midnight launches only for major hardware like the PS3,
your sort of guaranteed to get something free if its a major store
sony gave out free 46" bravia tv's to PS3 launch day buyers in london
(all of what you just said).
So, my visit to GameStation at the weekend. Apologies for the length of the post, but I thought I'd detail it. I went to spend the £20 I had on a giftcard, and to have a play of a Vita.
I must have been in the shop about a minute before one of the guys asked if I needed any help.
"No thanks."
I was going to use the money on a PSN card but thought I'd have a look to see by some off-chance if there was an older title that I could use the money on. So I looked for the PSP section. Ah, there's the PSP section near the counter. I get there only to see it was filled with PS3 titles instead.
There were no PSP titles at all. What?
So then I decided to see their PS2 section, only they didn't have one. Not even used.
No PS2 games in sight. What the.
There's also no sign of a demo Vita unit. So, I pick up a £25 PSN card and take it to the counter. First question - off the same guy who spoke before - "Have you got a loyalty card?"
"No I haven't"
"Well, I'll just get you one then" and he reaches out to start filling out a card with my details.
"Err no, I don't want one thanks"
"Oh, ok."
As he's putting the PSN card through the till...
"Are there any preorders you're after?"
As he continues I say, "How come you haven't got a Vita demo unit?"
"Oh we have, it's here."
And he brings it over from behind the counter. Now this could well be Sony not doing their job properly, but why have the unit behind the counter? Surely a stand will get a LOT more attention and will be in people's face? Anyway...
He starts giving me the sales patter, it's the last day to pre-order blah blah. And fair enough he passes it over and lets me have a play with it.
"Do you know much about it?" he asks.
Despite this, he then goes on to tell me about the games and how MGS Vita is coming out for it. He told me this about 3 times over the course of our conversation. He also bangs on about putting £10 down as a pre-order and I'll get a pack with headphones, but that I can still use the tenner on anything else in the store if I decide in the end I don't want a Vita, effectively giving me a free set of headphones. He actually said this to me. Strange way to be 'selling' me stuff.
Also, whilst I'm playing on the Vita at the counter a guy comes up and asks if Tekken 6 is out on the PS3. Now maybe this guy was getting mixed up with SF x Tekken, I don't know, but either way, the young girl behind the counter answers.
"No, it's not."
Then there's some confusion with the staff about whether it really is out, and around a minute or two later the girl checks a list from somewhere and says,"It's on here, so it must be out, right?". /facepalm
By this time, I've seen what I wanted to see of the Vita (awesome bit of kit btw) and ask the guy behind the counter how much the docking cradle is. "I don't know, we have to actually have one in stock before I could tell you."
So, in the space of around 20 minutes I've been near forced to take a loyalty card I didn't want, hassled about putting £10 down on a Vita pre-order, gounf out they don't have older titles (specialist store you say?), heard the staff haven't a clue about what games are out, and found out that they still don't know the prices of accessories for the Vita, four days before launch.
The hassling part, can you imagine that anywhere else, in say, a cake shop? "A sandwich? Sure. Do you have a loyalty card?", "Do you want to pre-order a Birthday cake?"
What a ridiculous way to run a store. Now that I've spent the giftcard I know for a fact I won't be going back to buy anything from there.
That was for the first 100 buyers in the Virgin Megastore's if I recall, not sure if game did the same as well.
When are these bitches gonna ship ma vita? Pre-ordered on June 29th FFS!
It ain't out in the UK till the 22nd, so either tomorrow (if you're lucky) or the 21st I'd think.When are these bitches gonna ship ma vita? Pre-ordered on June 29th FFS!
It ain't out in the UK till the 22nd, so either tomorrow (if you're lucky) or the 21st I'd think.
The hassling part, can you imagine that anywhere else, in say, a cake shop? "A sandwich? Sure. Do you have a loyalty card?"
The biggest 150 stores get a demo unit (my guess is GAME wanted Sony to pay and Sony decided to be awkward). The rest got a system handed to the manager which is kept behind the counter for obvious reasons of thievery. I think in some stores the manager trusts his employees so much that he keeps it safe (i.e. if the manager is not in you don't get to play Vita).As he continues I say, "How come you haven't got a Vita demo unit?"
