The 4th game in the Trials series is finally upon us. the success of Trials HD on the Xbox 360 launched developer RedLynx into the forefront as a respected development studio. Their sequel and 3rd installment in the Trials series was very well received with features such as multiplayer and an online marketplace where players could freely share custom made trials tracks. After being acquired by Ubisoft, Redlynx hopes to bring please audiences with their 4th instalment in the Trials series, Trials Fusion.
This is the first outing on next-gen systems (and day 1 PC release), and it is planned to be the definitive next-gen Trials experience. It can be updated thoroughly after the game has been released, and thanks to user generated tracks, it will have a long life similar to that of Minecraft.

- 60 tracks on day one
- 1000+ parts to work with in the track creator
- Local single screen multiplayer
- Track Editor & Sharing
- Leaderboards
- Skill Games
- Visual customizations for bikes and riders

- ATVs are brand new to the game. It is a heavier machine to use, and it also controls with 4-wheel drive!
- Bicycles that were featured in the Evolution DLC are now here on Day 1
- Tricks are a brand new addition! They are controlled with the right analog stick, and sound very similar to the trick system in the Skate series. The direction of the stick will control where you character will be in correspondence to the bike. It is all physics based, so the movement of your player will affect the handling and position of the bike. There will be a practice mode that will keep you permanently airborne where you can practice tricks.
- Progression of user-generated tracks will count towards your overall character level
- 4 square kilometres are open for users to create tracks in
- A futuristic, high-tech setting, 150 years in the future!
- Every track has 3 easter eggs hidden in the level
- "Trials Frontier cross-platform interactions" (What exactly this will do is unclear)
- Dynamic Leaderboards tournaments
- On top of the regular medals for speed/faults, each track has challenges such as "Do 10 backflips" or "Find the secret penguin cave"

Ride on - Trials Fusion Trailer [UK]
Trials Fusion | FMX Tricks Gameplay Trailer | PS4
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Introduction [US]
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Peer Pressure [US]
Trials Fusion | NOT APPROVED by Officer Ray -- Pullin' Tricks [US]
Digital Spy
inc gamers

Venture Beat - 90/100
TheSixthAxis - 9/10
Videogamer - 9/10
Saving Content - 4/5
Joystiq - 4/5
Gamespot - 8/10
CVG - 8/10
Edge - 8/10
Eurogamer - 8/10
Polygon - 6.5/10

Why is Trials $40 this time around?
Redlynx and Ubisoft have decided to bundle the season pass this time around with all physical releases, as well as a with the digital version. If you just want the core game, it will available digitally only for $20.
Why no PS3 version?
While the PS4 is much more developer friendly, the PS3 was not. Redlynx is already jumping from 1 platform release to 4, and they decided it the extra development resources the PS3 would take was not worth the time.
What's the resolution/FPS?
1080p is confirmed for the PS4.
Why is there no online multiplayer this time around?
Redlynx looked at the stats for Trials Evolution online multiplayer and found it wasn't very popular. As a result they decided not to include the features. There is still local multiplaye however, and Redlynx has states that a "completely new type of online multiplayer mode" will be coming to the game post-launch.
How many DLC packs are there?
There will be a total of 6 released that are included in the season pass.


It's finally here! Next-gen trials! Now with the social features of next-gen system I hope the community will become even better. Post screenshots, share your best replays or stream!
I'll be streaming the game and answering any questions midnight EST: http://www.twitch.tv/kowaku