I'm up to chapter VI now. Every chapter so far has been so varied, gameplay-wise, and exciting as hell.
Single Player was fucking awesome, so varied as others have said, and the set pieces are just incredible. Best Transformers game of all time, so MUCH fan service. Would probably be my GOTY...
...if they hadnt so fucked with multiplayer and ruined any sense of balance. Leader/Striker class is so pointless its not even funny (why does Titan get the weapon shield and not Optimus class?) while Scientist has been way too overpowered. Netcode feels far worse, and combat as a whole feels less snappy. Worse still, the multiplayer features none of the innovations from the single player, no grapple hooks, no Cassetticons, no DinoBot or Bruticus melee class. None of it, all while taking out killstreak perks which is what enhanced the pace of the originals match-flow.
You can really tell where the focus went this time around, for better or worse.
Scatterblaster damage increased to 15 per pellet from 12 Those who got early access to the demo know the scatter blaster started off as a beastly weapon, we overshot our correction and were hopeful we've found the right setting.
Fireblast upgrade burn damage increased from 15 per second to 20 per second The reduction in pellet damage was not being offset enough by the fire damage, so weve upped the fire damage a bit, each shot will do an extra 10 fire damage.
EMP Intercooler upgrade now changes the grenade recharge to 10 seconds instead of 7.5 We know its super fun to run around throwing emp grenades willy-nilly, but it was too much. Besides, you can get the Intercooler pickup and still go crazy.
Gear Shredder homing increased This weapon is showing up as the weakest of the scientist weapons and we think the best way to improve it is to increase its homing function.
Sentry Damage increased from 8 to 10 per shot The sentry was not quite giving the offensive boost we were hoping for, this should help.
Reduce the Thermo Rocket Cannon damage from 300 to 250 - The Destroyer was showing up as the most powerful class by a small margin and we think the Thermo Rocket Cannon is a big reason.
Chaos Rift Combuster Damage and Damage Radius significantly increased You should be doing closer to 300 damage if you manage to hit a guy with both the initial blast and a cluster bomb. Hopefully this make the Combuster a better option.
Barrier Cooldown increased from 7 to 10 seconds 7 was too fast, it was practically always available
Harvester damage reduced from 20 to 17 This combination of damage output and healing was too much, were preserving the healing functionality and reducing damage.
EDK Techvolt damage increased to 140 from 115 The beams look cool, but it needed a little more bite.
Flak Shield can absorb 500 damage instead of 666 The flak shield was showing up as clearly being a better choice than whirlwind so were slightly reducing its power.
I just started the game and I have one complaint, isnt optimus prime supposed to be bigger than most of the other transformers??? He seems to be the same size as the average transformers aside from bumblebee
They're tweaking some stuff.
See, Destroyer was OP! Barely.
Buffs to Scientist, nerfs to Destroyer. I feel like they must be taking crazy pills. Fundamental stuff needed to be swapped around to make any sense.
I feel like Destroyer should have been given the Sentries, and or the solid shield the titan enjoys. Playing as the other 3 classes is great and has its own gameplay where as Destroyer just seems really quite barren of play styles (truck mode moves way too slowly).
The DLC is asshole-tastically priced as well. The Ultra Magnus vehicle mode looks totally fucking awesome, but I'm in no way going to pay £7.50 for that privilege, they must be insane.
I just started the game and I have one complaint, isnt optimus prime supposed to be bigger than most of the other transformers??? He seems to be the same size as the average transformers aside from bumblebee
Leveled up both Destroyer and Titan in multiplayer. Started off with Destroyer which I enjoyed playing as a lot, than moved to Titan who I didn't enjoy nearly as much. Very slow character (obviously) but didn't really feel he was that powerful to compensate or it, especially compared to the Destroyer. I'm moving on to Infiltrator now, probably going to be my weakness. I prefer to dive into to battle than sneak around. He's bloody fast though. I'm saving Scientist till last though. He was the one I leveled up in the demo and one I really enjoyed playing as.
I am missing certain stuff from the original's multi though. The grenades, truck barge/secondary vehicle move and the perks for getting kill streaks. So while I'm enjoying the multiplayer, it seems a step back in many regards to the originals, which I just loved.
So my copy arrived on Monday and I really enjoyed the single player campaign, outside of the abrupt ending and a few other minor things. Playing the multiplayer portion today, it's not as great as WFC's, but it has it's most of the new customization is nice. I will try Escalation later, but first I'm trying to clear of the MP achievements...most (outside of the leveling/Prime mode) I've managed, though the Capture the Flag one is ridiculous.
Anyone have any tips for that one? or would teaming up be the best option?(if so, I'm willing to team-up with a group on XBLA to do so)
I have a friend selling me his copy this Thursday and I have one question concerning multiplayer. Does it have an online pass?
