Now I remember why I dont play Elena. She makes me seem like Im way better than I am. Come back to Elena after not playing her for 8 months, start winning all my games. playing dudes with 3kpp is actually a legit match and not a free win for them. Currently hold a 70% win rate with her vs Yang's 49% and Fei's 50%. Feels bad man.
Yeah, I've seen you playing Fightcade and 3s a lot recently.

Just send me a message if you want to play. Usually around at night. Definitely up for games if you ever see me in-game.
I've gone to EVO past few years.
Getting married the Wed. before EVO this year!
congrats man!
This quote reminds me of a message I got from a Hawk player one time. The guy had low PP was mashing everything and random'd me. I look for a rematch and couldn't find him anywhere. Then I realize why, he was writing me a message and just sent it to me when I move onto another match. He said something like "you hella good, are you going to EVO?". I thought he was trolling me but I gave a simple answer in the form of "nope". He replies "exactly", I reply "yep".
Basically he's implying I'm not good enough to go to EVO. But that doesn't matter, anybody can go to EVO regardless of your skill level. I went in 2011 when I was far worse than I am now, and I still suck. We've seen guys on stream who only does special moves and jump back/forward. I found it amusing but didn't think this Hawk player was worth my time. He'd probably refuse a rematch anyways so I didn't want to give him any satisfaction.
I always thought you had to qualify for Evo. Had no idea anyone could enter.
Trying to do these challenges and is it just me or is the timing insane? I'm only on #7 but the second attack never links, he either blocks if I'm too slow or nothing happens if I'm too fast, there doesn't seem to be any wiggle room at all.
Im guessing youre doing Ryu's,, That's a 1 frame link I believe. Man, this is taking back to 2010 when I first tried SF4, I couldnt do that shit at all for the longest time. It was even worse for me because I had no one to go to for tips on what I was doing wrong.
Basically it's a really tight link. You shouldnt even worry about it right now, because learning that isnt even central to what Ryu does.But since youre already doing it I'll give you a tip. if the is blocked, that means you hit too late. Try to get it in your mind to hit it just a tiny bit earlier. If the doesnt come out at all, that means that you hit it too early, so try to hit the button just a little later. Once you keep doing that you'll eventually find the sweet spot and all three hits will connect. This is pretty much central to learning all links in the game and how you'll be able to find that sweet spot and connect them.
Honestly though if you want a move thats much more useful than that and what you'll be using all the time in matches just do xx hadouken. (xx means cancel the move instead of linking it) it's really simple and a hell of a lot more useful.