demented waffle
Gold Member
Yes, you're saying that people could be a problem hypothetically, there for they shouldn't have a right to protest. China(oops UK) must be giving you mucho social points.Yes? But do you understand them? Clearly not.
Yes, you're saying that people could be a problem hypothetically, there for they shouldn't have a right to protest. China(oops UK) must be giving you mucho social points.Yes? But do you understand them? Clearly not.
Why? because I hadn't heard of that satire site and believed it to be a real tweet? Because I believe that the UK police force try to maintain peace and do their jobs well but might make some mistakes too?This comment tracks for how cogent you've been the rest of this thread...
There you go with the strawman again. Where did I say people can't protest? Show me. You're downright illiterate at this point. I wasn't the one who said people shouldn't have a right to protest. Somebody else called the protestors "the problem" due to assuming they would be the one who will break the law in the hypothetical provocation that the police was trying to avoid. I've never said people aren't allowed to protest. Not once. You could be from China for all I know but I'm going to guess that you're American judging the UK, oh sorry "Europe" as you called it.Yes, you're saying that people could be a problem hypothetically, there for they shouldn't have a right to protest. China(oops UK) must be giving you mucho social points.
Where did I say people can't protest?
No I'm saying you can't say 'they're' a problem without anything having occurred. You can just as easily say he could be a problem in a hypothetical provocation.
Who's to say he wouldn't have hurled abuse at the protesters or broke any laws though?
What is so difficult to understand about those words? I'm really struggling to help you understand at this point.Here and here? God forbid they do something hypothetically. Put down the candy and watch little nigel go.
What is so difficult to understand about those words? I'm really struggling to help you understand at this point.
Didn't expect an actual intelligent response. Like playing chess with a pigeon. Have a good night.I understand your bootlicking just fine. Do you?
This isn't saying people aren't allowed to protest but you do you.possibly but only depending on whoever started or broke laws in that hypothetical provocation. The people trying to prevent that confrontation are certainly not though even though legally they were in the wrong. Who's to say he wouldn't have hurled abuse at the protesters or broke any laws though?
Whoever shows violence in that scenario is the problem but you don't know that by simply guessing who was there and possibly would start trouble. That is your own prejudice.
Didn't expect an actual intelligent response. Like playing chess with a pigeon. Have a good night.
Why? because I hadn't heard of that satire site and believed it to be a real tweet? Because I believe that the UK police force try to maintain peace and do their jobs well but might make some mistakes too?
Yes I'm supportive of the laws and the work the police do. This doesn't mean negligence and misconduct are excused either. I went to that site thinking it was news of a real event. Tried to find what had occured and it didn't show what meme was posted to make my own judgment. hate speech exists as a law so assumed it could possibly be that and said it's a shame there is no info. I didn't know it was all made up to begin with even though I sensed the writing and reporting was completely substandard I didn't detect it was satire.It would not be difficult to detect that the site was satire even without clicking on it, but to be fair, real life in the UK is so close to satire now you could be forgiven for glossing over it.
Your attitude appears to be supportive of police policy, in excess of individual police officers. I'll say I'm not envious of police who are counseled and expected by superiors to thread this line between policing and shitting the bed. That's about the kindest thing I can say. If UK cops are "just doing their jobs", then they were not given the correct job to do, because kids are getting raped, while they try to evade punishing the crime.
Yes, the UK Police officers are doing great at their job of ignoring child rape for decades. "made some mistakes too"
Yes I'm supportive of the laws and the work the police do.
Yes, the UK Police officers are doing great at their job of ignoring child rape for decades.
People are really mixing up arguments here. I've not said that the police did a great job on the rape case and understand that officers involved did a poor job. I only ever discussed the investigation of a complaint by Fiona Sharpe and how that is them doing a good job of not ignoring a reported possible offence. I even said advocating that the police should ignore possible offences is possibly what got us here (as in the rapes being ignored) in the first place.I realize this can be generally true, but you are responding to a post where I stated:
Which, as we know from the context of this thread, is not sarcastic and is indeed a job they do, which they're excelling at.
