jett said:
Trying it out in Crushing. This is not hard. This is some cheap ass shit. Enemies gain superhuman aim, triple-kevlar and golden guns. The only new AI routine they get is the ZERG RUSH KEKEKEKE ability(which actually turns the enemies into mindless dumbshits). Meh.
Not really fun at all when the only choice you have is to find some decent cover and wait with your gun at the ready for everyone to come rushing down to your position. Or your fists if you're feeling lucky. Running from cover to cover is not really useful as enemies will fucking snipe you from afar with ease, and you'll die from a couple of shots. Sorry but no thanks.
Yeah, Crushing gets cheap in some spots, I finished it just so that I can have all 1000 points and to see if I can finish it, to be honest. The very last level was frustrating in particular. I knew every trick in the book for finishing it (hiding behind metal crates, shooting at Navarro's cover to destroy it) and it was still near impossible. Not completely impossible, but highly unlikely to finish unless you're quite lucky as well as skilled as hell.
I don't think they get any new AI routines btw, they are just a lot more aggressive at flanking or running towards you, which they do on easier difficulties as well, but not nearly as often or as quickly. Regardless of difficulty, whether they'll rush towards you or try to flank you depends on the level design, as well as the type of the enemy. Soldiers seem to be flanking more, pirates seem to be rushing towards you more.
Still, it gives you (forces you) a very different way of playing the game. You need to be a lot more clever in finding good cover, sometimes backtracking to a previous room so that you can channel them through the door etc. Stuff I never even thought about during playing on Hard. They also take one more bullet to die, and using Punch+shoot+punch combo becomes your friend as that's the fastest closeup combo move you have.
All in all there have been approx 4 or 5 spots in the game on Crushing with crazy difficulty spikes during the game where I felt luck was on my side when I finally finished them. Especially the last stage and the two open area fights against mercs.
Still, Doughnut Drake and the Golden gun were worth it in the end. Also, for the ADIOS ASSHOLE, I did it!, moment.
bridegur said:
My biggest complaint is the dialogue, which I've been able to fix by switching the voices to French and adding English subtitles.
It's funny I've been playing that way for maybe half the game on my crushing playthrough, but eventually switched back to English. They did a great job with French VA, but I still like English ones better. I don't know why you didn't like them, it has some of the best VA and dialogue writing around.
Gowans007 said:
so many pages, anyway I just picked up a PS3 and have been playin git, upto chapter four and loving the way the narrative is told in the game throught the cut scences and the in game dialogue it really pulls you in. Will keep out of this thread for fear of late spoilers but if I get stuck I'll see you all again
Gowans, now that I can see your avatar, your next PS3 game purchase needs to be SuperStardust HD! Done by the same team that did Stardust on Amiga, and just an amazing game in general