"Oh we have, it's here."
And he brings it over from behind the counter. Now this could well be Sony not doing their job properly, but why have the unit behind the counter? Surely a stand will get a LOT more attention and will be in people's face? Anyway...
GAME did nothing for the PS£ launch. They acted on police advice not to open since you-know carrying around a large bag containing a £450 console past midnight is kind of asking to be robbed...That was for the first 100 buyers in the Virgin Megastore's if I recall, not sure if game did the same as well.
Ha, that would be funny, thanks for the link, I may just try thatGo here, and share your sentiments. If enough people call them on this bullshit, and they can see how much it puts people off, maybe they'll re-evaluate how they do things.
As a bonus, you get entered into a draw to win £200 of vouchers. It would be funny if you happened to win with a complaint.
GAME did nothing for the PS£ launch. They acted on police advice not to open since you-know carrying around a large bag containing a £450 console past midnight is kind of asking to be robbed...
I think Virgin Megastores was the only one to bother (now theres a relic of the past...) and Sony ended up footing the bill for Taxis to take people home.
Ive just been informed via Twitter that UK video game retailer GAME are currently switching The Last Story limited edition copies to the standard edition, and they arent actually notifying people that theyre doing it.
Twitter user James Duckett only found out that they had changed the pre-order when he logged into his account and found that the two limited edition copies he ordered had been downgraded to standard edition. GAME has pulled the limited edition version of The Last Story from their website.
The problem is that Game (and Gamestation) offer nothing over those supermarkets. They don't stock the niche titles like they used to, their 'specialist' advice is often frankly terrible, their prices are more expensive AND you get hassled for pre-orders, loyalty cards, accessories etc. You don't get any of those things when you go to a supermarket. You pick up the game, go to the checkout, buy it, walk off. That's it. When you have a choice, which approach do you think people would prefer?if you have to survive in retail selling just one product line (games), you have little choice but to try and make some margin on them. Supermarkets have a very diverse range of products so they can choose to sell games at a lower markup to get you in the store (or just rely on volume generally)
It seems fairly fashionable to shit on GAME. While their scripted questions etc are annoying, their prices haven't changed much over the years - they've always been RRP or thereabouts.
You want cheaper from the supermarket? Fine. You want cheaper by buying online? Fine. But then you'll lose the convenience of being able to pop into a shop on the high street to pick something up, you'll have to wait until you go to the supermarket/hope online delivers on time.
But then I guess that doesn't matter as the entire high street is dying anyway.
You want cheaper from the supermarket? Fine. You want cheaper by buying online? Fine. But then you'll lose the convenience of being able to pop into a shop on the high street to pick something up, you'll have to wait until you go to the supermarket/hope online delivers on time.
But then I guess that doesn't matter as the entire high street is dying anyway.
Well, when GAME themselves say no...Just been trying to find anyone on the internet this has happened to - I couldn't find any other users that have this problem. One guy doesn't mean its happening to everyone who has ordered.
Thats how you keep customers confident you can actually stock games. Decide you won't 4 days before release. At least with Tekken 3D they didn't bother having an order page to begin with but I think having the order page should commit them to bothering but its done a pretty good blow at killing anyone confidence regarding anything they pre-order as GAME might decide the margins are too thin/too few orders to covering ordering the bulk they need for okay margins.GAME's twitter account said:@Aaron_NE Hi Aaron - I'm afraid we will no longer be stocking The Last Story Special Edition - sorry for any inconvenience caused.
I'm kind of in agreement with mrklaw... a healthy UK industry needs the dedicated retailer and the supermarkets to be at its best.
Just checked their website and I can't find Ninja Gaiden Sigma Plus for the PSV. Guess it won't be in store either?
I don't think anyone really wants to see no dedicated game retailers, they just don't want to see the incompetent management at GAME in charge of it.
A new twist in this tale.
GAME Is Switching The Last Story Collectors Edition To The Standard Edition Without Notification
Twitter user James Duckett only found out that they had changed the pre-order when he logged into his account and found that the two limited edition copies he ordered had been downgraded to standard edition. GAME has pulled the limited edition version of The Last Story from their website.
dreamcastmaster said:Ebay scalper kicks up a stink.