Are you being serious right now?
I'm sorry but filing a possible offence and the police ignoring it is not a good thing. Maybe that's what got us here in the first place.
Huh? Europe? I'm defending police doing their jobs.
People are really mixing up arguments here. I've not said that the police did a great job on the rape case and understand that officers involved did a poor job. I only ever discussed the investigation of a complaint by Fiona Sharpe and how that is them doing a good job of not ignoring a reported possible offence. I even said advocating that the police should ignore possible offences is possibly what us got here (as in the rapes being ignored) in the first place.
"The old proverb two wrongs don't make a right come to mind."People are really mixing up arguments here. I've not said that the police did a great job on the rape case and understand that officers involved did a poor job. I only ever discussed the investigation of a complaint by Fiona Sharpe and how that is them doing a good job of not ignoring a reported possible offence. I even said advocating that the police should ignore possible offences is possibly what got us here (as in the rapes being ignored) in the first place.
The old proverb two wrongs don't make a right come to mind.
People are really mixing up arguments here. I've not said that the police did a great job on the rape case and understand that officers involved did a poor job. I only ever discussed the investigation of a complaint by Fiona Sharpe and how that is them doing a good job of not ignoring a reported possible offence. I even said advocating that the police should ignore possible offences is possibly what got us here (as in the rapes being ignored) in the first place.
The old proverb two wrongs don't make a right come to mind.
What law did the original tweet break and was it legitimate? If it broke the same law then somebody can file a complaint just the same. Fiona Sharpe may have had other motives but who was the original tweet harrasing? I'm not sure.Okay, let's focus on Sharpe, even if it is off-topic.
Hatfield retweeted a tweet by Caplin. Sharpe complained about that to the police, but not about the original tweet by Caplin.
There issues are these:
- If Hatfield's retweet was breaking the law, then so would Caplin's. Yet Caplin is not being investigated about this.
How? Are you privy to what Sharpe might have filed against him? They interviewed him and it seems like no further action was taken against him but he's making a mountain out of a molehill by suggesting he may be sentenced to 5 years. They shouldn't have just assumed Hatfield did no wrong though. Based on what? Maybe Fiona Sharpe was claiming the screenshots were fakes created by Hatfield and after investigation found they weren't? Why would they assume Hatfield did no wrong without actually investigating?Sorry, but the police in the UK are pretty useless.
- I think we can assume that the original tweet was very lewd, but not breaking the law.
- The police should have been able to determine that Hatfield did no wrong without having to resort to interviewing him.
There is no lack of critical thinking. The police did a poor job but it doesn't mean they also need to do a poor job of investigating any other complaints. Even if nothing comes of it.Fair enough, but the juxtaposition of your argument the police did a good job here, against the backdrop of the thread being about the police failing child rape victims, came off strangely.
Your take appears to show a lack of critical thinking. Police turn a blind eye to rape for decades; there is obviously something intentional and systemic about it.Meanwhile, someone republishes a public tweet and has to answer to the cops; there is obviously something intentional and overbearing about it.
Yes, the person making the complaint gets listened to usually but the police don't assume you're guilty without investigation. At least that is the theory. There are shit cops and good cops. you can accuse all cops in the US of "systemic racism" too but it doesn't make it true. There are those doing their job as best they can even if it's some "pathetic shit" law. Just because some other cop might have failed to do theirs properly on a big case it doesn't mean the entire force is shit. I'm sorry but I can't agree with that.It points directly to a system that does not protect its citizens, that you can take advantage of to fuck with anyone you don't like. Who decides what is "causing a disturbance"? The person making the complaint, apparently. Police should have at least enough brain cells to make a call on what's worth investigating. For clarity, the accused did not write this tweet. He simply republished it. It was already public. Imagine if I posted your tweet here, then a lady called me out on it and then the cops showed up at my house. Well they aren't allowed to solve real crimes, so this is really the level of pathetic shit going down. Dude it's a screenshotted tweet. Get a grip.
