Arrogant Bastard
It has been said a thousand times, because the shit isn't going to do anything to them at all.Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
It has been said a thousand times, because the shit isn't going to do anything to them at all.Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
I already have a place reserved in Albania, but I'll let you know.I am taking in one american refugee.
Who here wants to be the lucky one.
I am also willing to do marital arrangements.
Boy, imagine Trump's acceptance speech.
Have you seen Revenge of the Sith?
I agree that Trump is wrong about wanting to racially profile a group of people. This doesn't change the reality that Israel, according to the USA article, has decreased terrorism in Israel due to their strategies.
It has been said a thousand times, because the shit isn't going to do anything to them at all.
Not at first it won't.It has been said a thousand times, because the shit isn't going to do anything to them at all.
Not at first it won't.
But if you piss off the government you might found to be a muslim or at least a supporter of muslims and find yourself in the same camp.
It is impossible to respect Trump supporters and on the whole they are more dangerous to this country than any terrorist attack.
Applause from all thosewhite supremacists
These are two scenarios I'd hope for if I was american.
Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
I'll just profile your supporters Trump. You know the ones. No education, gun hoarder, 0 respect to women. I'm more scared of these people than I am of ISIS.
Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
Even if he loses, I shudder to think of Trump sticking around and people following his opinions.
If anyone's a "cancer from within", it's this guy and his hateful views spreading and attracting supporters.
Some have learned from History, but there is some group that either dont care about knowing History, and never draw parallels between them and Historical events, Or worst they know exactly History and thats what they want, "Make America great Again" can have different meaning to different people.
Boy, imagine Trump's acceptance speech.
I still firmly believe that no matter what this man says, congress wont pass any of it unless its already part of the republican doctrine. The republicans will be looking for reelection and I assume theyll need more than the core base to reach that.
On top of that, I figure Trump will have a decentralized government similar to Trudeau where as its more or less his cabinet getting things done and he takes the role of a (albeit shitty and orange) figurehead.
These are two scenarios I'd hope for if I was american.
I'm done. If Trump wins, I leave this country.
I tend to think of it as a perversion of democracy, but looking back on the early 20th century would suggest otherwise.I'm not sure if a literal fascist being close to voted into power is a failure of democracy or its natural conclusion.
I used to disagree with "history repeats itself" but nah this is as blatant as it gets
In the grand scheme of things, that seems pretty fucking secondary compared to the concrete reality of having in power the guy who said these things in OP.I wonder what would happen to Neogaf if Trump wins.
Next up, internment camps.
How can Trump supporters be so fucking stupid? Haven't we learned anything from history?
This is cancer from within. This is something thats going to be so tough. They stay together. Theyre plotting.
Adolf fuckin Hitler said:For us, this is not a problem you can turn a blind eye to-one to be solved by small concessions. For us, it is a problem of whether our nation can ever recover its health, whether the Jewish spirit can ever really be eradicated. Don't be misled into thinking you can fight a disease without killing the carrier, without destroying the bacillus. Don't think you can fight racial tuberculosis without taking care to rid the nation of the carrier of that racial tuberculosis. This Jewish contamination will not subside, this poisoning of the nation will not end, until the carrier himself, the Jew, has been banished from our midst.
This is exactly what Hitler said about the Jews. Exactly. I know people usually get shit for comparing anybody to Hitler, but this is incontestable.
Congrats, You're no better than TrumpIf we ban white males the country will be safer.
Thats the point. They are showing how absurd it sounds lol.Congrats, You're no better than Trump
Ask Trump, he's the one saying they can be identified and profiled.Is there a Muslim race?
Fuck. Even Anne Frank's stepsiste, Eva Schloss, compared Trump's behavior to his much earlier this year:This is exactly what Hitler said about the Jews. Exactly. If Hitler was a blowhard buffoon. I know people usually get shit for comparing anybody to Hitler, but this is incontestable."If Donald Trump become(s) the next president of the U.S. it would be a complete disaster," she told Newsweek on Wednesday. "I think he is acting like another Hitler by inciting racism."
Is there a Muslim race?
Is there a Muslim race?
This is cancer from within. This is something thats going to be so tough. They stay together. Theyre plotting.