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Trump budget to cut rail services to hundreds of rural communities

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No, it's primarily the racism: https://www.thenation.com/article/fear-of-diversity-made-people-more-likely-to-vote-trump/

Nothing else is strongly predicting Obama-Trump flips (and Romney->Not Trump flips the other direction), and it also predicts Trump voters in a way that it doesn't predict McCain or Romney voters.

People looove to deny racism. It's the most bizarre thing. I feel on here people (thankfully not most) treat calling someone or a group racist as worse than the group's actually, provably, doing racist shit


People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

Not going to empathize with someone that is told many times that hitting their hand with a hammer with hurt, but proceeds to do it.

Amazing how minorities managed to not be manipulated....

Folks love skipping over that


People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

I'm not laughing at them, but no I don't feel sorry that they believed all the lies about job creation and how big gubmint is always ruining their freedom.
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

Fuck that.

Where was empathy from these fucks who voted Trump when it comes to my rights as an Hispanic gay American?


This must be what Making America Great Again looks like.

Remember when before trains America was great?

Of course the uneducated rural people won't get it when Trump screws them over and they will still vote Republican


Trucker Sexologist
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore
This is the only way they'll learn.


When all those rural communities that voted massively for Trump and Conservatives across the years because "Government is evil", And "socialist" government is evil-er, lose their rail, post office services, elderly assistance programs, preschools, schools and healthcare services because they are not 'financially viable'.

What then?

They will not. Right wing media sources will continue to lie to them and they will continue to suffer believing those lies.

Yeah, Trump's support amongst Republican's is still over 80% which I imagine would overlap pretty well with Fox News viewership. I watched some Fox yesterday and you'd think that things have never been better for everyone in this country after being freed from the tyranny of Dictator Obama.
When all those rural communities that voted massively for Trump and Conservatives across the years because "Government is evil", And "socialist" government is evil-er, lose their rail, post office services, elderly assistance programs, preschools, schools and healthcare services because they are not 'financially viable'.

What then?


They won't care as long as they are fucking over somebody that is a minority, LGBTQ, etc.....


They voted for trump for a multitude of reasons which has been covered to death, it's not just "racist people hahaha, now suffer!!"

Politics is more complex than that

Don't bother. Even despite the laughable campaign the Dems have been running for the past few decades they will keep screaming "racism!" while covering their ears.
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

The issue is this is not the first time.

This is decades and decades of voting like this.

At some point you have to say fuck off.


Interesting Catch 22.

Rural areas seem to be mainly Republican yet really what they need is more state/socialist government to ensure they get subsidies and infrastructure that their economic position alone doesn't justify and likely won't for the foreseeable future given economic trends.

You have to wonder will they stick to their current beliefs and go down painfully as they're increasingly abandoned over time or wise up and realiaze how the worlds moved on and the kind of policies and government they'll need to remain viable?

I'm guessing the former but I hope for the latter.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

Empathy?! Fucking empathy? These people voted for Trump specifically to fuck over my family, my friends and myself. If they get fucked over as well because of their vote why the hell should I have empathy for them?
Don't bother. Even despite the laughable campaign the Dems have been running for the past few decades they will keep screaming "racism!" while covering their ears.

Well yes, that campaign where everyone regardless of their race, sexual orientation or religion experiences peace and prosperity is pretty shitty.


People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

Trust me, I have empathy for them. I've driven through some of those more depressed areas and have seen first hand how miserable it is there.

At the same time, they willingly and gladly voted in this administration, even as the rest of the country warned them they were being tricked.
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore


I'll give my empathy to young black men being gunned down by police.

I'll give empathy to my LGBTQ brothers and sisters who are on the verge of suicide.

I'll give my empathy to the Muslim and Mexican immigrants coming over to seek a better life.

I'll give my empathy to low level drug offenders, put behind bars because of shitty laws.

But white people worried about their financial situation? I don't give a fuck anymore.

They dug their grave. They can lay in it.


When New York needed its services and solvency bolstered after the 1970s crisis, white rural voters and Republicans talked about how our plight was our fault, because we were union thugs. When my neighbors succumbed to the drug waves of the 1980s, they received racist scorn when they needed dignity and help. Sandy tore up the metro area? Sorry, rural red state senators wanted to balance the budget off of our backs.

Well, this is what it feels like. I'm sorry you have to learn that. And yet some of your representatives have been talking this way about capital needs for ages. What made you think they'd protect you?


Interesting Catch 22.

Rural areas seem to be mainly Republican yet really what they need is more state/socialist government to ensure they get subsidies and infrastructure that their economic position alone doesn't justify and likely won't for the foreseeable future given economic trends.

You have to wonder will they stick to their current beliefs and go down painfully as they're increasingly abandoned over time or wise up and realiaze how the worlds moved on and the kind of policies and government they'll need to remain viable?

I'm guessing the former but I hope for the latter.
In ~2 years the trends point to them going into permanent population decline. Young people are bolting. Businesses are leaving and not coming back.


People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore

Where exactly is their empathy for minorities, immigrants, the variety of people Trump's policies promised from the start to hurt?

It's a real one way street here.

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
They voted for trump for a multitude of reasons which has been covered to death, it's not just "racist people hahaha, now suffer!!"

