Baron von Loathsome
How is it possible that Trump is EVEN WORSE ON FUCKING VACATION?!?!?!?

How is it possible that Trump is EVEN WORSE ON FUCKING VACATION?!?!?!?
Venezuela neighbours the US?
Someone tell Trump that Russia has been buying up shares of Venezuela's public oil companies.
What makes you think he doesn't already know?
Venezuela neighbours the US?
He probably doesn't even know what's going on in Venezuela. A reporter just asks him "He's, what do you think about Venezuela", and he replies with his typical 50 words counting vocabulary word salad non-answer.
Yet another day we would have better off electing Gary "What's Aleppo?" Johnson.
How is it possible that Trump is EVEN WORSE ON FUCKING VACATION?!?!?!?
You can see how he realized he fucked up and tried to save face with his "we are everywhere" bit just afterwards.
Oh who am I kidding, of course he has no idea if Venezuela borders the US or not.
Time is a flat circle
Imperialistic Murica.
What could go wrong.
I thought we were talking about trump, not GAF.This is like some insecure manchild talking. "Oh and by the way, I have a big dick too."
Wait, what's going on in Venezuela?
I missed something major
Wait, what's going on in Venezuela?
I missed something major
Neighbors wouldn't be restricted to immediately adjacent. Venezuela is close, and for that matter, the historical US perspective is that it controls the Americas.
What fucking reporter asked him that question. Who has been of the opinion that we should be responsible for "doing something about the mess in Venezuela?"
Was this a plant or something? Have I missed that discussion? Wtf?
Trump really wants to take out leaders where the populations mostly approve of them.
What fucking reporter asked him that question. Who has been of the opinion that we should be responsible for "doing something about the mess in Venezuela?"
Was this a plant or something? Have I missed that discussion? Wtf?
Hillary is a warhawk neoliberal imperialist and is going to lead us to war. #JillnotHill
I still cannot get over this fact. I am routinely astounded everytime I read his statements.Trump speaks like the tacked on bullshit I put in papers to make word count.
The guy was probably writing something about it and wanted a US perspective. Dude probably expected something along the lines of: "We're monitoring the situation as it develops and are concerned with some of the news coming out of the country. As an important neighbor to the south we feel it would be in everyone's best interests...yada yada yada..."
Trump: "We have many options for Venezuela. And by the way, I'm not going to rule out a military option. We have many options for Venezuela. This is our neighbor, this is, you know we are all over the world. And we have troops all over the world, in places that are very, very far away. And Venezuela is not very far away. And the people are suffering and they are dying. We have many options for Venezuela, including a possible a military option, if necessary."
I assume this is James Monroe's gaf account and you're talking to Europe and Asia.STAY
Or US could leave Venezuela alone unless they specifically ask for America's help.