Omeyocan said:Two days left for the demo. I bet the download speed will be somewhat very slow if not stalled.
Definetly a remote play download day.
Omeyocan said:Two days left for the demo. I bet the download speed will be somewhat very slow if not stalled.
huh?Greg said:No, the MIB came with the copy of the game this time.
He's completed 57% of it.Loudninja said:Wait you beat the game, yet you only finish 57%?
deepbrown said:So part of this is your second/third play through as well...since you had the preview version. SO you're quite speedy.
deepbrown said:He's completed 57% of it.
Mesijs said:I got only 14 this time. In the preview version I got 13 and I've played like 2:30 hours extra since. :lol So I think I missed a lot of treasures, because there's a total of 60.
You can also unlock a lot of cool things with the medals (things like shooting 5 guys with headshot), like playing the game mirrored or improve the game speed by 2.
Percentage is one of those things I need and love the most in videogames. ^^deepbrown said:Uh why? That puts at it 8hours total presuming the latter levels are the same difficulty and length as the early ones.
Plus why do games tell you how much percentage you've played? I hate that.
Tight/glued lips as I said. =)Basch said:Hey, by the way, Anastacio, tell us what that message was that you recieved from Naughty Dog when the review copy came in! Come on, I even bolded your name; you have to reply this time.
Basch said:Well, the game won't be coming out until November 19th. Most sites are still covering Call of Duty 4, Assassin's Creed, and Super Mario Galaxy. It will probably take another week before we get to see the first few reviews. Has anybody else noticed that the street date for the first issue of the new PlayStation: Official Magazine is November 20th, Uncharted's old release date? I wonder if they want to be the first to publish a review on the game. In that case, I should be getting a copy in the mail sometime this week.Unfortunately, three of the five magazines I subscribe to seem to come a week after it arrives at newstands (What's wrong with the Midwest?!?). I have no idea if PSM was one of them. Well, hopefully that won't be the case this time.
Hey, by the way, Anastacio, tell us what that message was that you recieved from Naughty Dog when the review copy came in! Come on, I even bolded your name; you have to reply this time.
RiotPelaaja said:Playing on regular difficulty level, the save file says it took me 8 hours 26 minutes to complete the game, Got about 29 of the 60 hidden treasures from the levels and only a handful of achievements (10 headshots, melee kill 10 guys in a row who are on their last breath etc). You can unlock a lot of stuff by collecting the treasures, but I doubt most will. Most of the treasures are just at the far end of the screen/area you can see, not difficult to get to.
The bonus videos are very much the same as the one's you can download from the PSN, they are all of really, really good quality.
Anastacio said:Percentage is one of those things I need and love the most in videogames. ^^
Tight/glued lips as I said. =)
joshcryer said:Mesijs, OK, I'm confused too. Did you complete the game, that is, get the end credits? Or are you still playing?
belvedere said:Was there any truth to that bit about the demo being 4 levels long?
belvedere said:Was there any truth to that bit about the demo being 4 levels long?
Loudninja said:No its only some of Chapter 4
belvedere said:Damn you CVG.
Damn you all to hell.
Exactly. It's not that difficult.deepbrown said:Read! " And after I'll finish it" He's completed 57% of the game in 4.4hours! Making the final game coming in at 8hours for someone who has played the first four levels 3 times already!
belvedere said:Damn you CVG.
Damn you all to hell.
hmmMesijs said:Exactly. It's not that difficult.![]()
Mesijs said:Exactly. It's not that difficult.![]()
Loudninja said:Hey I was right!
Marconelly said:Mesijs, what's the difference between Normal and Hard difficulty exactly? Just the number of hits enemies take to go down, or the amount of your health, or the actual aggressiveness of AI?
deepbrown said:How were you right!? You were just a confused mess lol. You thought he'd both completed the game, and also completed only 57% of the game. You absurdist!
SOLDIER said:Just one question: Are the graphics good enough to have people unanimously agree that "yeah, Xbox 360 couldn't do this?"
Graphics whore-mongering.
Mesijs said:Exactly. It's not that difficult.![]()
joshcryer said:Guys you can beat the Donkey Kong games with 50%. I think even the later games were 30% for completion (final boss + end credits).
The confusing quote in question btw:
"So, I received the review version and have been playing 4:38 hours and I completed it for 57%."
deepbrown said:ummm...well Naughty Dog would tell you they couldn't make the same game without Blu-ray or the Cell. So they would've made a different game...maybe with amazing graphics but only 5 hours long? I JEST! :lol (proof that I'm jesting - Mass Effect, Assassin's Creed)
SOLDIER said:Well, I was being pretty serious here. In hindsight, the PS3 should be able to do graphics the 360 cannot. It's supposed to be the most powerful system of the three.
