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Trump Guts Requirement That Employer Health Plans Pay For Birth Control

So your point in posting is...to remind the white women on Neogaf that it's all up to us to fix this? Well, I'll keep working on that, but without some help from men it doesn't look good and reminding the liberal men on Neogaf that the majority of white women voted for this, probably isn't going to help in any efforts to obtain sympathy and cooperation.

My point in posting is to participate on a forum by expressing my position on the topic presented by the OP, and respond to others who have offered provocative comments.

The impact of American politics that Gaf has is next to nill. Their trajectories could not be further apart. After all, as a rule of decorum, Gaf takes positions on social issues where posting to the contrary is bannable. Meanwhile in Alabama, Roy Moore will be the republican candidate for senator in the state's special election to replace Jeff Sessions.

I'll safely assume that you are well-familiar with Jeff Sessions before he became AG, as well as Moore.

In other words, if the plan is to pander to more "liberals," you're going to lose again.

You need the progressive equivalent of the Southern Strategy...something that will serve to rally the troops like hatred for blacks did for white people in the past, and now, in the present.

Obama was that thing. You need another "Obama."


My point in posting is to participate on a forum by expressing my position on the topic presented by the OP, and respond to others who have offered provocative comments.

The impact of American politics that Gaf has is next to nill. Their trajectories could not be further apart. After all, as a rule of decorum, Gaf takes positions on social issues where posting to the contrary is bannable. Meanwhile in Alabama, Roy Moore will be the republican candidate for senator in the state's special election to replace Jeff Sessions.

I'll safely assume that you are well-familiar with Jeff Sessions before he became AG, as well as Moore.

In other words, if the plan is to pander to more "liberals," you're going to lose again.

You need the progressive equivalent of the Southern Strategy...something that will serve to rally the troops like hatred for blacks did for white people in the past, and now, in the present.

Obama was that thing. You need another "Obama."

I understand your position and the points you are trying to make, but (even though it's fair to lay blame on the 53% of white women who voted for Trump), I worry about pointing blame at women, in the context of threads discussing policies that reduce their rights and access to health care. I think it encourages men to ignore the issue and gives them an excuse not to care, because it frames the loss of rights - not as a tragedy - but as either "something women wanted" or "something they deserve." It's why I was so quick to point out (as I do in all of these threads when this point is made) that all women are losing something here. All women are affected. I think it's important to keep the focus here on the detriment being caused to all women.
Hope this gets challenged in courts

fuck this religous liberty

ACLU is on it.

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), the National Women's Law Center (NWLC) and other groups vowed to sue the Trump administration over regulations released Friday that would roll back ObamaCare's birth control mandate.

The rollback “basically gives broad license to employers to discriminate against their employees and withhold a benefit guaranteed by law,” said Brigitte Amiri, senior staff attorney at the ACLU.

The Trump administration published a rule that allows any employer, including colleges, universities and health insurance companies, to stop offering birth control in their insurance plans on moral or religious grounds.

“We will challenge both rules as being blatantly unconstitutional. They both violate the separation of church and state and also discriminate against women by allowing employers to withhold a benefit that is guaranteed by law,” Amiri said.
"Let's try to shame and bully women into not having sex and see how that works out" is probably not going to work

It never worked anyway and they know that. Men were fine with abortions when they were underground and unsafe. It was the act of affording them to women as a legal right that made them lose their shit.

This is the stupid thing: Men don't want women to stop having sex, because then they stop having sex. They just want to have sex on their terms, not on women's. That's what's so insidious about this topic.
I just kind of figured it would be easy to verify via a prescription from a licensed doctor that it was used for a health-related reason.

Women who have a good relationship with their physician will simply have their physician say it's for acne. So all this does is punish women who don't have good access to a primary care physician. What is your plan for enforcing the judgment of the physician? Why create this asymmetry in care in the first place?

Second, who verifies the prescription for accuracy? Why should women have to sacrifice their right to health privacy so the employer can confirm the purpose of the medication. Should employees have a right to know about your mental health status? See your pharmacy records? Know if your Viagra is for pulmonary hypertension vs. marital problems? You are going out of your way to make exceptional demands on women. but your premise is left wanting: you're explaining how we can treat women's health differently, but not taking the time to explain why we even need to do so in the first place.

Not sure how what I suggested would punish poor people, and I'm not trying to advance some Republican agenda by doing so...at all.

You made an emotional plea and translated it immediately into a policy decision with no regard for the practicality or unintended consequences.

I don't really bother differentiate people who identify as Republican and would instantly give Paul Ryan a handjob vs. people who reach Republican conclusions independently by their own quirky logic even without being card-carrying members. If you walk like a duck, quack like a duck, it's reasonable for me to assume you are a duck.
If you're against abortion you have got to be for birth control. You cannot have it both ways! Especially when you're also against giving proper health care to those unwanted babies that are going to be born!

America, get this clown out of the White House NOW!
1. Oppose womens access to birth control +
2. Oppose abortion rights +
3. Dont renew CHIP for poor children +
4. Indifferent or hostil to paid family leave =

Party of family values!
Are we cool with ACLU again or is it still worst organization ever to exist that doesn't deserve any donos etc.?

There's always California.

California Attorney General Xavier Bercerra (D) on Friday filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration's rollback of an Obama-era policy that required employers include birth control coverage in their health insurance plans.

“Donald Trump wants businesses and corporations to control family planning decisions rather than a woman in consultation with her doctor. These anti-women's health regulations prove once again that the Trump administration is willing to trample on people’s rights,” Becerra said in a statement.

“What group of Americans will they target next? Will they allow businesses to deny you cancer treatment? Will they exclude you from insurance coverage because of a pre-existing health condition? The California Department of Justice will fight to protect every woman’s right to healthcare, including reproductive healthcare. We'll see the Trump administration in court," he continued.
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