Bailey's Dad said:Can anyone tell me if the game is tearing free and locked at 30fps 99% of the time? I guess I can find out for myself this week when the demo comes out but I don't want to wait.
Wollan said:Snow levels.
Rain levels.
Snow and rain levels.
Linkzg said:SLEET LEVELS?!
:lol :lol :lolLinkzg said:SLEET LEVELS?!
Justin Dailey said:The new trailers look smooth as butter. No tearing/framedrops even with enemies on screen.
A little tip: don't EVER use a demo to judge a game's framerate. This is something that is usually smoothed out at the end of a game's development...and demo code is usually very old.
Justin Dailey said:what the *FUCK* is going on in this thread? :lol
Barrels!Yoboman said:Give me one reason to have faith that Killlzone will be a AAA game like Uncharted and we'll talk
TEH-CJ said:ok i'll stop
I can pretty much confirm having played the first four chapters, that it is possible to fall of anywhere as long as there's nothing blocking you like on the submarine. Numerious times I fell down at the waterfall because I couldn't jump to the right place because of the fixed camera there, but it sounded great when he shouted: "ohhhh ohhh oohhhhhhhhh" and then suddenly it was all silent with a man at the bottom with a broken neck..Greg said:Sorry, but the blood in Killzone sells me - even if the game fails hard, I'll still enjoy it.
...and another thing... I've seen all of these videos where Drake is on the edge of a cliff, boat, etc. - are there borders protecting him, or can you just jump right off the edge?
When I get to the spot on the 2nd picture down, I'm jumping right the fuck off the cliff and enjoying the (beautiful) ride down. :lol
Justin Dailey said:The new trailers look smooth as butter. No tearing/framedrops even with enemies on screen.
A little tip: don't EVER use a demo to judge a game's framerate. This is something that is usually smoothed out at the end of a game's development...and demo code is usually very old.
I word am have after compare game and other. Me sorry be for thing. People say thing bad and who say thing stupid. Did no know but now know and much shame. Is bad I see now. Can have forgive? Sorry? Oh hope can. Promise no be bad if can try now plz.Kodiak said:Ok, everyone who has compared Uncharted and Killzone will be required to write a 500 word essay on why they are sorry and how they can improve their future posts.
Anastacio said:I can pretty much confirm having played the first four chapters, that it is possible to fall of anywhere as long as there's nothing blocking you like on the submarine. Numerious times I fell down at the waterfall because I couldn't jump to the right place because of the fixed camera there, but it sounded great when he shouted: "ohhhh ohhh oohhhhhhhhh" and then suddenly it was all silent with a man at the bottom with a broken neck..
razu | November 2nd, 2007 at 4:46 pm
Hi amy,
People on TV, movies or even gamedevelopers normally dont impress me , but you are exception.
I am huge fan of legacyofkain series, finished all, got Jak3 just because of your direction, and looking forward to your next directorial project, i have huge expectations from Uncharted(not because its from Sony or ND but its under your command) and its looks really impressive uptill now.
I have been longing to ask some questions if you can answer
1. Who had written the actual dialogue of legacyof kain series, some say jenkins was responsible other say dyack?
Which part of LOKseries you have written(dialogues i mean)?
2. Do you consider games as art?
3. Is Uncharted SD optimized, i mean does it look average or bad on SDTV?
Any feedback will be appreciated.
Wishing you goodluck for future projects.
Amy Hennig | November 2nd, 2007 at 8:47 pm
Thanks, Razu I cant take too much credit, though! Uncharted is the sum of many talented peoples hard work! I myself am amazed at what the team has accomplished.
Im glad you enjoyed the LoK series - Ill try to answer your questions..
1. Different people were involved in the writing, over the course of the series. Denis and Ken wrote the story and dialogue for BO:LoK (the first game) - as Crystal Dynamics design manager, I worked with them on the game design and layouts. The story was pretty much done when I came aboard - they were just working on animating/rendering the cinematics.
I helmed the story/writing efforts on Soul Reaver, SR2, and Defiance but I collaborated with lots of people (internally and externally). Paul Jenkins and I collaborated on SR2, and Carol Wolf worked with me on Defiance.
BO2 was developed by an entirely different team - I didnt work on the story/dialogue at all (though I did need to sort of write around it when working on SR2 and Defiance).
Hope that clears things up! (Sorry to all the other folks on the board who couldnt give a damn
2. Yes, I think games can be art. Ive played some! We certainly put our creative hearts and souls into it.
3. Far as Im aware, Uncharted looks fine on standard def. Looks better in HD, though
Thanks again for your words of encouragement!