So I finally got to what I imagine is the final chapter, and the game just doesn't want me to finish it. Three times my 360 locked up after a checkpoint (different ones each time). Makes it kind of difficult to get through a chapter when I keep having to do parts over.![]()
VICTOLY! Finally got through the final chapter after my fight with sporadic freezing. Definitely really satisfying! When I looked at the achievement list for the first time - I held off to avoid any spoilers - I can see there's a lot of little things there were ones tied to. I'll have to play through it again and see if I can rack more of 'em. Does the game let you pick specific chapters to replay ala WFC? I haven't tried to go in and scour the menus at all.and the mano-e-mano fight between Prime and Megatron at the end where you can pick who to fight as was awesome
My only complaint isn't really so much a complaint as something that made me roll my eyes.It's only adding insult to injury that he's paid DLC to use in multiplayer; hell, it sucks that any/all of the DLC characters aren't usable in escalation.WTF at them making my boy Snarl the one Dinobot who was punked by Shockwave and left a lame duck during his only appearances.
I think you can spot Soundwave and Laserbeak spying on you in one of the Optimus chapters, and Soundwave is in that transformation like he was in the first episode of the G1 series.
Within 20kish. I got it when I was done hunting for all the audio tapes, which for me was very shortly (like two stages), after getting the achievement for all the upgrades.I've bought all weapons/upgrades etc so I must be close?
Any tips for the classes? I feel so weak.
Within 20kish. I got it when I was done hunting for all the audio tapes, which for me was very shortly (like two stages), after getting the achievement for all the upgrades.
Problem with this game, say, compared to the last one, is that all the good perks and shit here unlock at the later levels. The people who have been playing longer DO have a definite advantage, and not just in map knowledge or mechanics practice. For the purposes of this list, low level is 1 to 10, mid level is 10 to 18, high level is 19 to 25. This split is because low level unlocks the basic set of crap, mid level unlocks the final weapon and the medium level perks, and high level is where you get all the final perks.
I'll break this down the best I can.
Low Level: Scatter Blaster and Path Blaster are the only weapons you have access to. Scatter has recently been buffed. If you asked me a few days ago about it, I'd say path blaster outclasses it by a huge margin. However, not so much any more. You are stuck with cloak at this point so the best range to engage in is short, from the flank, and using the scatter. Try to rip the slower classes in half before they can turn around. Or medium-long with the path blaster, preferably not head on (use a height advantage or something), and use controlled rate of fire, since without the second perk that assists the bloom cooldown, you will miss 3/4s of your shots at range.
Mid level: You now have EMP and the SMG. Combined these are fucking monsters. EMP doesn't last long at all (maybe a couple seconds, but throw it and mix up your direction (say, throw, watch it pop, then backdash the other way), and when the guy is shooting blindly just chew them up with the SMG. Profit all day long. At 15 you get the sniper. Sniper is a bit of a trick with the charge mechanic, but I prefer it to path blaster. More damage for more range, but you lose out on the medium-long niche fill. Luckily you can haul ass as this class and close or increase the distance, so no big loss.
High level: You now have the EMP speed booster perk (second perk), which gives you about 3 seconds of better footspeed if you EMP a guy. Absolutely hilarious and I recommend it. You can flank a guy and shove so many bullets up his ass that he'll think his cornhole was involved in a drive by. Cloak I don't find useful at this level. EMP seems to outclass it. Cloak is useful if you snipe more than do short range though. Your call. If you use cloak, use the length of time boost. The level 3 perk for staying cloaked for an extra second after opening fire is useless in practice. The SMG level 3 perk for reduced spread increases it's useful range slightly, but I prefer the ammo perk (level 2) so I can shit as many bullets as possible down range before having to stop.
Low Level: Riot Cannon and Thermo Rockets. Rockets have a hell of a kick but take a while to reload. Good as a secondary if you can't kill them with the riot, since the riot reload is about 40 years long and you get so little ammo. Truck mode moves like a upside-down bison skating on syrup, and missiles are awesome. Use it at medium range to pop light classes or surprise heavies from the side. In a straight fight you will not necessarily outclass other weapons and you run the risk of the vehicle lock on counters. Use the barrier. Each perk for it has uses.
Mid level: Timed Det cannon. Takes a lot of getting used to but great infiltrator harassment tool. Pretty good kick, kinda slow though. Perk for faster shooting Riot Cannon is ok, goes through ammo quick but can seriously fuck a dude up in no time. Perk for faster reload on Thermo is THE BEST. Shit will recycle real quick. Stick with Barrier, hover gets you murdered. Fourth weapon is....ok. Cluster bombs hard to use consistently well. Does a lot of damage IF you can hit with all of them. Likely you will not do so on the lighter classes and the heavier ones will counter fast enough that you'll just eat it. Pass.
High level: One way barrier is funny, generally causes others to retreat. Can be used to cover your own escape if needed too. Riot cannon level 20 perk is a monster. No reason to use anything other than that as your primary. Fourth shot just makes bitches go up.
Low level: This class sucks at low level. Scrapmaker is powerful but as as accurate as farting into the wind. despite the slow, large, threatening profile, you will lose to infiltrators all the fucking time. Tank shell doesn't do the splash damage it should considering it's huge animation or powerful kafoom noise. In fact, for a while, tank will be your only range attack. Use it to break up fights your team is having when you're not there. Try to target players who you have seen their shield go down or other idiot whirlwinding titans. Harvester is some bullshit if you can get over the lag inconsistency. Heal plus huge damage. They nerfed it slightly but it's still some shenanigans. Combine it with the melee attack for some face crunching.
