Rolling Girl
Was about to post that. O: Jargon from the translation team:
It has been almost 3 years I've worked on this project with many people, and for some reason I can't even describe such experience as these years that were so long passed like a flash.
I can't help but feel sort of relieved but also bitter since it is hard to have that impression that "that's it, we have done it!". Probably would have been different for a project which would be the same but on a shorter span (episodic structure doesn't help I guess).
Of course, things wouldn't have gone so well without all members of Witch Hunt who managed to keep it up. Those who helped us and still could see the end of our journey, I thank all of you for your help under the group name, however large or small your contribution was, each of them helped us to go that far. Regardless if you are no longer with us for this release, I personally am grateful for what you have done with us.
Suffice to say, the support and satisfaction of all fans was also a splendid sight to behold. I would be lying if we didn't feel satisfaction with all these thanks, but yet, it is the fact all of you were so curious, interested and looking forwards Ryukishi's latest tale that drove us to do our best.
As such, we of Witch Hunt would like to express our gratitude to all of you readers, who enjoyed Umineko no Naku Koro ni.
Well then, enough tchitchat I guess?
As promised, here is the tale that Ushiromiya Battler wanted to convey to his little sister. Now, this tale is finally available for everyone.
We of Witch Hunt are proud to announce that the complete patch for Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru - Episode 8: Twilight of the Golden Witch is finally available.
You can grab it here. Please select the appropriate installer depending of your OS:
- Windows installer: [EU mirror] [US mirror]
- OS-X installer: [EU mirror] [US mirror]
More mirrors and nosinstaller versions can be found on our website.
Please note that we aren't going to remain idle, so if you notice any glitch, typo, mistakes etc, please don't hesitate and report them to us.
Note: Old save state won't be available for this release. Therefore, we made a choice at the beginning of Episode 8 that will allow you to jump directly to the second half of the patch.
Specific note: A known glitch will certainly occur at some point in Episode 8. It isn't that much of an issue, but we have no fix as of now.
The problem is as follow: At some point in the latter half of Episode 8, a certain character doll sheet will take the topmost layer displayed, which will cover even the menu HUB. Once the scene is over, everything works fine.