, what does this game do differently from other
A built-in track editor with which you can create your own tracks? Huge loops? Instant restarts? Half-pipes? Wall-rides? Big jumps? Built in movie maker with which you can make amazing videos like this classic?
It's just an all around unique racing experience. There's no car collision, it's simply you against the track, trying to get the fastest time possible.
No car collision? How can I be a turn 1 warrior if I can't rear end someone? Did you just interrupt me?
The tracks in Trackmania often require a certain amount of precision. It's almost like Platforming with cars. Having people bump into you, ruining your run, especially after a particularly tricky section would be frustrating to no end. Trackmania is very pure in that it's just you against the track, I like to think this leads to a more friendly community in multiplayer as well.
What's the single player like, then?
The single player is almost exactly the same as the multiplayer, it's just you against the track, with optional ghosts on Tracks made in-house by Nadeo. You practice a few runs on a track, and after 5 minutes you will be allowed to make an official run. Your timing on the official run places you on the leaderboard and uploads a ghost for anyone to download and race against themselves. If you manage to get a medal by beating specific times, you will earn a certain amount of Planets, depending on how good of a medal you got.
What else can you do with Planets?
There's a huge community focus with Trackmania. It's all about players creating things for players and players interacting with players. Trackmania is very mod friendly. You can create your own custom car skin in-game. You can also import your own custom car models for that extra bit of personalization. Thus, there's also built in support for players to "buy" models and skins with Planets.
One thing that's also popular in Multiplayer are servers that have custom skins on them with random drawings and race betting to award Planets.
I've heard enough! Where can I buy?
It's available only from the official website and ubi-soft store.

Playing with other NeoGAFfers
There is a NeoGAF Group that you can join by going to the Profile menu. The Username is NeoGAF and the password is believe.
Joining a group will let you keep track of other gaffers on the leaderboards and make it easy for us to compare times and download ghosts of other gaffers. Join!
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