Here is my review of Uncharted Golden Abyss.
Here is my review of Uncharted Golden Abyss.
Here is my review of Uncharted Golden Abyss.
With Uncharted: Golden Abyss we have the first must-buy for Sony's PlayStation Vita. It takes the series' much-loved gameplay, storytelling and presentation, and adds on innovative touch and tilt features to make a game that fits perfectly alongside its predecessors. Prepare to be amazed by a portable videogame.
I disagree with a few things in the review but that's opinions for you.
The first being the way that they shove the Vita's features down your throat. There's a reason why Naughty Dog got rid of so much of the Sixaxis controls in UC2 and seeing it here in Abyss reminded me of that.
I also thought the enemy AI was pretty bad for the most part except for a few scripted parts. Overall I thought combat was very weak especially compared to UC2 and UC3, and overall just not fun.
The story in general is crap. It's extremely straightforward and not particularly well told. Not to mention almost all the new characters are pretty much garbage. They ruin one of the biggest twists in the gamein the first few minutes of the game. There is very little emotional impact in almost all of the scenes. It's just not that interesting of a story.Dante betraying you
they dont shove them down your throat. All the touch stuff is optional.
Most touch stuff is optional but not all.
Personally I don't mind the touch stuff, the Vita has a badass touch screen, utilize it. The only touch stuff I'm hesitant about is the melee. I'm not sure I want to swipe the screen every time I want to use melee.
All in all, Uncharted: Golden Abyss is a solid addition to the Uncharted series, and one that any gamer, fan of the series or no, should be eager to get their hands on. It has a tight, well-written and well-acted script, excellent graphics, and gameplay on par with its PS3 brothers.
Its only real downside is that, because it is a launch title, it seems Golden Abyss seems overeager to incorporate every feature of the Vita whether it adds to the experience or not. That aside, if this game is indicative of portable games in the future, it looks like we may be entering an age where the only difference between portable and console gaming is the size of the screen
Final Verdict Uncharted: Golden Abyss proves that PS Vita has the clout to make serious waves in the industry.
great. i wonder if the game would've been scored higher if it had not been uncharted and instead had been a new ip
I guess it might have, given Uncharted Vita will inevitably be compared to ND's Uncharted games and Bend simply isn't as good a developer as ND, it's kind of a tough situation for Bend to be in, not being able to make their own IP and having to play little brother to the big boys, on the other hand ND has done a ton of work to build goodwill for the Uncharted IP.
Yes, they are, but that doesn't mean they are quite on the same level as Naughty Dog.Bend are a fantastic dev
Yes, they are, but that doesn't mean they are quite on the same level as Naughty Dog.![]()
Currently at chapter 15 and i am 100% enjoying my self. Dat visuals on the OLED screen O_O.
I've voiced my concerns over the controls in the "apocalyptic" thread which has been rectified by using both the gyro and aim assist. I can't believe i am saying this but at this point in time, i am definitely enjoying GA more than UC3. Bend did an excellent take on the franchise. I like the fact that there is no disconnect between location and story. No globe trotting also is a very nice change of pace.
The amount of geometry on the screen is really staggering at times, along with no pop-ins. Its hard to believe that this is coming out of a 5 inch device. Some low points however include the inconsistency of visuals in the game. A few areas look down right bad. Perhaps they ran out of polish time. However, this does not negate the fact that it is still an accomplishment though. The game also feels like more of an adventure as opposed to a "pop-corn" game such as UC3 in that things are not happening just because it looks cool. Despite this, the story is somewhat lacking. There is not enough suspense or mystery to match the other excellent aspects of the game. Ironically there seems to be more cut-scenes regarding story in GA than UC3 but a lot of it feels kind of like filler. Ah well lol.
Would love a spin-off featuring Sully, make it happen Bend!
Really hope this does not bomb =(. May have to buy another US copy haha.
they dont shove them down your throat. All the touch stuff is optional.
I tried this yesterday on a friend's Vita for... 2 minutes or so? My impression is that the aiming controls were dogshit. Perhaps if I adjusted sensitivity settings they would be better? It was also my first time touching a Vita.
Just a friendly announcement. In Hard mode you can't use aim assist like any other game.
I agree with you 100%. I've also got Aim Aissist turn on as well as Gyro and the game controls amazingly. Auto assist puts you in the direction of the person then you just use the Gyro to line it up perfectly. You still feel like its not aiming for you but it feels smooth.
Loving the game really. I get amazed every time I turn it on. Even though its janky in some places, it still feels like the first "console experience" i've had on a handheld.
Yeah it really does. I was getting worried in earlier levels how linear the game was but after chapter 13 or 14 some of the levels open up. Good game is good.
destructoid review said:My favorite new addition to Uncharted's control is the motion control-enabled aiming assist. You'll still use the right analog stick to aim your weapons, but the Vita's motion sensors let you tilt the system to fine tune your aim. While larger gestures let you move the reticle from enemy to enemy, I used it more for correcting my aim, and quickly fell in love with the feature. Being able to tilt to fine tune aim is so intuitive that I don't know how I ever lived without it.
NowGamer review said:The other new Vita feature is a tilt sensor. This has welcome applications such as controlling Drakes wild ride down a mudslide and weaker ones, like using it to aim. However, after a bit of fiddling in the options menu, most of these questionable features can be individually turned off to make it run almost identically to any other Uncharted title.
Eurogamer review said:...the game's six-to-eight hour lifespan....
...the experience of controlling Drake is immediately comfortable and intuitive.
Just got up to Chapter 24,I am totally comfortable with the controls now, they feel really great when using the sticks for general aiming and the gyro for fine tuning.when Sully comes in the humor in the game goes up so many more notches.
This game has a third half?I love the third half of the game.
When you beat the game does it unlock characters and modifiers to use during replay? Something the third didn't have but the other two did?
This game has a third half?
*writes article* What Ridge Racer could learn from Golden Abyss.
Didn't see this thread before, here's ours:
i need help! finished the game on Hard, got the hard completed trophy, but Crushing difficulty not unlocked?? lol wtf??
Yes, they are, but that doesn't mean they are quite on the same level as Naughty Dog.![]()
What's this "additional mysterious" you mentioned in the second-to-last paragraph?![]()
Can anyone who had a problem with the original aiming in Uncharted 3 give me some impressions on GA's aiming? I'm kind of concerned about this issue given how reviewers completely ignored it in UC3 reviews.
Right now I'm only sold on Wipeout at launch but I do enjoy a good Uncharted game...