I'll set up another custom
lol did you ever get past that last night?
If I look at my friends list in trials, 'NeoGAF Trials' says it doesn't have the game?
Yeah this too. When there is a very steep decline (like rollercoaster for example) it's better to stay in neutral.
Gowans u have a 48 hr code or something? I wanna participate in some GAF ridin. I would b grateful ^_^.
I'll set up another custom
Live silver members could get trimmed as its for multi invites only.So I guess I was too late to the party to be added? Says the NEOGAF TRIALS gamertag is full.
Some great GAF races tonight, can't believe on the last one 3 of us got joint last to toythatkills huge 1st place.
So I guess I was too late to the party to be added? Says the NEOGAF TRIALS gamertag is full.
2 faults 7:36 on gigatrack. Woo.
I just removed the account from my friends list cause I'm not interested in MP very much. See if you can join now.
There seems to be some confusion here. The Neogaf Trials gamertag is for leaderboards competition, although if people want to use it for mp I guess that's fine. But maybe someone should create a Neogaf MP Trials gamertag instead?
Gigatrack is really fun. Some challenging parts but not overly frustrating. Beautiful to look at as well.
Agreed. 12 faults and a 10 minute time on my first run of it probably swayed my opinion. I saw someone on Gaf with 78 faults on that. I felt so sorry for them.
Feeling really stupid about this. When you race a ghost (friend, leaderboard person, whoever) in singleplayer, are you supposed to see their actual ghost? All I get is the floating dot/gamertag.
Thx for the tips but i didnt want to give it a medium difficulty because of the pretty easy first part..but i know what you mean and ill certainly be more lenient with checkpoints in the future! Im already working on a new map hope to have that done tomorrow. Thx for the good advice!Someone beat your time, and no, unfortunately it wasn't me (I'm currently #5, 0.166 seconds behind MMaRsu).
A couple of friendly pointers to MMARsu (for when he makes new tracks):
- Be more liberal with checkpoints, as it's always annoying to redo large parts of the track again (especially true when you are learning the track)
- Some of the obstacles towards the end are more difficult than the Easy difficulty you gave the track. The track difficulty should reflect the most difficult obstacles in the track. Basically, going for an "Easy" track? Don't make any obstacles that are harder than "Easy" then.
That out of the way, keep'em coming.![]()
So just started up the demo... how the hell do you play this game? Can someone give me a summary of tips on how to land jumps, which way I should be leaning to go faster, etc?
Doesnt the tutorial show you these things?
So just started up the demo... how the hell do you play this game? Can someone give me a summary of tips on how to land jumps, which way I should be leaning to go faster, etc?
Nah that is all you get, is a dot.
I feel like ghosts would have been cool looking, but it would have probably been extremely distracting.
Falling Down is my ace track so far. #712 atm (#674 moments ago).
Some great GAF races tonight, can't believe on the last one 3 of us got joint last to toythatkills huge 1st place.
Is it just me or do the bikes feel a lot more ''floaty'' than in Trials HD?
In Trials HD I felt I had precise control of the bike when shifting the rider's weight forward and backwards using the Left Stick. Now it feels as though any slight nudge forward or backwards equates to this long, slow arch in the bike's movement.
Played the trial and now I really want the game now. Can't purchase it at the moment though.![]()
I've noticed this as well (played the shit out of Trials HD and have all the DLC) but I've just played a bit and have yet to unlock the decent bikes, so maybe that's why.
It's definitelt different imo, but maybe they've just upped how much of an influence each bike's weight has?