Fuck sorry man but I really didnt enjoy this track. There are plenty of mistakes so far to be honest with you. There are no driving lines to be spotted as far as I saw, and that is basically you want to put in that right away..
Then there are way too many moments when it's not clear on where you are going. Let's not talk about the jump you have to make onto the overpass, the fucking stairs with the pipe on it, and the building after that which totally obscures your view.
Don't get me wrong there is a lot of good in this track also, and I think that if you changed some of these elements just slightly it will flow much better and still feel like a good hard track, it just doesnt feel very fair to me right now. You can check out my replay lol.... Although I did press the BACK button once out of frustration, and on that run I already had over a 100 faults...
Keep working man, you've got some good ideas man

At least I cleared it, I just pushed myself through it.. because hey at least you'll be able to see my replay