Justin Dailey said:I won't...
Are the sleet levels before or after the heat wave/mild drought levels?[/QUOTE]
We need more levels like that :O
G-Bus said:I agree, but with this game you can. The demo was made after the game went gold. Something that should be done a lot more.
Basch said:Do we know for sure it comes from the final build? All I remember them saying was that they have been planning the demo for a long time and decided to hold off until the end of the development cycle.
Basch said:Do we know for sure it comes from the final build? All I remember them saying was that they have been planning the demo for a long time and decided to hold off until the end of the development cycle.
Yeah I got the same email. Only one day earlier thoughdralla said:I just got an email from Amazon telling me the game is going to ship early! w00t! [pre-ordered it weeks ago]
Azsori said:Yeah, they started work on the demo after the wrapped up everything and went gold. So the demo should be made from finalized code.
I thought I read that they finished both at the same time but I could be mistaken.Azsori said:Yeah, they started work on the demo after the wrapped up everything and went gold. So the demo should be made from finalized code.
TEH-CJ said:That chick in your avy is smoking hot
if thats your GF i salute you good sir.
Azsori said:Nope, that is Brazilian Supermodel Adriana Lima, most famously know from Victoria's Secret.
My girlfriend :lol , maybe in my wildest dreams.
dralla said:checked the OP, didnt see this. review'd
"Some games I want to give a score, this is one of them, it promotes gaming as an interactive adventure and an art form, broadening what is possible on a gaming platform. For this alone it deserves acknowledgement, the fact that it controls so well and is very fun just compounds this to make it a great title in gaming history. It has its flaws but its ambition and quality features far out weigh the few issues. Naughty Dog has my permission to abstain from making cartoon games in the future to concentrate on cinematic titles such as this. Dust off the PS3 and get ready to jump around."
I honestly won't give out scores to beta codes as it is not fair. But there should be no doubt, that people who like action/adventure games combined with platforming should go get it at day one.Loudninja said:Hey do I ask you this a couple pages back, but what do you wait the game from what you played.You know give a score for gameplay graphics and such pleaseThat would be alot of help for people on edge about the game
Anastacio said:I honestly won't give out scores to beta codes as it is not fair. But there should be no doubt, that people who like action/adventure games combined with platforming should go get it at day one.
Anastacio said:I honestly won't give out scores to beta codes as it is not fair. But there should be no doubt that it's a 10/10
Already has, its coming on the 19thCostanza said:What are the chances this ends up with an early release like R&C and Lair had? The 20th is already too packed with releases and I'd really like to get started on this before then.
Seiken said:Seriously, what happend to this thread? Or better yet, what will happen one hour before demo release?
Seiken said:Seriously, what happend to this thread? Or better yet, what will happen one hour before demo release?
TEH-CJ said:Download it on PSN friend.
Yup hell yes.
also 3 days till the demo!![]()
You dont include images with your analysis. Remember the saying, Pics or it didnt happen!!!freethought said:I'm not really sure but I can't wait to find out!
So is everyone doing ostrich impressions or what? I guess I'm just used to MGS fans poring over trailers and analysing every minute detail but every time I've tried in here I've been roundly ignored. It's cool if you want to 'preserve the mystery' or whatever but just let me know!
Very nice. Cinemas, Empire movie inspiritations, true gameplay in ads..etc. Promising.Firewire said:Just in case it wasn't posted.
"Sony digs deep for another megabucks marketing spend" - For Uncharted!
Good to see Sony is really gonna push Uncharted, I hope they do this everywhere though not just in the U.K.
Firewire said:Just in case it wasn't posted.
"Sony digs deep for another megabucks marketing spend" - For Uncharted!
Good to see Sony is really gonna push Uncharted, I hope they do this everywhere though not just in the U.K.
PistolGrip said:You dont include images with your analysis. Remember the saying, Pics or it didnt happen!!!
I'm pretty sure we will have into full detail when the demo is out.
SolidSnakex said:If Singstar is going to get released this year that'll probably be the next game where they spend a lot of money for the marketing.
Firewire said:Just in case it wasn't posted.
"Sony digs deep for another megabucks marketing spend" - For Uncharted!
Good to see Sony is really gonna push Uncharted, I hope they do this everywhere though not just in the U.K.
Jtyettis said:Little hard cosidering I haven't "jumped in" yet. But this game should help.