Multiculturalism was a mistake
You either abide by the country rules and culture or you are out. Trying to incorporate every culture and religion to your country could only result in disaster.
This is why I admire Japan: they pick some stuff from western culture, sure, but they dont bend their knees. Their culture and society are still unique. It's hard af for immigrants to be inserted in their society, as it should be.
I'm so sorry for those girls...
And what a fucking idiot take by Tom Holland, jesus.
My graduation's thesis was about immigration's workforce in Europe and its importance. I've read tons of papers about it.There's been a lot of hand waving and ignoring of issues around immigrants because of one thing: they work cheap. Businesses and governments are quite happy to turn a blind eye to the problems with integration and backwards beliefs and values, as long as they get to pay the minimum wage.
None of this is likely to change any time soon.
We have seen how well that is received though with the H1B issue blowing up recently.My graduation's thesis was about immigration's workforce in Europe and its importance. I've read tons of papers about it.
It's a very hard topic to come up with a sollution. Japan, as I've mentioned, arent facing the same problems as Europe right now with immigrants. In the other hand, they are getting older and their population is dimminishing rapidly. What to do?
Selecting educated immigrants would be a start, imo
And if you want straight talking: you're religious. You don't want this conversation taking a turn into discussing how people do things based on what their holy book tells them. Because it raises a great many questions outside this one specific topic. Not that those need to be discussed any further here.
Maybe.That's a weird deflection. They are considering the religion more than anything when they say 'race'.
Either way, bringing in all religions groups into this topic and criticising all religions is tarring them all with the same brush.
There's been a lot of hand waving and ignoring of issues around immigrants because of one thing: they work cheap. Businesses and governments are quite happy to turn a blind eye to the problems with integration and backwards beliefs and values, as long as they get to pay the minimum wage.
None of this is likely to change any time soon.
Unless it hasn't been answered: What do you think his reasons are if they are not altruistic?Spot on Slimy. People are trying to capitalise on this for political purposes, when all politicians are responsible, no matter what their party or ideology. It's good that Elon has signal boosted this shit again, because people really do need to be held to account... but he's not doing it for altruistic reasons. He's been at the UK for quite some time now, even before Labour came into power, for reasons which have nothing to do with grooming gangs.
I've been hearing this since 1995 about Japan.My graduation's thesis was about immigration's workforce in Europe and its importance. I've read tons of papers about it.
It's a very hard topic to come up with a sollution. Japan, as I've mentioned, arent facing the same problems as Europe right now with immigrants. In the other hand, they are getting older and their population is dimminishing rapidly. What to do?
Selecting educated immigrants would be a start, imo
Could you elaborate on that? As a non-american, I'm not aware of it.We have seen how well that is received though with the H1B issue blowing up recently.
Except the Japanese are heading towards disaster with e.g. not having enough doctors or nurses to care for the elderly unless they let people in. Same for working construction, maintaining public services e.g. your thrash will be taken every 3, not 2 days. In the city hall you will be able to fill out forms till 3pm, not 5pm, etc. Not enough doctors - that appointment that took 3 months 20 years ago will now take a year, sucks for you if you die due to undiagnosed cancer...This is why I admire Japan: they pick some stuff from western culture, sure, but they dont bend their knees. Their culture and society are still unique. It's hard af for immigrants to be inserted in their society, as it should be.
Multiculturalism was a mistake
You either abide by the country rules and culture or you are out. Trying to incorporate every culture and religion to your country could only result in disaster.
This is why I admire Japan: they pick some stuff from western culture, sure, but they dont bend their knees. Their culture and society are still unique. It's hard af for immigrants to be inserted in their society, as it should be.
I'm so sorry for those girls...
And what a fucking idiot take by Tom Holland, jesus.
You know how numbers work?'ve been hearing this since 1995 about Japan.
"They are in trouble in a few years. Their workforce is aging and they aren't having enough birth replacement"
After 30 years, I keep hearing it and they keep chugging on normally
You know how numbers work?
They are right now 5 millions less than in approx. 2009 when they peaked (128 million). You already hear stories about villages or small towns being completely abandoned since everyone either moved or died.
