- We used lots of custom skins.. so yeah we like to use Aryan Axel skin

- We banned shields & healths.
- You will see loads of team rams, sometimes one person either side to ping pong. Or Mr Slam specials someone into a ram.
- Often times you will see us jumping OVER a car, and might wonder why? Its because we are dropping a mine on top of the enemy car and adding a tiny bit of extra damage PLUS getting massive knockback/pop-up on enemy car. Mines great for getting people off edges in roof levels.
- Homings are weak, but cause knockback upon impact.. so they are almost always used to setup a freeze. Lots of other weapons have bounce or knockback effects: Napalms, Grimm skull, or ST cone missile.
- You might scratch heads at all cars reverse driving. This is how skillfully driving and dodging/return firing was done in TM2PC. Tight turn to evade fire whilst returning.
- Remote bombs + air-born target = triple damage. So sometimes you might see a person get rammed into a remote (3X air damage since few feet off floor), or a remote goes off when person is in air.
- Jumping bean is useful for getting in between buildings or generally dodging and jumping over mines to land an aerial to ground ram

- Corpses last 5 seconds, and yes can be used as meat shields.
- Might often see Axel shockwaving corpses... this is taunting

Since a dead player gets to watch their corpse for a few seconds post death... enemy can taunt the corpse by dropping mines on it, zapping with outlaw's laser, rake with machine guns... all sorts of stuff lol.