This is becoming a self-fulfilling doom cycle...
let me get this straight: someone anonymous tells the internet their order has been cancelled, and complains on Twitter, whereas you get an email telling you your copy is happily on its way - on time - and you think thats a reason to never shop with them again?
GAME didn't cause you any stress, you were looking for a reason to stress online as a result of this story
The bit about not ordering from GAME again didn't have much to do with the rest of the post, probably shouldn't have included it TBH.
Afternoon on the day before release is very late to be dispatching a pre-order and I don't really like not knowing what's going on with my order. If it wasn't for GAME-exclusive stuff I could have cancelled my order and had it dispatched by Shopto within five minutes.
There's NO excuse in 2012 for a website to not get you the game on the day of release. 0.
Aren't they technically breaking street date by dispatching it before the day of release? I could imagine some publishers being petty about that.
I had an order despached from Amazon late yesterday that arrived today (Res Evil Revelations) - I wouldn't worry too much, sometimes its just the lag between them scanning your package and it showing on the tracker. If they actually miss an order, I think its fair enough, but I'm glad you didn't cancel your order based on the online hysteria around this story... you'd have missed out on the exclusive stuff if nothing else.
May I ask why you feel sorry for them? I absolutely love my job. It's fun to help customers and there are a lot of perks. The pay isn't amazing, but it's minimum wage (like pretty much every other shop job around here.) Plus I work with a fantastic bunch of people, that always helps.
Also, I've heard nothing about holding pay. I'll be damned if they do.
I saw you say that you aren't getting many hours. I'm working six days a week with only half-hour lunch breaks for a full day. Yet they still maintain they don't have enough hours to spare to hire anybody else, when we desperately need more people.
Also, my store seems less interested in helping people, and forcing as much crap down their throats as possible, which only drives them away.
So what do people advise doing about the Mass Effect 3 CE?
It's out on my birthday so obviously I don't want to miss out...
Not much we can do, apart from hope they stay afloat until March 9th. Because they decided to be asses and get the CE GAME group exclusive. :/
How is your stock room looking compared to this time last year?
I popped into Game today, I was going to buy InFamous 2, do my bit for the rotting apple such as it is, and they had practically nothing, certainly not the game I wanted, either new or used. I imagined it'd take awhile for it to really impact a normal store. I did get to play a PSV though, so not all bad. As bad as the store was, it was nothing compared to the shit show Gamestation was, that was pitiful.
Yeah... you might want to spend that fairly soon.I have 75 in store credit at GAME. Should I be concerned?
I wouldn't dream of buying a Vita if there's a good chance of the company folding and not providing warranty support.
I just wouldn't buy warranty from them. Sony will support the hardware directly with the consumer where the retail can no longer do so.
Does anyone know know if SCEE sells extended warranty on their hardware? If so, I'd take it out with them rather than buy into anything GAME would try to sell. At this point, you're just giving them free money for something that probably won't last the agreed period.
Also, my store seems less interested in helping people, and forcing as much crap down their throats as possible, which only drives them away.
I just wouldn't buy warranty from them. Sony will support the hardware directly with the consumer where the retail can no longer do so.
Does anyone know know if SCEE sells extended warranty on their hardware? If so, I'd take it out with them rather than buy into anything GAME would try to sell. At this point, you're just giving them free money for something that probably won't last the agreed period.
That's of of the main reasons I stopped shopping there. "you know, you can trade this game in when you've finished it!!!!"... well I haven't actually paid for it yet so at least let me buy it before giving me the spiel.
.Inevitable. There's no room in the high street market for GAME, only indies (interesting stock, not just the latest games) and supermarkets (cheap prices on the new mainstream stuff). Online takes care of everything else.
Try as I might, I can't say as I'll miss them.
I get what you're saying, but if GAME goes bust, the onus on honouring any first year warranty would fall to Sony. The reason why it's normally retail's responsibility by law is because that makes it easier for the customer. It's my understanding that retail basically exchanges or refunds you directly, and then returns the faulty product to the manufacturer on your behalf.I'm just talking about the first year guarantee. Better to shop anywhere else.
I don't know how it is in Norway, but we have 1 year mandatory on all electronic equipment, and see above. Sony would take on responsibility if retail could not. Is it not the same in Norway?Here in Norway you get five years warranty on all electronic equipment you buy by law. If GAME goes bust you'd be fucked on the warranty here.
I don't know how it is in Norway, but we have 1 year mandatory on all electronic equipment, and see above. Sony would take on responsibility if retail could not. Is it not the same in Norway?
The problem with video game shops is that they aren't specialist stores, but they should be. I don't know what it's like outside of the UK but here the problem is that GAME (and Game Station) are just run like shops with product on the shelves you pick-up and buy. I see this as a major problem because video games are very specialist and unless you know exactly what game you want to buy, it's a hugely confusing experience.
They treat every customer like a hardcore gamer who knows what game they want, knows what day it comes out and they come in, grabs it off the shelf and heads to the till. They aren't catering for the rest of the market (which is much, MUCH bigger than the hardcore market) that generally don't know what's good and what's bad, and more importantly what's suitable for whoever is going to be playing the game.
If you were to go into GAME and say "I want a Wii game for my 7 year old daughter, it's got to be fun and colourful and easy to play and nothing nasty etc", a typical GAME employee wouldn't have a clue on how to recommend you. They would most likely pass you Mario Bros. Wii, which would be completely unsuitable as it's a hardcore game. FOR EXAMPLE.
