deepbrown said:We've known this for ages...elena etc. Yet he said "funny ones"Jak is soooo in there!
Hehe FIT:lol
Shut up!
deepbrown said:We've known this for ages...elena etc. Yet he said "funny ones"Jak is soooo in there!
Hehe FIT:lol
Loudninja said:Good news guys!
Other playable charatcers confirmed!for you next play though
deepbrown said:We've known this for ages...elena etc. Yet he said "funny ones"Jak is soooo in there!
PistolGrip said:should we go back to predicting gamespot scores?![]()
yeah, along with excessive bloom and saturation effects :OSolidSnakex said:There can be none better than bald space marine Drake.
PistolGrip said:should we go back to predicting gamespot scores?![]()
Sounds great. I kind of forgot we were getting home tie-ins now. They are adverticing Home on their tv spots, so i guess its about that time.Dante said:Interview with "some guy at Naughty Dog I can'ts spell his name" on the new EGM live.
Some interesting stuff
Interesting to know that there are no "canned" animations
65 hand to hand combat moves, location sensitive.
Lottsa emphasis placed on rumble.
Absolutly no forced sixaxis.
Heavily praises Amy's writing, and the actors.
Sound recorded at Skywalker sound.
Brian says one area is Goonies meets Indiana Jones, and also says some indoor enviornments not shown look better than the jungle stuff
Can't comment on Home stuff
Blu Ray disc is filled with extras
NO load times, NO pop in ever.
he tip-toed around the super natural elements.
Elena changed due mostly to technoly, more specifically a hair shader
Dante said:Interview with "some guy at Naughty Dog I can'ts spell his name" on the new EGM live.
Some interesting stuff
Interesting to know that there are no "canned" animations
65 hand to hand combat moves, location sensitive.
Lottsa emphasis placed on rumble.
Absolutly no forced sixaxis.
Heavily praises Amy's writing, and the actors.
Sound recorded at Skywalker sound.
Possible ND PSN game later on.
Brian says one area is Goonies meets Indiana Jones, and also says some indoor enviornments not shown look better than the jungle stuff
Can't comment on Home stuff
Blu Ray disc is filled with extras
NO load times, NO pop in ever.
he tip-toed around the super natural elements.
Elena changed due mostly to technoly, more specifically a hair shader
No comment on Jak.
Dante said:Interview with "some guy at Naughty Dog I can'ts spell his name" on the new EGM live.
Some interesting stuff
Interesting to know that there are no "canned" animations
65 hand to hand combat moves, location sensitive.
Lottsa emphasis placed on rumble.
Absolutly no forced sixaxis.
Heavily praises Amy's writing, and the actors.
Sound recorded at Skywalker sound.
Possible ND PSN game later on.
Brian says one area is Goonies meets Indiana Jones, and also says some indoor enviornments not shown look better than the jungle stuff
Can't comment on Home stuff
Blu Ray disc is filled with extras
NO load times, NO pop in ever.
he tip-toed around the super natural elements.
Elena changed due mostly to technoly, more specifically a hair shader
No comment on Jak.
Dante said:Can't comment on Home stuff
Blu Ray disc is filled with extras
NO load times, NO pop in ever.
hopes to equal Crysis in Uncharted 2, only with more sparks, because they're Naughty GOD
he tip-toed around the super natural elements.
Elena changed due mostly to technoly, more specifically a hair shader
No comment on Jak.
Australians "hate" New Zealanders, I think he was confusedfreethought said:Sigh, I was a little disappointed with the interview to be quite honest. Shane seems to think that British people have never seen the Goonies for petes sake. Well I'm British and I fucking love the Goonies. It used to be on TV all the time! Other than that it was pretty cool but there was virtually no new information.
Has Shane even been to Britain? He's also of the impression that we all hate New Zealanders. Did I miss a memo?
Yoboman said:Australians "hate" New Zealanders, I think he was confused
freethought said:Sigh, I was a little disappointed with the interview to be quite honest. Shane seems to think that British people have never seen the Goonies for petes sake. Well I'm British and I fucking love the Goonies. It used to be on TV all the time! Other than that it was pretty cool but there was virtually no new information.
Has Shane even been to Britain? He's also of the impression that we all hate New Zealanders. Did I miss a memo?