Nobody was threatened with jailtime. The police did an interview under caution to investigate whatever complaint Sharpe had filed for Ivor to get Hatfields side of it. After it nothing came of it meaning they considered that Sharpe had nothing or was in fact incorrect on whatever she filed. That's the end of that matter for everyone except Ivor who is still under arrest. People like rhetoric though like "3rd world" and anti-islam off topic discussion, and "shit police force". Making it seem like the sky is falling. How many times did the police fail with Epstien until they eventually got him? Is the US third world too.Moving back to earlier in the thread, yeah defamation is a civil matter here. In other words someone lies about you, you have to prove it to get damages. The government doesn't just threaten you with jail for allegedly saying something a random person took issue with. 2nd world. Feel bad for the UK gaffers worried about getting out.
There is no lack of critical thinking. The police did a poor job but it doesn't mean they also need to do a poor job of investigating any other complaints. Even if nothing comes of it.
Yes, the person making the complaint gets listened to usually but the police don't assume you're guilty without investigation. At least that is the theory. There are shit cops and good cops. you can accuse all cops in the US of "systematic racism" too but it doesn't make it true. There are those doing their job as best they can even if it's some "pathetic shit" law. Just because some other cop might have failed to do theirs properly on a big case it doesn't mean the entire force is shit. I'm sorry but I can't agree with that.
Nobody was threatened with jailtime. The police did an interview under caution to investigate whatever complaint Sharpe had filed for Ivor to get Hatfields side of it. After it nothing came of it meaning they considered that Sharpe had nothing or was in fact incorrect on whatever she filed. That's the end of that matter for everyone except Ivor who is still under arrest. People like rhetoric though like "3rd world" and anti-islam off topic discussion, and "shit police force". Making it seem like the sky is falling. How many times did the police fail with Epstien until they eventually got him? Is the US third world too.
How? Are you privy to what Sharpe might have filed against him? They interviewed him and it seems like no further action was taken against him but he's making a mountain out of a molehill by suggesting he may be sentenced to 5 years. They shouldn't have just assumed Hatfield did no wrong though. Based on what? Maybe Fiona Sharpe was claiming the screenshots were fakes created by Hatfield and after investigation found they weren't? Why would they assume Hatfield did no wrong without actually investigating?
Again I nor you are privy to the complaint filed. For all I know she could have tried to frame the complaint as hate speech.There must be a point at which a complaint becomes facetious to you. Where would it be? I say that just to demonstrate that this point has to exist. By virtue of the fact that it exists, you can no longer say every complaint should be investigated. So it becomes a question of where we believe their judgement should go on the scale, from "investigates an ant stealing a shred of cheese" to "so lax it's anarchy".
Now that we have established that we have to actually choose a level here, we can't just say "ALLOFTHEM.GIF", where do we put it? Well here's my question, what is there about a screenshot of someone else's tweet that indicates any wrongdoing occurred?
Yes but how many times has somebody weaponised the police force? How many times have people swatted somebody's house? sometimes with lethal consequence. Is it the police's fault in these instances that they investigated a possible offence and didn't ignore it based on the fact that it might be totally made up to harass? Sure call the initial person making frivolous claims out. Don't blame the police for investigating a report. Especially for something so mundane as an interview to get his side of an allegation.According to you, they must have concluded Sharpe was "incorrect" in her filing. The net result is that Sharpe sent the cops to Hatfield because he posted something she didn't like, thereby weaponizing the police. Worst case he gets a bad experience, best case he says something that implicates himself badly in another way and the cops have yet another thing to keep them busy while kids get raped.
And they normally do. Failure and misconduct in this instance doesn't mean other possible crimes should be ignored. I said good job for not ignoring the complaint and not actually sentencing anybody in the communications act case to the fictitious "5 years" and that nothing wrong has really happened on the part of the police force in that particular investigation. One is not related to the other. You can't say why are you investigating smaller crimes when they failed on a bigger crime. Why are they incorrectly swatting peoples houses when Epstien was about, why are they incorrectly swatting peoples houses when terrorist successfully do other things. People fail, they're not the same people, they're not the same crimes. You don't ignore one because of the other due to some scale.Just imagine if the cops did interviews for rape perpetrators as fast as tweet screenshotters. Now wouldn't that be something. Saying good job, in this context, is just exasperating tone deafness.