I'm just waiting for the game that proves that.
And then what?SOLDIER said:I'm just waiting for the game that proves that.
deepbrown're just...stooopid. He's foreign, you've got to read between the lines...which you were doing a little too much lol
I got you from the very start and didn't even need an explanation. I just told you my take on it is different, not because I'm a reviewer but because it's a must personally. I dislike when I don't know how far I am, and I don't like "long" games that much.deepbrown said:I'll tell you why I don't like it Anastacio. I don't like to know when my game is going to end...I don't want to know when the story is coming to a close. I like to have twists in the game, surprising me about when the game is actually going to end. If the game feels like it's coming to a close, but actually there's a twist then hurrah, the game isn't finished. If I was instead aware that I was only at 80% I would be expecting the twist.
I was disappointed coming from Prince of Persia to GOW to find a percentage usage in that game.
You get me?
Though I can see why it's advantageous for Game reviewers.
Anastacio said:Percentage is one of those things I need and love the most in videogames. ^^
Tight/glued lips as I said. =)
Anastacio said:I got you from the very start and didn't even need an explanation. I just told you my take on it is different, not because I'm a reviewer but because it's a must personally. I dislike when I don't know how far I am, and I don't like "long" games that much.
SOLDIER said:Just one question: Are the graphics good enough to have people unanimously agree that "yeah, Xbox 360 couldn't do this?"
Graphics whore-mongering.
Impressive respond. Gotta read it when I wake up hihi =)Basch said:Why?!? Are you telling me that this message would, without a doubt, tie up every loose thread in the game's story? That this message reveals the mad conspiracy of the military and corporate soldiers manipulating the golden monkeys to cause Nathan Drake to shoot every pot and box thinking of what kind of treasure awaits inside but low and behold there is a lama in the barrel and that this was all part of the plan which is named "Operation Exterminating Lama" so they can rid the biggest threat to their monkey king, Sasquach, but, remember, no one but the military could come up with such a vague name as Operation Exterminating Lama, which they gave to the monkies so that they could get Sasquach to appear only to anger Drake as he thinks that he has finally unfoild "their plan" but really just progresses it further by killing Sasquach which was the single biggest threat to the bald space marines that now emerge from the vacuum of space to reinforce the private corporations which were secretly funded by Microsoft so that they could finally get rid of those pirates (ARGHH!) who were just trying to protect Drake as he is the chosen one that oracle Sully has forseen that will rescue the Lost Treasure of Eldorado, which was in fact the secret plans of a new next-gen system that would bring balance to the format war, but hidden amongst the shadows, lying under the radar, was Super Agent Elena who had in fact filmed the whole adventure for Sony so that they could re-enact the exhilarting expedition for their unpopular PlayStation 3 to push them over the edge and achieve the top spot in the console war once again? As for what happened to Drake, Elena called him up and asked if he would like to help her film a documentary titled Uncharted 2.Oh wait, now that I think about it, don't tell me! I think I just spoiled the whole game. :lol
I have a really really tight schedule honestly but that's not why I like "short" and percentage in games. Most videogames just tend to get "boring" if you can follow me.deepbrown said:Hm ok.I guess you're on a tight schedule...but can afford to buy four copies of the same game lol
Neat, that's the kind of polish I hope for. ^.^Anastacio said:And the save spots are awesomely placed in Uncharted as well. It cought me by surprise actually, that I started just were I wanted to start after I died.
Anastacio said:Impressive respond. Gotta read it when I wake up hihi =)
I have a really really tight schedule honestly but that's not why I like "short" and percentage in games. Most videogames just tend to get "boring" if you can follow me.
Twists are the best thing ever, but I do think they can come with a percentage anyway. Let's just agree to disagree. But I do get what you mean. =)deepbrown said:I like games that have a twist, like POP: WW...didn't see it coming, and it would have spoiled it if I actually knew it wasn't going to endDon't have to be long to surprise the player into thinking the game is going to end, before it's actually over.
Anastacio said:Twists are the best thing ever, but I do think they can come with a percentage anyway. Let's just agree to disagree. But I do get what you mean. =)
Nice to hear.jetjevons said:Quick update Uncharted fans. Remember my friend who was reviewing the game and said his initial impressions were mildy negative. Well he now says the game is ambitious, compelling, stunningly beautiful and very, very fun.
Carry on as you were.
suk.. =/deepbrown said:You're clearly wrong, so in punishment I will continue to call you Pistachio.