Im always the evil shaman on levels where they can't really help much but have powers anyways :lolMetroid Killer said:Somehow I became the evil shaman
Im always the evil shaman on levels where they can't really help much but have powers anyways :lolMetroid Killer said:Somehow I became the evil shaman
I'm gonna have to practice that in a room alone, if I ever want to learn it properly. Also, I still suck at Shaman.lsslave said:Here is a video (in french :/ ) of a guy showing how its done
English instructions (I just tried it)
Press UP and the direction AWAY from the wall to jump, then hold over to RUN INTO THE WALL, rinse/repeat.
Its really easy once you figure that out
Haha, awesome. ⊙ω⊙DieH@rd said:
You've just now found us? Everyone must be mistaking it for the Transformers thread, I should totally jack their images and shop mice on them. >_>Xabora said:Holy crap, theres a gaf thread on this. :lol
Everyone is rushing it!
No, I was playing with the SA Peeps for the past week or so. :lolPlywood said:You've just now found us? Everyone must be mistaking it for the Transformers thread, I should totally jack their images and shop mice on them. >_>
Zyzyxxz said:is anyone else is playing?
Add me: zyzyxxz
Seriously, if I wasn't subscribed to him I would've never known.MNC said:And all because of Daedalus. Is there *anything* he can't do ;D
Chris Remo said:GAF Transformice has become way too competent and efficient. It's not as hilarious anymore![]()
OgTheClever said:New items are coming soon according to their Twitter!
We have encountered some problems with the new system, thus we're going back to the old version. It'll be fixed soon (hopefully !)
No, they mean hats and stuff, but I'd expect that new maps will be added as time goes on. I don't even think the game is a fortnight old yet so it's still very early days.Mikey Jr. said:I hope by items they mean maps.
We need recruits!Teetris said:Started /room gaf in server 2 because 1 is full. Come join us.
Sn4ke_911 said:GO GO!
come on GAF, join the fun. We need MOAR mice!!
monocromo said:where are you playing..?