Politics is more complex than that

People don't vote in a vacuum. You don't just vote for one aspect of a politician. Especially not when that politician has made racism and xenophobia a major part of their campaign. Not to mention that Trump voters have had an overwhelmingly high approval of Trumps racist and xenophobic acts so far.

The economic anxiety bullshit has been debunked countless of times already.
They'll have to pick up an extra set of boot straps now that they'll be walking so much. Except they won't be able to afford it because they have no jobs and will now be cut off from transport to jobs.

But at least they get to be racist again


Well they wanted Trump to run the country like a business so there you go. Why waste money on states that don't make money. The only reason to not cut it would be to take a loss to help others. In other words it would require empathy, something most Trump supporters severely lack. Trump only cares about his people (the 1%) at the end of the day.
People really love seeing people suffer just because they voted differently. I didn't vote for trump but I'm sure as hell not laughing at those who voted for him and will face negative consequences because of it

Empathy just doesn't exist anymore
I get what your saying but lots of them voted for him out of pure malice. I hope they learn from the error of their ways, and that they make it through their hardships. People like trump care about the lower middle class and the poor the least. It's time they saw them the people they support for what they really are, manipulators. They use trigger words like abortion and gun control to make them hurt themselves. That congratulations you played yourself gif is popping up all the time for a reason. It's going to keep popping up for a long time too.


Well, shit.

Only yesterday I watched this video which says ease of access to transport has a stronger influence on one's economic prospects compared to crime levels in the community or 1 parent households.

I watched the same video yesterday, and thought to myself "I guess I know what Trump is cutting funding to next".

Trump is going to kill America.
Good for them, they got what they voted for. Sucks for those who voted D, were physically unable to vote and the kids. End of list.

Amazing that minorities were able to see this and much more bs coming but these snowflakes couldn't.

The so much for the tolerant left crowd can honestly get bent at this point, this group hasn't learned over decades by choice.

You can keep with outreach but they don't need to be a priority since they're outnumbered. Instead, focus on getting the big tent on one page first and into something reliable - do that well. Once they're more solidified, you can reach for these others.


In ~2 years the trends point to them going into permanent population decline. Young people are bolting. Businesses are leaving and not coming back.
True. Seems like the horse has already bolted the stable. It's a shame because I believe a viable rural existence is a good thing and a key element of modern society is providing infrastructure everywhere irrespective of economy.

But for too long US rural areas have got behind a political and economic model that by definition was going to abandon them.
Don't bother. Even despite the laughable campaign the Dems have been running for the past few decades they will keep screaming "racism!" while covering their ears.

Michael Moore and other major liberal voices echo what you just said, democrats ran a shit campaign and ignored the rust belt, didn't want to even bother going to Wisconsin


He'll be remembered as the villain he is so that's good. And the Democrat that likely comes in in less than 4 years will reverse all this bs and look the hero. It's like unintentional party sabotage.
Empathy?! Fucking empathy? These people voted for Trump specifically to fuck over my family, my friends and myself. If they get fucked over as well because of their vote why the hell should I have empathy for them?

It's a double standard. Only minorities and liberals are demanded to present the olive branch while making any implication that republican voters have some responsibility for their own suffering is met with denial. See:
Don't bother. Even despite the laughable campaign the Dems have been running for the past few decades they will keep screaming "racism!" while covering their ears.

Rural voter's prejudice has allowed them to get conned into cutting off their own noses time and time again for decades


People are talking about showing compassion and empathy?? Where the fuck was the empathy and compassion for the minorities that Donald scapegoated? Nah. Fuck them enjoy the lack of trains fuck shits. You wanted this, and on the off chance you didn't:
Michael Moore and other major liberal voices echo what you just said, democrats ran a shit campaign and ignored the rust belt, didn't want to even bother going to Wisconsin

Doesn't mean that we can suddenly pretend that voting against your own interests doesn't come with consequences, and shame those who are willing to point out the elephant in the room.
Dems should let this pass and wash their hands from it. If Republican policies fundamentally hurt their base more than any other group, then that group need to see the outcome for themselves in order for there to be change.


"why don't you empathize with people who voted for a racist, homophobic, misogynistic pig ? the left is truly just as bad"
Nah sorry. These people were too blinded by their own hate that they didn't even pay attention to anything else he said, everyone else could have seen this coming from miles away. They can live with the consequences now.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Remember before the election when all those guys who "didn't vote for Trump but empathize with his voters concerns" were talking nonstop about Hillary ignoring the rust belt and their economic concerns?"

And further, cautioning that Trump had a believable economic strategy that was more coherent than his racism and bigotry?

I sure do.
I love this milquetoast concern trolling that espouses the need for inactive empathy. You have to feel sorry for these schmucks because if you don't feel sorry for them, they'll vote for Trump again even if voting for Trump and the GOP means they get hurt worse. They'll keep punching themselves because liberals on the off-topic side of a gaming forum doesn't have empathy for them.


There are things he's voting in that also don't make any sense from a financial standpoint. What benefit do we get from being able to hunt hibernating bears, or bringing back lead bullets? I heard something about asbestos coming back as well. Like seriously wtf.
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