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Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control



The Trump administration is rolling back the Obama-era requirement that employer-provided health insurance policies cover birth control methods at no cost to women.

According to senior officials with the Department of Health and Human Services, the goal of the new rule is to allow any company or nonprofit group to exclude the coverage for contraception if it has a religious or moral objection.

More here


Lock if old


What's cheaper for corporations and insurance companies - paying for pills or paying for births? You'd think they would just continue covering it anyways.


Junior Member
This is the exact reason I got a copper IUD as fast as I could after he won. I knew the Republicans were going to fuck with birth control.


Just saw this. Fuck this asshole and his entire administration.

The worst part is that this will play so well into his 2020 campaign, even though he can't accomplish anything else. Idiots eat this shit up.
My SO got a contraceptive implant because she was afraid Trump would do this, and it turns out she was right.

Was there any doubt?

I just hope the fact that Trump is so terrible that this doesn't get buried under all the other horrendous things he's doing.


What's cheaper for corporations and insurance companies - paying for pills or paying for births? You'd think they would just continue covering it anyways.

Oh, the GOP plan is to make it so maternity coverage is no longer "essential" and not required to be in health plans. So they won't be paying for anything.


How can he do this? Isnt it part of Obamacare?

Christ, everyday I wake up and am surprised by what the president is allowed to do. We need to massively curtail executive power.
will just cause an uptick in abortions. You would think they would see this but the plan seems to be to cut off all access to abortions while also limiting any form of contraception. They're truly evil


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
I wonder how many married GOP supporters of his found a sensible chuckle in this because they simply plan to side-step this issue by billing their mistresses' abortion as a travel expense?

Sad answer: probably many.


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
Just saw this. Fuck this asshole and his entire administration.

The worst part is that this will play so well into his 2020 campaign, even though he can't accomplish anything else. Idiots eat this shit up.

Except it actually doesnt play well with the electorate.
How can he do this? Isnt it part of Obamacare?

Christ, everyday I wake up and am surprised by what the president is allowed to do. We need to massively curtail executive power.

The executive is responsible for enforcing laws. This basically means the federal government won't bring any lawsuits against employers who don't provide birth control as part of the health care.


My fiancé isn't gonna be happy knowing she might have to pay to keep from having painful and irregular periods. Thanks dump...


Small government for all, except in women's vaginas.

It's good to be a fetus in America, but your right to life ceases once your ass pops out of the birth canal.


I dont get it, I thought he was against abortion?

They want to promote abstinence, of course. It's the most effective of preventing unwanted child birth after all, gauranteed to work 100%, aside from one irregular case in the past 2018 years.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Small government for all, except in women's vaginas.

It's good to be a fetus in America, but your right to life ceases once your ass pops out of the birth canal.

No, they're giving the power back to the women to choose* the best option for them!!

choices limited to the option women can afford and those that are not banned by the government.

It's really crazy how all these laws, while an overt attempt to undo Obama's legacy, have this short term goal of stuffing the pockets of corporations as much as possible. I know it cant be true that our elected officials are turning their backs on the people but the optics on these sort of things are starting to get slightly foggy.

I have hope though...


They want to promote abstinence, of course. It's the most effective of preventing unwanted child birth after all, gauranteed to work 100%, aside from one irregular case in the past 2018 years.

The funny thing is that abstinence is actually one of the worst.

Condoms effectiveness rating includes whether they are used properly or not.

The same applies for abstinence, obviously it's not used properly very much.


aka andydumi
What's cheaper for corporations and insurance companies - paying for pills or paying for births? You'd think they would just continue covering it anyways.
Most probably will. But the fringe businesses will not. This also will require companies to take a religious stance, possibly driving public opinion about them.
Ensuring that poor women don't have access to birth control is the absolute best way to keep them impoverished. That's what this is all about, as always the GOP uses religion to cover their nefarious intentions. They want poor people to have kids they can't financially support.
So you have a problem with abortions but you also have a problem with preventing pregnancy from happening.

Guess women are just supposed to be chaste or baby factories? But then men also want sex so.... just baby factories then.


It's really simple, dipshits:

If you want less abortions, allow people to avoid getting pregnant.

Just how stupid is the GOP?
That’s the GOP for you though. They want women to have sex with them but also not allow access to birth control or abortions and then blame women for sleeping with them. They want all of the fun and absolutely zero percent of the responsibility. Logic be damned.

Shout out to Tim Murphy.


Most probably will. But the fringe businesses will not. This also will require companies to take a religious stance, possibly driving public opinion about them.

I don't think I'd ever work for a company that took a religious stance.


