CBA going through this thread (am drunk).
Is this worth buying?
Guess that stuff is just broken. That sucks, makes the ranking system much less interesting.
How is this game? Just got $40 on PSN and this looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
Downloading the demo, but don't be able to play for an hour. Just want to hear some quick impressions.
How is this game? Just got $40 on PSN and this looks like a hell of a lot of fun.
Downloading the demo, but don't be able to play for an hour. Just want to hear some quick impressions.
It's very annoying that the ranking is broken. I am no. 1 in Denmark according to the stats and I'm not even halfway through the game (have 10 trackmaster, 50 gold etc) so must be someone who is further in the game than me.
Have heard of many who is ranking no 1 in UK at the same time also![]()
Did you do this in game? It's the thing that's annoying me the most in the game. Hearing 30 seconds of a song gets old real quick.
Didn't know this was possible. Very cool!
I'm using Google Play Music through Plex DLNA through the Media Player app on the PS4.
Plex can do Google Play Music? Didn't know that, that's cool. Do you need Plex Premium for that?
Does it still say that for you? Mine says I'm #1, have even restarted the game. I never saw it drop to #2 at all.
On PC it seems like tm2 is a better buy?
No, you can use the free version. You just need to install a custom Google Play Music channel from the Plex forums. I can write up a guide later tonight after I'm done with Easter shit.
Says I'm 3rd in Sweden in-game, what are the chances of top 3 in Sweden being on Gaf? I think it's sort of brokenMaybe different rankings per platform maybe, you both on Playstation?
Also, says I'm 1018:th on the website, as it's not updating my stats at all...![]()
Yeah, I'd say so. If you're going to be building courses, TM2 is actually designed around a mouse so it's superior there. You also get crazy mods, player-owned servers and the replay editor.
Turbo's worth a buy on PC to get a look at the Lagoon environment before it's moved to TM2. Turbo also has a far better UI, especially for controllers, and I like the silly aesthetic differences in the environmental design.
Cool! How does that even work? Does it somehow scrape your GMusic library and create a DLNA library from it? Do I need to give it my Google password? Not sure about that, if so.
Exactly that. With Google 2-step you use an app-specific password, so it doesn't have your actual Google password. Still a risk to be sure, but the code is open.
Just learned you can spin or do flips in the beginning with the "nascar" to get turbo
Never knew that! This game is something else, i have always been pretty good at tricky time trial games, i have several top 200 times over all the games, best i ever got was 11th on an evo track, im up to race 65 and this is kicking my arse.
Just learned you can spin or do flips in the beginning with the "nascar" to get turbo
What does it mean when I try and play online and it says
"The connection to the Trackmania Servers failed, please try again later"
Is it down for everyone on xbox or just me?
edit, rebooted my xbox, seems to be working now.
#66 is such a bastard
You can tell before you join by the symbol on the right. I think it's red for stint, black for normal. Maybe the other way round...Fuck any and all servers who allow the stunt mode. I hate it.
I also don't like Valley at all, car controls like shit on dirt.
Kind of feel the same, although valley is finally growing on me (only took until red series...)Campaign mode is annoying though, only want to play drift and stadium, but have to trudge through damned Dirt Valley and Lagoon...
You can tell before you join by the symbol on the right. I think it's red for stint, black for normal. Maybe the other way round...
There are a couple of other modes too but they are rare
Campaign mode is annoying though, only want to play drift and stadium, but have to trudge through damned Dirt Valley and Lagoon... can 'cheat' by using Jokers to get all Golds :V
Just replqy a stage a couple pfmtimes earning a time equivalent of bronze and silver and ull get the jokerAm I correct in saying that you would need to achieve all Silvers to do this?
Just replqy a stage a couple pfmtimes earning a time equivalent of bronze and silver and ull get the joker
Cant remember sad to say :xWill securing enough bronze net me a gold joker, or do I have to get multiple silver qualifications?
Give u a gold or silver medal for that stage even if u didnt achieve the goal time to earn the medalWhat does the joker do?
omg yes, I just finally got gold on that track and came here to post the same!
I wish the UI would show you the gold times after you get a silver, or a time delta so you can know how far away you are from it. If I'm close I might retry, but if I barely scraped the silver I'd just settle. Right now you have no idea
What do u mean by analog steering?Does the game have analogue steering or can you use the dpad? Finding the beetle type car on the dirt tracks so difficult to keep in a straight line - even tiny taps make a big change