i will elaborate myself. ESPN's franchise mode is useless and almost 100% pure garbage. here's why:
- Trades are ridiculous. I have seen the following trades happen at various times:
* Brett Favre for Michael Strahan
* Ricky Williams for Ty Law
* Charlie Garner for Keyshawn Johnson
i've also seen some other weird ass trades/cuts happen but i can't remember them all. it's ridiculous. you also can't turn off CPU trading.
another bug i found (this was mentioned at OS and i tried it out for myself) is that if you are simming the game of a defense who runs a 3-4 (for instance, pittsburgh steelers), the computer stat tracking system will treat them as a team who runs a 4-3. what i mean by that is lets say you have 4 linebackers, joe, john, bob and marty. well, if you sim the game, only joe john and bob will have registered stats. it will be as if that team was running a 4-3, and marty was riding the pine. wtf
then there's the clipping bug. lets say i get an 80 yard touchdown run, but it is called back for clipping. if i go to my rushing stats, i will have 1 rush for minus 80 yards. lol...
this game is an awesome game, but sometimes i have to wonder what kind of effort VC is putting into the little things about the game. how could this get past QA? we've only played this game for 3 days and we already have a huge list of bugs that should have been ironed out MONTHS ago. early release or not this isn't acceptable. they need to patch this shit up pronto