Blow up the universe those can't exist.
Time to deploy Crimson Typhoon
Do those fuckers have natural enemies?
If yes: do they harm us?
If no: [random nope image]
With no co-evolved predators or parasites in North America, populations could explode and cause the North American agricultural industry to collapse.Jokes aside, what are the ethics concerned with this? If these things pose a threat to people, can we, or should we make them go away (extinction?) I'm just thinking if these things made it to the US how it would be.
They have prison shanks on the ends of their abdomens!
I hope customs never lets those bastards into this country. Holy hell, those look scary as fuck. PEACE.
With no co-evolved predators or parasites in North America, populations could explode and cause the North American agricultural industry to collapse.
European honeybees have no defenses against them. Zero, zip, zilch. Japanese honeybees have a defense, but not ours. We already have problems with phorid flies and Colony Collapse Disorder. Add a monster hornet that can devastate hives and our flowers are fucked.
We have enough shit to kill us as is you fucking keep this China.
我也不要Starting to regret taking up Chinese studies...
Many hornets prey on spiders, and hornets are not cicadas. They are strong, mean, thickly armored killing machines with garden shears for a mouth.They'd take one look at a Funnel web, turn around and get back on the boat.... Australia has some bad ass spiders, and some of the biggest and strongest web makers in the World. If you think about the size of a green grocer Cicada, probably around the same size as those Hornets, and Orb weavers will catch them easy enough. Chuck in a few Huntsmen to tackle the ground forces and I reckon we're good.
Failing that we should introduce some form of Hornet eating Amphibian..... a Toad maybe?
If we kill one of those, do we get exp points?
They're freaking huge.
We have to eat them to beat them.
the thing is...your absolutely right. Ok guys, its time to put aside our squemish tendencies and roast these assholes. If we force ourselves to develop a craving for them it won't be long before their served at McDonalds and soon we'll eat more than they can reproduce effectively wiping out the species by 2025.
I'm being serious here lets eat the fuckers.
or spread rumors that their stingers increase penis size and duration.
A forum on Need to kill Asian Hornets and comments on a Giant Hornet article includes reports of Asian Giant Hornets in Alabama, California, Georgia, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Vermont, Virginia, and West Virginia. One of the pictures from a contributor from Tennessee shows a European Hornet. Last Fall posters reported aggressive infestations in recent years. In Georgia a poster reports he doesn’t go a day without seeing one of the giant hornets. One poster reports the insects flying into lights at night, and an infestation in a chimney with about 200 hornets getting inside the house. Many posters scoff at the comments that the insects aren’t aggressive. Some posters report that the large hornets are not affected by wasp/hornet spray.
The population of Asian giant hornets (vespa mandarinia), as they’re known, has surged largely because of climate change, says the Shaanxi Provincial Forestry Department (link in Chinese). The average winter temperature in Ankang rose 1.10 ℃ in the span of a few years alone, allowing more hornets to survive the winter. And it’s not just China; rising temperatures are behind the spread of another deadly Chinese hornets species, vespa velutina, in South Korea and Europe.
The chief prey of the Chinese hornet? Honeybees. As global warming makes more of the world hospitable to Chinese hornets, more honeybees are dying in the beepocalypse. Areas in Europe where they’re likeliest to invade “hold among the highest densities of bee-hives in Europe,” according to recent research.
Are these the same hornets? They were spotted in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
It wont work! The second we start eating them is the second they earn a place on Humanities Protected Species list. We'd start farming them, thereby making more of them!
these creatures sting ability causes the Doom ailment? shit is like an RPG now. i gotta upgrade my equipment. lvl 1 plastic fork aint cutting it
Are these the same hornets? They were spotted in Arlington Heights, Illinois.
They have been spotted in Illinois already. WE'RE ALL FUCKED!
Looks so. Well, you guys had a good run.Are these the same hornets? They were spotted in Arlington Heights, Illinois.