In 2050 - 25 years from now - they are forecasted to be at 105 million, which is 18 million less than right now, and with a median age of 52 years. As mentioned in my previous post - queues to the doctor will get longer, thrash will be taken out less often, roads, buildings, etc. will be repaired less often and as a result with degrade more, etc., etc.
In Europe you have additional problem nobody is talking about since it's a political suicide - less working people and more retirees means more money spent on retirement pensions. So you have two choices:
1. You are going to tax people professionally active more - good luck with that
2. You are going to pay less retirement money (that is usually defined as % of your last pay check before retirement) - already the forecast for Poland in 20-30 years is your retirement being approx. 20% of what you earned just before your retirement ; if you didn't save on your own (and most people do not) you are fucked
If you were working behind the desk or in a liberal profession - maybe you can keep on working, maybe even some people still want to continue working as a means to keep active and engaged. But that will not be an option for vast majority of people, especially since government is really not pushing on making sure people stay healthy as their age.
A few things:Problem is big but unrestricted illegal immigration isn't the answer.
Most of those people don't work at all and drain social system of western European countries.
To have high fertility they would also have to bring African and Arab women with their mindset about children, what they get is vast majority of men that won't even find any woman to breed with.
It's also proven that people stops breeding like rabbits when they live in much more developed country.
This is world wide problem, Japan and SK are just the most affected.
A few things:
1. Of course unrestricted illegal immigration is not the answer. Nobody wants that, even less government since illegals = black work = no taxes paid. No matter what government they want people to pay taxes, that never changes.
2. As for draining the social system - anyone cares to quote numbers and objective studies? If they are illegal in Europe they don't get shit. Even if they get it it is heavily restricted e.g. recent changes in the system for non-working foreigners in France make the wait 5 years before accessing benefits. The problem is often people that work minimum, drop off to live on benefits, start working the minimum again, drop off to live on benefits, rinse repeat. However this can be solved by restricting the system (which is already happening).
3. On average well-off (white) French families have many kids, at least 3. It is a cultural issue, since in Poland even if you are very well off you don't really think of having more than 2. Where I live in Paris it is normal to see families of 3, when I was for two weeks in Poland I saw ONE family like that, and I was always surrounded by them doing things with my kids.
That is what I said - in France well-off families have many kids, while the same level of living in Poland you get max 2. There is also a cultural component at play here. Where in the US an educated woman might think she doesn't want to be a mother in France the same woman will be like: "let's have many!".Just like back then, it’s expensive now to raise kids to what is deemed the proper standard, and no one likes being told what to do regarding family matters.
This is Keir Starmer's response to
calling out his part in covering up the rape gang scandal. Listen to it carefully and think about what he's saying here.
1. Starmer doesn't seem to know why Tommy Robinson is in jail. He seems to be referring to a previous conviction from 6 years ago in Huddersfield, which in itself was certainly a politically motivated reason to put Tommy behind bars then. This happens so often it's easy to get them mixed up.
2. Starmer dismisses these valid critiques as merely the "playbook" of the "far right". He did the same thing after the fear and frustration boiled over after the Southport Massacre, where a Muslim radical stabbed 8 children, killing 3. He has no sympathy whatsover for the English working class, and stigmatises them with the "far right" label as outside of the bounds of his consideration.
3. Starmer plays the victim for both himself and Jess Phillips. Instead of accepting that he and his government have done wrong here, he instead claims that "threats" have been sent and this means he doesn't have to tolerate any criticism of his handling of the rape gangs.
4. Starmer finishes by saying that the government will "will get on with the job of protecting victims, including child sexual abuse, mandatory reporting, accelerating the process", but this would not have been necessary if it wasn't for their own attempt to cover up the story and dismiss the victims in the first place, which is essentially an admission that Elon and Tommy are right, and if they hadn't kicked up a fuss about this, nothing would have changed.
The entire way Starmer has handled this is disgraceful, in my view. He is acting as if preventing the rape of children, and bringing justice to those victims of rape gangs, is somehow a
partisan issue that only the "far right" would be concerned about and that this is a "bandwagon", and not a legitimate crime that has happened against the British people. Utterly vile.
PM attacks those 'spreading lies' on grooming gangs as he hits back at Musk
The prime minister says those who spread misinformation about child sexual exploitation are "not interested in victims"
I mean...they are Labour after all, if you know anything about UK Left you know they are a bunch of deluded folks. The only thing worse than them are Tories.I am at a loss of words. When will they admit that this isn't just an over blown conspiracy?