So this is how game.co.uk conned me out of a collectible I really wanted to get. The customer support person who claimed that my order was shipped on the 2nd of February was either lying or simply had no idea what was going on. I have no desire to go fishing for the Crystal Edition at a shady auction site for triple the price.I am sorry to hear of the problems with your order.
I understand that the product you ordered was showing as being in stock when you placed your order, but after processing it was found that the product was out of stock and your order was cancelled. We have recently made some changes to our website to improve our service for customers, but unfortunately this has caused some minor problems which we are working to resolve.
I apologise for any frustration this may cause and would like to assure you that we will be back to normal service as soon as possible.
I am suspicious that Gamestation will not have the Collectors Edition of the PC version of Mass Effect 3. When I try to look at my order I see it's there but when I click on the game to view it I get an error, as if there is nothing there to see. I'm just hoping it's because they've all been sold so it's no longer on their site. Probably too late to find it elsewhere.
True. But I won't receive my complete credit card statement until the end of the month, so it could still be true. My bank displays some transactions rather funny on their web service.They didn't really take your money, though. Your statement would show a charge and a refund if they had your cash at any point.
True. But I won't receive my complete credit card statement until the end of the month, so it could still be true. My bank displays some transactions rather funny on their web service.
Last time I went in GAME was solely to try a Vita.
I bought a copy of Burnout Paradise online from GAME and when it arrived it was obviously a pre-owned copy. Trying to get a refund on that was nothing but hurdles.
I then purchased a second xbox for my son that Christmas and was sold the extended warranty after being told that the console would be swapped in-store if it developed a fault after 1 year, that never happened 14 months later.
Never used that rat-shit company ever again, I use Amazon only now.
It's been interesting reading various comments on different Gamestation/GAME stores throughout this thread.
For what it's worth there's two GAME stores and at least one Gamestation in Cardiff City Center. I usually pop in to the GAME on Queen Street (what used to be the main street until the extension to St David's shopping center opened and the majority of stores moved there) on my way home from work and don't think I've ever had a bad experience with staff/service or the games on offer.
I did take out a loyalty card when offered (the staff weren't overly pushy), as if I pre-order anything I get it there out of convenience. It's not costing me anything and maybe one day WAY into the future I can use the points I've built up to purchase a novelty plushy!
They usually have pre-order available on the titles I've wanted - Skyrim, Uncharted 3 and ME:3 to name the recent ones. The stores do have a pre-owned section and just recently I picked up Borderlands for £8 when I popped in to put my deposit down for ME:3. 2 birds, one stone etc.
The staff are usually very helpful if I'm looking for something in particular. They don't pretend to know EVERYTHING, if they don't know on the spot then they check the 'system' which is fair enough. I don't run into many pushy staff at either GAME store to be fair, in fact quite the opposite. I remember prior to Skyrim's release the store in St David's had one of the lifesize figures near the doorway and after I'd snapped a pic noticed one of the staff nearby and just commented on how stoked I was for the game to come out. We ended up having a pretty decent conversation about how RPG vs FPS (I personally find RPG games a lot more value for money, not being a bit multiplayer unless it's co-op). The atmosphere is usually pretty laid back and staff are more than happy to chat about upcoming releases and games in general without being too 'pushy'. The majority seem to just be enthusiastic about games, or they are just pretty damn good at pretending to be...
Oh, and the Vita had a dedicated stand in both stores, near the till and viewable from the street. It certainly enticed me in to have a play... Shame I can't afford one or I'd have put my £10 down there and then
EDIT: People have bad experiences in pretty much any store, supermarket, online store... Yes, there's a huge amount of complaints here, and yesy management of these chains and their relations with suppliers need to be vastly improved but mistakes happen from time to time. Jeez, the Council emptied my bank account due to a human error a few months ago (calimed over £900 as tax I owed them). Yes I was pissed (like I would be with GAME if I don't get my ME:3 pre order), but they dumped it back into my account after a few hard days and I accpeted the apology I got. If I don't get my pre-order for any reason, I'll wait and pick it up elsewhere. It doesn't mean I won't shop at GAME anymore...