the androgyne
Star Saber has me so excited i made a photoshop of him coloured:

MP Ultra Magnus just looks like it needs a bit more detail via some creative paint applications. Such large blank spots kinda stand out an a larger figure.
Robots in Disguises creative team includes kids programming vets Jeff Kline (Transformers Prime) as executive producer; producer Adam Beechen (The Adventures of Chuck and Friends); and Steven Melching, a writer on Star Wars: The Clone Wars, who will serve as the shows story editor.
Show takes place years after Transformers Prime, when Bumblebee is summoned to save Earth from a new faction of Decepticons and assembles a rogue team of young Autobots that includes a rebel bad boy bot, an elite guard cadet, a bombastic Dinobot and hyperactive Mini-Con to capture their new enemies.
Each new bot is a fully capable action hero but inexperienced in working together in a team, forcing Bumblebee to become both squad leader and coach, Hasbro said.
Eh, it's alright (Well, maybe aside from that Go-Bot looking chump with the wheels on the right). It's just a hand drawn version of the style they went with in Prime, and it's at least more restrained than Animated (And that was my favorite series ever, despite the wacky art)God damn that art is hideous.
Now that is the true crime here.also I'm pissed they are reusing RiD, that already is a show subtitle damn it.
I don't think it's been posted yet, but the sequel to Transformers Prime has a name (Robots in Disguise) and a date now (spring 2015).
Polygon Pictures, the studio that animated TF Prime, is apparently involved in the animation of this new show.
Kurtzman and Orci would seem to be out of the picture.
The Red that Knockout?
So, I haven't owned a Transformers figure since Beast Wars was a thing, so I recently have been buying some for old times sake.
I've got these so far;
(AoE) Scorn
(AoE) Slash
Target ver. Silver Knight Optimus and Grimlock
Construct Bots Grimlock, Strafe, Predaking
Gonna track down Voyager Grimlock this week, hopefully, and I'll grab Strafe and Slug. Waiting on Slog and Snarl to come out. Also for that Generations Shark Transformer; I had one just like it a decade ago.
I saw the regular "deluxe" Strafe in the store today and could only shake my head.
You shouldn't, because he's actually a pretty good figure. Transformation is overly simple but he looks great in robot mode and pterosaur mode, plus his wingspan is properly huge. Easily the best of the initial five AoE Dinobots.
The only dinobots i would be interested in are the G1 deco set for sdcc. Those don't look bad. I hate their robot modes but have to admit who is going to keep them in robot mode anyways.
Ordered YotH Prime. I've always wanted MP prime, and even though I'm not the biggest fan of the colors its much better than paying out the ass right now. It'll look good right next to my MP Grimlock.
What are some other really awesome MPs? I'm thinking of getting Soundwave and pre-ordering Bumblebee.I would LOVE Rodimus and Starscream but their lots of $$ now![]()
Also, where should I start with Transorfmers comics(trades/omnis)
Rodimus is terrible, easily the worst MP, with Megatron the second worst, so you're not missing anything there. Soundwave is a good call, but I'd say Wheeljack is the better upcoming MP (not a fan of Bumblebee's backpack). You should also pick up one of each of the other two MP car molds, as they're very cool pieces of design work (Lambo: Sideswipe & Red Alert, Nissan: Prowl, Bluestreak & Smokescreen). Prowl and Sideswipe have US releases coming up if you want to avoid import prices. Grimlock is also worth it if you can find one that isn't in scalper hands.
I've got them all in robot mode currently. They look quite nice together with the various colors and the "barbarian knight" aesthetic.
I remember the night I walked in to TRU and saw the fresh display of probably a dozen Grimlock MPs back in 2010. Kicking myself for only buying the one.
Rodimus is terrible, easily the worst MP, with Megatron the second worst, so you're not missing anything there. Soundwave is a good call, but I'd say Wheeljack is the better upcoming MP (not a fan of Bumblebee's backpack). You should also pick up one of each of the other two MP car molds, as they're very cool pieces of design work (Lambo: Sideswipe & Red Alert, Nissan: Prowl, Bluestreak & Smokescreen). Prowl and Sideswipe have US releases coming up if you want to avoid import prices. Grimlock is also worth it if you can find one that isn't in scalper hands.
Start with Last Stand of the Wreckers, and from there go to More Than Meets The Eye Vol 1, which sets up the situation for the two ongoings. After that you can keep going on MTMTE or you can also delve into Robots in Disguise, which is concurrent with MTMTE with a separate story. It's not as good as MTMTE, IMO, but it's still a decent political thriller with some cool moments.
If you want more backstory before jumping in on MTMTE and RID, pick up the TPB for Chaos Theory, mainly for issues #22 and #23 contained in it. The story told in those issues will add a lot of depth to something that happens/is revealed in MTMTE.
Looks like a cross of Dinozaurs and Dino Riders.But he's coming back, though his name is now Slog.
Bayformers robot modes are just so...ugh...and they are DINObots. The Snarl one in G1 deco in that SDCC set looks really really good in chrome.
found a pic
I miss Sludge![]()
Several Bayformers robot modes are great, and in fact one of the few good parts of AoE was the Dinobots standing together in their robot modes like ancient mech sentinels of some Miyazaki movie that was never made. And my G1 Dinobots are all in robot mode on the shelf, too. As are MP Grimlock and FoC Grimlock. They are dinoBOTS.Bayformers robot modes are just so...ugh...and they are DINObots.
Awesome thanks!
How much do you think the US releases of Prowl and Sideswipe will be?
Need more Deception MP's, that aren't recolored jets or teeny tiny cassettes. Too many autobots
The latest issue of More than meets the eye is nothing short of brilliant, I feel bad for the poor saps who endure Bayformers movies to get their TF fix, when they could indulge in some of the best story and characterization in a medium with this series.
Everyone trying to give Rodimus options to prevent his future death was hilarious, ESPECIALLY WHEN MEGATRON WEIGHED IN HIS OPINION
Easiest way to know is the price you paid for it. A KO will usually go for about 35-40$ for those, while the official ones around 60+
Also if you bought from a Chinese vendor for a low price, higher chance of KO. KO quality can be not bad really, biggest differences are usually in the paint.