Kittonwy said:Who doesn't? Them and their kiwis and their wallabies, jeebus.![]()
freethought said:Sigh, I was a little disappointed with the interview to be quite honest. Shane seems to think that British people have never seen the Goonies for petes sake. Well I'm British and I fucking love the Goonies. It used to be on TV all the time! Other than that it was pretty cool but there was virtually no new information.
Has Shane even been to Britain? He's also of the impression that we all hate New Zealanders. Did I miss a memo?
recklessmind said:I hope the goonies level has some good "booty twaps"!
Dante said:Interview with "some guy at Naughty Dog I can'ts spell his name" on the new EGM live.
Some interesting stuff
Interesting to know that there are no "canned" animations
65 hand to hand combat moves, location sensitive.
Lottsa emphasis placed on rumble.
Absolutly no forced sixaxis.
Heavily praises Amy's writing, and the actors.
Sound recorded at Skywalker sound.
Possible ND PSN game later on.
Brian says one area is Goonies meets Indiana Jones, and also says some indoor enviornments not shown look better than the jungle stuff
Can't comment on Home stuff
Blu Ray disc is filled with extras
NO load times, NO pop in ever.
he tip-toed around the super natural elements.
Elena changed due mostly to technoly, more specifically a hair shader
No comment on Jak.
Yoboman said:Australians "hate" New Zealanders, I think he was confused
Kittonwy said:Richard Lemarchand.
Hair shader ftmfw.
Demo still on the 7th?
Bless his soul. May his underwears never skidmark. More love for Uncharted is a great thing.calder said:With all the excitement over COD4 (and boy am I excited) I've almost forgotten that the demo is this week.![]()
My non-new gen having brother called all babbling about COD4 and how he's going to pick up a PS3 this weekend to finally be able to play the rest of us and I mentioned Uncharted to him. He has many of the same gaming tastes as I do, so I was almost happy he hadn't heard of it yet. I pointed him to the MassiveAttack trailer and he was shocked and very impressed to say the least, and even more impressed that the demo will be out by the time he gets a PS3.![]()
I already listed the characters when I played the beta thoughLoudninja said:Good news guys!
Other playable charatcers confirmed!for you next play though
Anastacio said:I already listed the characters when I played the beta though
If I remember right, there'sAnd as said before, it's "just" skins, and there's no funny ones. I confirmed5 good and 5 enemies. Maybe there's more in the full version, I just don't think Jak or Daxter
I didn't have time to unlock it in the beta, not even sure it could be unlocked in the beta, don't think so - only in the full game.Kittonwy said:Did you play around with the various filters?![]()
Anastacio said:I already listed the characters when I played the beta though
If I remember right, there'sAnd as said before, it's "just" skins, and there's no funny ones. I confirmed5 good and 5 enemies. Maybe there's more in the full version, I just don't think Jak or Daxter
You're confused, they're just skinsLoudninja said:Actaully no, he siad full playable characters, not skins
Yoboman said:You're confused, they're just skins
Loudninja said:Listen to the damn EGM live.
Loudninja said:Listen to the damn EGM live.
I'm a gaming journalist, a writer, earlier editor. Having played beta codes of Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, The Club (alpha I think) and many other videogames. I know stuff in the industry before things are announced, and I live ten minutes from IO Interactive (makers of Kane & Lynch and Hitman). Now you kind of know who I am.. =)Ashhong said:curious, who are you and who do you work for?![]()
Loudninja said:Listen to the damn EGM live.
Anastacio said:I'm a gaming journalist, a writer, earlier editor. Having played beta codes of Uncharted, Heavenly Sword, Pro Evolution Soccer 2008, The Club (alpha I think) and many other videogames. I know stuff in the industry before things are announced, and I live ten minutes from IO Interactive (makers of Kane & Lynch and Hitman). Now you kind of know who I am.. =)
The Club is a game for the Xbox 360. It's a multiconsole website, I write about all machines - PC, PlayStation2, PlayStation 3, PSP, NintendoDS, Wii and Xbox 360. So you can say I'm not a fan or exclusive to anyone, I praise quality. But back to Naughty Dog and naughty Nate Drake grawww....Ashhong said:Cool thanks for the info. I don't remember the Club, but you listed 2 PS3 exclusives, so maybe some PS writer? Just a guess
Pirate ship confirmed!Brian says one area is Goonies meets Indiana Jones, and also says some indoor enviornments not shown look better than the jungle stuff
But does that mean unskippable cutscenes?NO load times, NO pop in ever.
DrXym said:Pirate ship confirmed!
But does that mean unskippable cutscenes?