Again I nor you are privy to the complaint filed. For all I know she could have tried to frame the complaint as hate speech.
Yes but how many times has somebody weaponised the police force? How many times have people swatted somebody's house? sometimes with lethal consequence. Is it the police's fault in these instances that they investigated a possible offence and didn't ignore it based on the fact that it might be totally made up to harass? Sure call the initial person making frivolous claims out. Don't blame the police for investigating a report. Especially for something so mundane as an interview to get his side of an allegation.
And they normally do. Failure and misconduct in this instance doesn't mean other possible crimes should be ignored. I said good job for not ignoring the complaint and not actually sentencing anybody in the communications act case to the fictitious "5 years" and that nothing wrong has really happened on the part of the police force in that particular investigation. One is not related to the other. You can't say why are you investigating smaller crimes when they failed on a bigger crime. Why are they incorrectly swatting peoples houses when Epstien was about, why are they incorrectly swatting peoples houses when terrorist successfully do other things. People fail, they're not the same people, they're not the same crimes. You don't ignore one because of the other due to some scale.
Could someone please explain the dynamics of this topic and Tommy Robinson to me as a non-UK citizen?
From what I understand, he has been speaking about this issue for years and was labeled a racist because of it—or was he discredited for opposing certain groups?
What role does Keir Starmer play in this context?
And why did Parliament vote against revisiting this topic for further examination?
When the government decides what is true and arrests you when you say something they don’t like, that’s an Orwellian dystopia police state, not free speech.
Jesus christ. I had to look that up as it couldn't be realFor example, let’s say you, the government, have an uncomfortable mass child rape scandal that you’re not dealing with very well. Pesky Americans won’t stop signal boosting it.
First, pass a law that makes “Islamophobia” illegal on the grounds that it is hate speech. Then, classify talking about the scandal in any clear terms as Islamophobia. Problem solved.
Americans view this with incredulity and contempt, rightly so. Life as a feudal serf.
The misunderstanding in a nutshell:
When the government decides what is true and arrests you when you say something they don’t like, that’s an Orwellian dystopia police state, not free speech.
The whole concept of free speech is that the government doesn’t control you. You don’t need free speech when you’re aligned with what the government wants you to say. It’s precisely when you aren’t that free speech matters.
From the place with legally mandated attached bottle caps, the highest of compliments.As a European I can say I find American approach extremely simplistic, primitive even.
I'm glad you said it. I was going to pick it apart via a boring rantFrom the place with legally mandated attached bottle caps, the highest of compliments.
From the place with legally mandated attached bottle caps, the highest of compliments.
Wait what?From the place with legally mandated attached bottle caps, the highest of compliments.
A good portion of Americans understand quite well and exercise it regularly. People only get tripped up on the difference between libel and slanderWe don’t have free speech in the UK like most countries around the world. If there are limitations in place to what you can say, then it is not free speech. Americans will never understand this because they’re outliers in the world when it comes to freedom of expression, and even there hate speech laws are different.
To my fellow Brits and Europeans stop with the tribalism in this thread, thinking your country is being insulted or needs defending from Americans.
The public don't need laws to protect us from 'dangerous' misinformation or hate speech laws. Misinformation is just the latest garbage they cry about because they don't like people openly discussing taboo topics.
I can't speak for all of Europe, but the UK government has shown clearly what it thinks is the 'truth' we have to listen to. Anything that doesn't fit the their narrative or the mainstream media narrative is deemed misinformation or a far right narrative. Then they are more than happy to have the police arrest and charge people for it.
UK government hates the fact that normal people are rejecting mainstream media which they control for open platforms that they can't control. Funny how they see it as a threat. Don't want the plebs to openly discuss the failure of the multicultural project or that the police let kids be raped for 20 years.
For example, let’s say you, the government, have an uncomfortable mass child rape scandal that you’re not dealing with very well. Pesky Americans won’t stop signal boosting it.
