Why are bees a meme? lol
I blame Buzzfeed.
Why are bees a meme? lol
if 14 million humans were in a truck crash and tons of them were put down by firefighters, would this thread be so full of crass jokes? #thinkaboutit
Came in for this.
On the bright side, I found out I could buy one thousand bees for like $6.57
Agreed, some of these puns are a pollen.
I cringed.
I read the title as beers...almost cried.
This truck accident has only been made worse with the addition of yet more bees!
Bee memes aside, this actually saddens me since honeybees have already had it bad enough with their population.
Driver fined $550 for second-degree negligent driving. The state Department of Transportation is billing his insurer $6,400 for the costs of traffic control and crews needed to clear the highway.