Mid level: Teckvolt is something my friend swears by but I can't find a use for. He uses it to harass infilitrators and scientists, because you can chain it to scientist turrets and sort of dong on them that way. When you get the shield at 10, replace whirlwind with it. You can use it (preferably with the second perk to increase footspeed) to close the distance so you can scrapmaker some assholes in half. scrapmaker gets ammo buff at this range. It's useful but neither here nor there. Slimer cannon is cool, scares the shit out of small classes, goop 'em and swap to scrapmaker and rip 'em in half. Or goop vehicles to prevent their boost and then when they are panicing and shitting their robo-pants you go tank mode to finish 'em.
High level: Scrapmaker gets accuracy perk at 20. Totally changes the class. Now you can fight at medium range and shit on all the people who have been shitting on you for the last 20 levels. It is seriously key. Slime gooper still best with goop explosion radius perk (level 1). Shield gets perk that restores health for some reason. It's fantastic, use that. If someone has the upper hand/flanks you, whip out shield while turning and they will heal you of whatever surprise damage they got on you. Then when they reload like morons eat them with the more accurate scrapmaker.
Low Level: Neutron Assault and Orbital Pistol, both AMAZING. Neutron is useful at short ALL THE WAY UP to medium-long ranges, has good ammo, has good accuracy, has good damage. If you flank someone, or want to fight at LONG range for a bit, use the orbital pistol. The armour debuff it gives is huge. Hell, if you flank some asshole, double tap him, drop his armour, switch to neutron and by the time he turns around you've already fucked him in the ass so hard that his mother will feel it. Plane is a huge advantage for mobility. Use it all the time. Hit and run. Launch one missile and then fuck right off and try to land behind them. Do NOT do what you see idiots doing, which is derp shoot missile, wobble in place a bit, then shoot another missile. You will get gang fucked. Don't even bother. Heal is super useful, Find a heavy class and heal them. As a mobility guy, your map control job will be huge. Try to be the guy who controls the cube/ammo pickups and the TECH items.
Mid level: Gear shredder. Homing buff is a big deal, does good damage after charge, great for corridors. However, loud as hell and easy to dash dodge, you'll have to see if you like it. I don't use it might. You also get turret and photon burst here. Photon burst is fantastic. Long range gun to end long range guns. even useful in medium. Stick with the level 2 perk for more ammo. Turret is not that powerful but hilarious because players will stop what they're fucking doing and shoot at it. It blows when you die. Use it for harassment and mind games.
High level: Stick with Photon burst level 2, the ammo thing. The faster shooting seems awesome but it chews ammo too quick and at range you'll want more control anyway. Neutron or orbital makes a good secondary. Neutron recoilless perk level 3 is fantastic, don't have to fine aim it any more at medium to short range. Stick with burst for anything longer. Turret damage buff does just enough to make people reconsider a defensive position you may have holed up, or cause them to focus on the turret so you can shoot them in the nuts. remember to hit and run, and use plane speed to your advantage. Some maps let you fly over/under certain obstacles so use it to shake missiles or line of sight if you're at the disadvantage.
General Tips:
Abuse the SHIT out of dash. All classes. If you're against someone who uses slow projectiles who needs to lead them (gear shredder, thermo rockets, riot cannon) do not be afraid to forward or back dash as a mix up to get your opponent to overshoot. Some take forever to reload and then you can punch the guy out and shit on his chest.
Killstreaks being pickups now implies a greater level of map control. Learn the recharger, buff zone, and intercooler locations. Learn their respawn rates and incorporate paths to them in your map movement routines. This is especially important for denying enemies access to these as much as it is using them yourself. If you can, burn one and pick up another just to deny the access to the other team.
And most importantly, smile while you push the shit in to the other players with your 8 foot robo-penis.
tl;dr - This is how you play.doc
Problem with this game, say, compared to the last one, is that all the good perks and shit here unlock at the later levels. The people who have been playing longer DO have a definite advantage, and not just in map knowledge or mechanics practice. For the purposes of this list, low level is 1 to 10, mid level is 10 to 18, high level is 19 to 25. This split is because low level unlocks the basic set of crap, mid level unlocks the final weapon and the medium level perks, and high level is where you get all the final perks.
No, but the PC version has some bugs. The level with Cliffjumper for example had a part where you had to rush out of the door and apparently the game couldn't load it. So you just fall down, without endAnyone playing on PC getting a choppy framerate? I have a GTX 680 and somehow get framedrops in certain big action sequences. Thought that was impossible on a DX9 UE3 game. Other than that, it's the best Transformers game I've ever played. Pretty big step up from the last one IMO. It's a shame more people won't play this game. They really stepped it up.
Yup. Pretty weird though.I am missing something or do you have to use the mouse in the PC version to buy stuff from the store. I have it set to controller in the options.