I love how the GOP is against abortion under any circumstances, but yet at the same time is against any social services that help people pay for that childs healthcare or education. They are also against sex education and birth control too. The two things that lead to less pregnancy. So they only care about the child from the point of conception up till the point of birth after that, fuck em. Well at least until they reach military age.


complete fools

more births = more people, and with our garbage education system it means more consumers for them to profit off of. that's literally all they care about

ISM which thread will survive, but:

White women got white supremacy. They got what they voted for.

Black feminists were correct all along. So-called white feminists would betray their own sex on the account of racial superiority.

You don't have to feel sympathy for those women, but the other 47% of us and minority women are also getting ****, so I'd prefer not to focus on the subset of women that people believe deserve to be punished.

"Subset" is an interesting way of saying "majority."


Paul Ryan, Statement on HHS Contraceptive Mandate
WASHINGTON—Today, House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) issued the following statement after the Trump administration announced new conscience protections regarding the provision of contraception and abortifacents in employee health care plans:

”This is a landmark day for religious liberty. Under the Obama administration, this constitutional right was seriously eroded. One of the most significant culprits was the Health and Human Services' contraceptive mandate, which I have fought against in defense of the Little Sisters of the Poor. Now, the Trump administration has developed a commonsense rule to avoid a needless fight. The conscience protections installed will ensure that people and organizations can freely live out their religious convictions and moral beliefs. We now look to the Department of Justice for a quick and final resolution of the pending cases of the Little Sisters and others. I applaud the Trump administration for standing up for religious liberty. We will work to continue to strengthen this right so integral to our civil society."
Black feminists were correct all along. So-called white feminists would betray their own sex on the account of racial superiority.
not that that isn't a thing but i'm pretty sure a substantial chunk of that 53% don't identify as feminists or even approve of feminism. being a woman doesn't exempt you from having regressive-ass views on gender and sexuality.


fucking gross. "religious liberty" my ass.


"Subset" is an interesting way of saying "majority."

They are not the majority of women and they are not the majority of people affected by these actions, but they are brought up in every thread where women's rights are affected and used as a way of giving people permission not to care.


Statement by Planned Parenthood:
WASHINGTON, DC — The Trump administration has taken direct aim at birth control coverage for more than 62 million American women, eliminating the guarantee they had for coverage for birth control regardless of who they work for. On Friday morning, they announced a sweeping new rule to eliminate the Affordable Care Act’s requirement that all insurance plans must cover birth control without a co-pay or otherwise ensure access to birth control coverage for women whose employers or schools can legally opt out of providing coverage.

Statement from Cecile Richards, President, Planned Parenthood Federation of America:

“The Trump administration just took direct aim at birth control coverage for 62 million women. This is an unacceptable attack on basic health care that the vast majority of women rely on. With this rule in place, any employer could decide that their employees no longer have health insurance coverage for birth control.

We’re talking about a fundamental right -- to be able to decide whether and when you want to have children.

“Birth control is not controversial -- it’s health care the vast majority of women will use in the course of their lifetime. Two million women rely on Planned Parenthood health centers each year for birth control. Nine out of ten women of reproductive age will use birth control in their lifetime. This administration is carrying out a full-scale attack on birth control--- eliminating insurance coverage for birth control, eliminating programs that help women with low incomes access birth control, and moving to prohibit health care providers from even giving women information about birth control or abortion. We cannot allow President Trump to roll back the progress women have made over the past century.”

The Affordable Care Act includes a provision that includes s birth control as preventive health care — requiring health insurance plans cover birth control without a copay. The Obama administration later worked out an accommodation allowing religious-affiliated employers and schools to refuse to cover birth control on religious grounds, while ensuring their employees would still have health coverage provided directly by the health insurance company.

The rule proposed by the Trump administration today would change that, allowing any employer (nonprofit, small business, large corporation, private or publicly-held), school, or other entity to opt out of providing contraceptive coverage for religious or moral reasons -- a standard unprecedented in its vagueness. It also eliminates the guarantee that women will continue to receive coverage for birth control regardless of their employer’s beliefs by making the accommodation voluntary.

The rule is peppered with anti-contraception language, making its real purpose clear. For example, the rule rejects the notion that there is a connection between coverage for birth control and reducing unintended pregnancy.

The rule will go into effect immediately, with a comment period ending on December 5.
Stats about birth control in the link.


Neo Member
So when will someone running a company who is a Jehova's Witness sue to block their workers from getting a blood transfusion, citing this rules' "religious or moral" reasoning?


How can he do this? Isnt it part of Obamacare?

Christ, everyday I wake up and am surprised by what the president is allowed to do. We need to massively curtail executive power.

The reason most of what Trump has done is a reversal is because of executive privilege. Obama administration did these things unilaterally, so Trump can wash it all away.

If not for this executive power, we would have had this policy in the first place.
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