First, pass a law that makes “Islamophobia” illegal on the grounds that it is hate speech. Then, classify talking about the scandal in any clear terms as Islamophobia. Problem solved.
Americans view this with incredulity and contempt, rightly so. Life as a feudal serf.
Yes please. I physically and mentally just don't want to be here anymore.
I'm not sure, but it might be easier for Brits to get Aussie citizenship than American, because of the shared Commonwealth. Perhaps Elon being in Trump's ear might might mean more friendly immigration policy for you soon here in the US.
To my fellow Brits and Europeans stop with the tribalism in this thread, thinking your country is being insulted or needs defending from Americans.
The public don't need laws to protect us from 'dangerous' misinformation or hate speech laws. Misinformation is just the latest garbage they cry about because they don't like people openly discussing taboo topics.
I can't speak for all of Europe, but the UK government has shown clearly what it thinks is the 'truth' we have to listen to. Anything that doesn't fit the their narrative or the mainstream media narrative is deemed misinformation or a far right narrative. Then they are more than happy to have the police arrest and charge people for it.
UK government hates the fact that normal people are rejecting mainstream media which they control for open platforms that they can't control. Funny how they see it as a threat. Don't want the plebs to openly discuss the failure of the multicultural project or that the police let kids be raped for 20 years.
No doubt. Every state has lots of opportunity for motivated, competent people.Stick us in the rust belt or farming country if you have to, we'll be as grateful as humanly possible and have it fucking bouncing within 10 years like the good old days.
China also has free speech.We are never going to agree on this, since the disagreement between US and Europe on free speech is a philosophical one. My opinion - Europe does have free speech, but also has consequences of such speech, whereas the US doesn't. John Stewart summed it perfectly when he made a joke: "Is your mother a whore? I'm just asking questions here!".
As a European I can say I find American approach extremely simplistic, primitive even.
Also obligatory mention that US doesn't recognise Holocaust denial as a crime, which is the very definition of spreading lies (unless you are a Holocaust denier and will say those rail tracks were way too small to carry so many people to gas chambers).
It truly is.So to see them sweat their bollocks off is tremendous to witness and is good for the soul.
Hell, give me Mississippi, I'm not fussyNo doubt. Every state has lots of opportunity for motivated, competent people.
And, well:
With a British accent in the States you can probably go straight to tenured professor or CEO tbhHell, give me Mississippi, I'm not fussy![]()
Oh god no, I'd have to have a proper job. I couldn't handle mixing with those fart huffers. I'd rather clean toiletsWith a British accent in the States you can probably go straight to tenured professor or CEO tbh
You have no idea how feral American women go over British accents. You'll have your pick.Oh god no, I'd have to have a proper job. I couldn't handle mixing with those fart huffers. I'd rather clean toilets![]()
Some good opportunities there, too!Oh god no, I'd have to have a proper job. I couldn't handle mixing with those fart huffers. I'd rather clean toilets![]()
It truly is.
It's great to see them get their balls kicked in for what they've done. They're decimated this place for too long.
This isn't just going to go away either for them
With more open platform news and the general disdain that's been building for years it just makes it all the harder for them to hide.
A tides definitely turning.
You have no idea how feral American women go over British accents. You'll have your pick.
You have no idea how feral American women go over British accents. You'll have your pick.
Triggernometry interviewed Stephen Fry recently and Fry did not disagree with the idea of offending someone else being a crime.
The police in the UK can get fucked.
Thirty years ago I'd of chewed your arm off, these days, I'll stick with the one I've got. Ones enoughYou have no idea how feral American women go over British accents. You'll have your pick.
Some good opportunities there, too!
Starkey posted a wonderful video yesterday where he think this is going to get incomprehensively worse for our incumbent STASI. Everything these internationalist cunts have built is about to be torn down under Trump and Musk. God willing, or In-sha'Allah to be newspeak compliant.
Keep in mind Starkey warned incessantly about how dangerous Starmer and his regime would be long before the day of the General Election.
I think our American friends would enjoy it too, he goes over the US constitution, its birth, the rights of Englishmen and how it's under attack. Best historian alive IMO.