I'm pretty fucking sick of the, "it's too soon/have some respect!" crowd.
I'm guessing your a gun owner? Or at least sympathetic toward the status quo. Either way, it's the furthest thing from disrespectful. Acknowledging the tragedy and looking toward future prevention is EXACTLY what you do after a tragedy.So like others said, create a thread and then the focus in that thread can be 100 percent what you want it to be about. There's no reason to be so disrespectful.
You always ask "Why did he do it?" but it's likely we'll never know.
It's always going to be "too soon" because the way things are now, there's always going to be a new tragic shooting.Yeah I don't see how it's "too soon" to have a conversation we should have been having ages ago.
Seeing a video of something like Sandy Hook would just make gun owners clutch their guns tighter. They feel they need to protect themselves from the crazies.
The police should be commended for finding the supposed identity of this dude 3 hours after the shooting with nothing to go on but a grainy video still.
If innocent children (Sandy Hook) getting shot in their classrooms didn't make us re-think our gun laws, nothing... I mean nothing will.
But hey, that 14th amendment, on the other hand, has to go!
Obviously had that cameraman been armed with a gun, he could have prevented himself from being shot in his back.
I'm guessing your a gun owner? Or at least sympathetic toward the status quo. Either way, it's the furthest thing from disrespectful. Acknowledging the tragedy and looking toward future prevention is EXACTLY what you do after a tragedy.
It's like saying it's not ok to mention advocating better cancer research funding when a thread pops up about someone diagnosed with cancer or not discussing climate change in a thread about record high temperatures.
Unfortunately that wouldn't change anything. Elements of the right wing (at the behest of extremist groups like the NRA) are dedicated to the expansion of gun rights at any cost.I'm not even concerned with public opinion as that doesn't always escalate the need for reform. I'm supposing a situation in which the horror of it is laid bare and fully exposed for everyone to see in person. That could push it to actual action as opposed to public opinion and policy being two separate issues as seen right now.
So like others said, create a thread and then the focus in that thread can be 100 percent what you want it to be about. There's no reason to be so disrespectful.
Seeing a video of something like Sandy Hook would just make gun owners clutch their guns tighter. They feel they need to protect themselves from the crazies.
And eyes in the back of his head.''Yeah man, he should have just filmed with 1 hand and have a gun ready in the other, you never know who could creep up on you, yo.''
Jesus, the anchor just posted this picture of the fiance of the male victim a few hours before it happened.
Kimberly McBroom ‏@KimberlyWDBJ
Congrats to our awesome @WDBJ7Mornin producer Melissa Ott on her new job in Charlotte. We will miss you! ❤️❤️
No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-topic.
If innocent children (Sandy Hook) getting shot in their classrooms didn't make us re-think our gun laws, nothing... I mean nothing will.
Well you see the timer for when it is appropriate resets each time one of these events occurs so at this rate we will never be "ready" for the debate.
The only thing that will happen for sure is the gun industry will make MORE money in the coming weeks as the NRA stokes the flames and drives all the rubes to the gun shops to buy everything up before "Obama bans all the guns!".
Just waiting now for the talking-heads pushing for some "Reporters/Camera Operators should be ARMED!" bullshit.
In a thread about a shooting, which resulted in the murder of two innocent people and the maiming of a third, in a country where guns, legal or extralegal, are too easy to obtain, gun control is always on topic.No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.
No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.
Jesus, the anchor just posted this picture of the fiance of the male victim a few hours before it happened.
Kimberly McBroom ‏@KimberlyWDBJ
Congrats to our awesome @WDBJ7Mornin producer Melissa Ott on her new job in Charlotte. We will miss you! ❤️❤️
https://twitter.com/breakingnews/status/636542772019916800BreakingNews: Suspect in WDBJ shooting is a disgruntled employee, according to Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe - @amaxsmith http://t.co/GrIqjQVSuU
Maybe if the whole thing was captured on video so people couldn't hide from it. That might change things. Like imagine if Sandy Hook was captured in ultra high detail, no holds barred mass slaughter of children it makes my stomach turn just thinking of the details). I feel like that would sway public opinion.
If innocent children (Sandy Hook) getting shot in their classrooms didn't make us re-think our gun laws, nothing... I mean nothing will.
No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.
Yeah, stop being so disrespectful by discussing policies that could help prevent these kind of senseless acts.
No, I'm anti-gun. I'm also pro-staying-on-topic.
In a thread about a shooting, which resulted in the murder of two innocent people, in a country where guns, legal or extralegal, are too easy to obtain, gun control is always on topic.
The same kinds of policies that have been implemented with success in countries like Australia.What policy would have prevented this?
Video (disturbing, but not graphic): http://gawker.com/gunman-fires-shots-at-virginia-news-crew-during-live-re-1726593659
Talking Points Memo ‏@TPM 7m7 minutes ago
UPDATED: Adam Ward's fiancee was in the control room during the broadcast, and saw the fatal shooting happen live http://bit.ly/1PT5QM8
Fuck man. This whole thing sucks. RIP to the victims![]()
No, it certainly does not, but that man deserves absolutely nothing. More than anything he doesn't deserve to live for another sunrise after so senselessly stealing that away from others.