Nothing to see here. Oh, and here's a TikTok:
No i don't know much about british politics. I'm more into continental (geo)politics of my neighbours (PL here).I mean...they are Labour after all, if you know anything about UK Left you know they are a bunch of deluded folks. The only thing worse than them are Tories.
Lol...why is Musk so (seemingly) invested in what's going on in the UK?
He has a very small business footprint in the UK so I can't understand why he cares one way or the other.
Because it is not the first time that UK authorities have problems with correctly reacting to sexual crimes:Lol...why is Musk so (seemingly) invested in what's going on in the UK?
He has a very small business footprint in the UK so I can't understand why he cares one way or the other.
He is only exploiting the victims to push civil unrest, and distract as you noted.Elon calling for new elections after they literally had new elections last year just shows he manipulated the algorithm to bring this back into the news for political reasons. the tories were running the government for literally the past 15 years, and all of this happened under their watch just as much as labour when they were in power in the 90s and 2000s.
this is an institutional failure from top to bottom. everyone failed these girls. making this about politics is not the answer. the issue is more complicated than that. the guy who commissioned this study was a conservative MP Sajid Javid, son of a Pakistani migrant. You need mass re-education of muslim men AND women because what kind of women are raising these animals. You need checks and balances put in place so that parents and girls can reach survivor hotlines that bypass the cops and social workers. You need something like amber alerts for runaways. Cant just give up on your daughters. You need better mental health services for young children. You need to retrain all your police forces and explain to them that under age girls cannot consent. And you need double agents to infiltrate muslim communities and set up sting operations to ensure these gangs are caught before they can take root in a community. We do this for terrorists. this is just as bad since it affected thousands of women.
Tories had 15 years to do all of this. they didnt. Calling for new elections so soon after the last elections reeks of exploiting this tragedy for politcal purposes. And knowing what Elon is capable of, i wouldnt be surprised if he pushed this to get heat off the H1B issue. Not a single post on my feed today about H1B or UFOs.
pretty much all of these cases were prosecuted nearly a decade ago, and these guys got like 2-6 years max. nearly all of them are back on the streets.
the cops and social workers who turned a blind eye now need to get prison sentences but lets face it, if they are giving actual pedos 2 years for raping hundreds if not thousands of women, they are not going to hold the cops accountable.
Well there are two parts to this:I am at a loss of words. When will they admit that this isn't just an over blown conspiracy?
PM attacks those 'spreading lies' on grooming gangs as he hits back at Musk
The prime minister says those who spread misinformation about child sexual exploitation are "not interested in victims"
Pakistani-Muslim grooming gangs plied them with alcohol and drugs, they raped them in graveyards, they put them into the back of taxis and drove them to be gang-raped by 20+ of their friends, they dismembered them and sold them as kebab meat, they inserted a pump into their anal cavity and had multiple men sodomise them at once, they raped them on filthy mattresses above takeaway shops
I am not one of those idiots that would point the finger to the current government and say "it's their fault!".Well there are two parts to this:
1) the systematic cover-up of mainly Pakistani gangs of men raping white girls - not a conspiracy, plain fact
2) that this became republicised and politicised 6 months into a labor government after 14 years of conservative rule - timing is a little sus.
Indeed.Catching up with this, reading the OP and I'm just... speechless.
ANYONE who allowed this to keep going should be killed in public, no mercy for them.
I swear kill every person involved. No prison, kill them ALL. And make them suffer a lot.
I have no problem with immigration as long as you are a decent human AND have a net positive contribution to the wider society in some meaningful way. And of course, you better learn the damn language. Unfortunately the open border policy of the UK is horrendous. There are thousands and thousands of asylum seekers in the UK who are going to contribute fuck all to the economy or society at large.There's been a lot of hand waving and ignoring of issues around immigrants because of one thing: they work cheap. Businesses and governments are quite happy to turn a blind eye to the problems with integration and backwards beliefs and values, as long as they get to pay the minimum wage.
None of this is likely to change any time soon.
Absolutely. The indigenous girls are heavily trafficked.Makes me wonder, how widespread this is in other countries (such as my own, Canada)?