So I popped in to my local GAME store:
Maybe I didn't notice before, but the ratio of new to preowned is fairly ridiculous at points - coupled with signs everywhere telling me to buy preowned.
I have nothing against the used game market myself, but a leading retailer shouldn't place that much emphasis on it.
So we got 3 copies of Soul Calibur in today - be ready for a huge launch!
Any NeverDead? MGS HD?
They have to at the moment as there is so little new stock. Might as well advertise what you have.So I popped in to my local GAME store:
Maybe I didn't notice before, but the ratio of new to preowned is fairly ridiculous at points - coupled with signs everywhere telling me to buy preowned.
I have nothing against the used game market myself, but a leading retailer shouldn't place that much emphasis on it.
Coincidentally saw a few games with "Out of Stock, order online" hastily written on a blank case next to them.
Any NeverDead? MGS HD?
Saved. Lenders throw life support.
StuBurns said:As bad as the store was, it was nothing compared to the shit show Gamestation was, that was pitiful.
I saw you say that you aren't getting many hours. I'm working six days a week with only half-hour lunch breaks for a full day [...] less interested in helping people, and forcing as much crap down their throats as possible, which only drives them away.
So we got 3 copies of Soul Calibur in today - be ready for a huge launch!
With CeX and new? I'm not too sure and they don't say but I hear basically NOE threatened them with cutting supply if they stocked imports (why NOE only did this from 2003 I don't know) and probably the fact that the need to import was dropping and the stores expansion into mobile phones etc meant it was easier to do all used.What actually happened?
Those copies don't exist. The game was out of stock at £9.99 then went to £0.98 for some reason (could an employee enlighten us), probably for an employee in the one store with a copy left to sell on eBay along with the £0.98 copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy.I seem to remember in the Cheap Arse Gaffer thread a mention of Xenoblade for 98p. Why the hell not collect them up in one place and sell 'em on US eBay? You'd easily make twenty times that.
Platform split or 3 per system?So we got 3 copies of Soul Calibur in today - be ready for a huge launch!
Exactly. The manager has a big role in this, if they are supportive and laid back the store will perform well without any aggressive tactics - and without pressure to hit targets the staff are able to be a lot more natural which results in happier customers and better sales. Our store has a lot of very knowledgeable staff that combined can cover virtually any subject you throw at us, and we pride ourselves on offering the best service possible.The shop has had a new manager take over during the last year and he's pretty awesome. We have a positive atmosphere and, while we still push attach / pre-orders / ADC and such, we know when to stop. It's more important to talk to the customer and listen to them, IMO.
Can you elaborate a bit on this for me? Where is your local store? I'd be happy to hear GAF customer feedback to take it on board for our store. Obviously I can't alter prices or give away things for free, but I'd like to hear as much constructive feedback as possible.
It varies, really. Mostly between 16 hours to 24 hours a week (at the moment, anyway.) If I were working 6 days a week like that though, I'd probably feel a lot less motivated.
The shop has had a new manager take over during the last year and he's pretty awesome. We have a positive atmosphere and, while we still push attach / pre-orders / ADC and such, we know when to stop. It's more important to talk to the customer and listen to them, IMO.
Those copies don't exist. The game was out of stock at £9.99 then went to £0.98 for some reason (could an employee enlighten us), probably for an employee in the one store with a copy left to sell on eBay along with the £0.98 copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Didn't read the whole thread, but isn't withholding wages illegal? If you work, shouldn't it be illegal to not compensate for that work?
Shall pick up MGS HD from GAME tomorrow then hopefully.
It varies, really. Mostly between 16 hours to 24 hours a week (at the moment, anyway.) If I were working 6 days a week like that though, I'd probably feel a lot less motivated.
The shop has had a new manager take over during the last year and he's pretty awesome. We have a positive atmosphere and, while we still push attach / pre-orders / ADC and such, we know when to stop. It's more important to talk to the customer and listen to them, IMO.
We had about 7 or 8 on PS3 alone. Even that still feels a bit lacking.
Shall pick up MGS HD from GAME tomorrow then hopefully.
I get really sick of hearing people bashing every single employee based on a bad experience at a particular store.
Moobabe said:Can we swap managers? We've got more pre-order cases for REvelations and FF XIII-2 than we will get for the games themselves. Stock levels are seriously low - and our Gamestation had a HUGE stock recall the other day as well.
Actually they probably did, all of the standalone UDraw Wii games dropped to 98p new in the sale and we were specifically sent a couple of copies of each in a delivery. The 98p was probably just to clear the last handful still on the system.Those copies don't exist. The game was out of stock at £9.99 then went to £0.98 for some reason (could an employee enlighten us), probably for an employee in the one store with a copy left to sell on eBay along with the £0.98 copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Well, we had the same problem with Revelations. We have a whole stock of pre-order boxes and had two titles sent in. I don't blame the manager for this... we only had one pre-order for Revelations so I assumed that's why we only had two sent in. That is unless, the managers order the stock themselves? I'm not entirely sure how the higher up stuff works (I'm just a lackey.)![]()
Those copies don't exist. The game was out of stock at £9.99 then went to £0.98 for some reason (could an employee enlighten us), probably for an employee in the one store with a copy left to sell on eBay along with the £0.98 copy of Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Well, we had the same problem with Revelations. We have a whole stack of pre-order boxes and had two titles sent in. I don't blame the manager for this... we only had one pre-order for Revelations so I assumed that's why we only had two sent in. That is unless, the managers order the stock themselves? I'm not entirely sure how the higher up stuff works (I'm just a lackey.)![]()