$1148 Jack
Loudninja said:Or thank the others who posted it before :![]()
My bad
Loudninja said:Or thank the others who posted it before :![]()
Dot50Cal said:Video up for the new page:
Needs more bald space marines and armor, amirite?
skrew said:holy fucking shit that demo was great, fucking sold
kinda short though
Dot50Cal said:
I was initially irked by that as well, but once I realized it wasn't really a reset, it was just a matter of where the camera ended up centered as a result of going into cover. So you just adjust the camera before you come out of cover, centering it on what you want to aim for next and I had no further problems with it. Works quite well, I think, for guns and grenades.sh4mike said:The gunplay was disappointing. My biggest complaint is L1 aim position reset after cover (e.g. if you have the baddie in scope, let go of L1 to cover, then hit L1 again, your scope will be in a different spot). Never realized how nice this was in Gears.
dante786 said:Gears is a shooter, pure shooter, so its much more important to be able to get into cover immediately when you have to. Uncharted doesn't do this or allow you to change from cover to cover as well as Gears does, in my opinion.
Again, the games are different, and I really do love the way uncharted feels, I just have to strongly disagree about your point of this game improving Gears cover mechanic substantially. It's different, and I might concede the animation of going into and being in cover is better, the functionality of it certainly isn't great than Gears.
dammitmattt said:I liked the demo enough not to cancel my preorder, but I'm not blown away. Everyone knows the positives, so let me just list my gripes:
- Sticky cover. I was trying to roll out of a doorway but I kept going into cover on either side of the door. Same problem that Gears had, but you don't get any of the cool cover to cover moves here (unless I'm missing something).
- Loose controls. This is mostly due to the animation, but the controls were more like Tomb Raider than I expected from Naughty Dog, especially given how tight the controls in the Jak and Crash games were. On the positive side, Nathan doesn't seem to be as picky about what he'll grab as Lara.
- Kinda/sorta weak combat. The guns and the combat in general is just not as visceral as I would like. The guns feel weak and the aiming is too loose, especially for the PS3 analog sticks. The aiming doesn't feel as natural as it does in Ratchet, or Gears for that matter. Part of it is likely because the enemies are so damn skinny.
- Randomly spawning enemies. When I clear out an area and bust down a gate to go into a new area, enemies should NOT be coming from behind me. This happened to me three times in a row at the same spot, so it appears to be scripted this way, which is unfortunate b/c you wouldn't expect a rookie mistake like this from Naughty Dog. Hopefully this is fairly rare.
- Inconsistent graphics. It's obviously a beautiful game, but it turned out to look more "video gamey" than I thought it would based on the videos and screencaps I'd seen. Something with the lighting and coloring is off a bit compared to games like Crysis or COD4.
However, I love a good action/adventure game and I can't wait for this, especially after suffering through Tomb Raider Anniversary's combat and overall rigidity this past week. I just wish they would've had another 6 months to really tweak and polish the hell out of the game.
And I know I bitched a bit, but thanks a ton to Naughty Dog for at least giving us a demo!
Tideas said:this is for all you trolls out there. This is how you can intelligently critique a game.
dammitmattt said:- Inconsistent graphics. It's obviously a beautiful game, but it turned out to look more "video gamey" than I thought it would based on the videos and screencaps I'd seen. Something with the lighting and coloring is off a bit compared to games like Crysis or COD4
sprocket said:too bad most of it is false. lol
sprocket said:too bad most of it is false. lol
dammitmattt said:Sticky cover. I was trying to roll out of a doorway but I kept going into cover on either side of the door. Same problem that Gears had, but you don't get any of the cool cover to cover moves here (unless I'm missing something).
- Loose controls. This is mostly due to the animation, but the controls were more like Tomb Raider than I expected from Naughty Dog, especially given how tight the controls in the Jak and Crash games were. On the positive side, Nathan doesn't seem to be as picky about what he'll grab as Lara.
- Kinda/sorta weak combat. The guns and the combat in general is just not as visceral as I would like. The guns feel weak and the aiming is too loose, especially for the PS3 analog sticks. The aiming doesn't feel as natural as it does in Ratchet, or Gears for that matter. Part of it is likely because the enemies are so damn skinny.
- Inconsistent graphics. It's obviously a beautiful game, but it turned out to look more "video gamey" than I thought it would based on the videos and screencaps I'd seen. Something with the lighting and coloring is off a bit compared to games like Crysis or COD4.
And I know I bitched a bit, but thanks a ton to Naughty Dog for at least giving us a demo!
Tideas said:I haven't played the demo yet, so I wouldn't know. But at least he made it seem intelligently
AltogetherAndrews said:It's a heavily stylized presentation; it's not designed to emulate reality like Crysis (or poorly emulate reality, like COD4). Nor sure what any of that has to do with being inconsistent though.
Dot50Cal said:. I never had guys spawn behind me, especially when I was kicking a gate down. Sounds to me like someone missed some enemies before continuing
sprocket said:too bad most of it is false. lol
Zeke said:Brav fucking O Naughty Dog. I really like how they intergrated the sixaxis with throwing the grenades.
dammitmattt said:It's inconsistent in that you have an incredibly realistic main character who is almost perfectly lit while the background and the fauna have a tiny bit of the "plastic sheen" going on. It's hard to explain, but they don't fit together perfectly.
dammitmattt said:It's the part after you kill the guys in the courtyard, climb on top of the pillars and jump over to the ledge. I looked around the courtyard (admiring the scenery) for a minute or two before I kicked in the door. I took out the first two guys with a grenade and then take cover to take out the wave coming in from the right. All of the sudden I start getting blasted from behind and I turn around to see a dude running in the doorway. I try to run out the doorway while rolling except I get stuck to the doorway and die. The enemy comes from behind me the second time, but at least I knew he was coming so I killed him.
AltogetherAndrews said:It's a heavily stylized presentation; it's not designed to emulate reality like Crysis (or poorly emulate reality, like COD4). Nor sure what any of that has to do with being inconsistent though.
it takes some practice I was able to frag three people real quick before they were able to try and close in on me. One guy was a direct hit the other two were taken out from the blast radius. It seemed like it took forever to drop an enemy unless you got a head shot, even with the AK it took a little too many shots to drop an enemy.antoniogaud said:Unfortunately by the time you get to tilting the sixaxis to lob the grenade the right distance, the f-ing enemies have moved elsewhere!!!
methane47 said:When you kick in the door.. look to your upper left... There is a broken down piece of wall where enemies Jump over then climb down a vine after their buddies alert them that something is wrong.. there's no random spawning here.
-Rogue5- said:I think people who are poo-pooing this game are either incredibly jaded or absolutely retarded... probably just the latter.
dammitmattt said:I'm just relating what I saw. I hope you're right![]()
antoniogaud said:I am retarded because I didn't drink enough of your happy pony kool-aid? Please. The game is fun but is certainly not perfect and NOT the AAA game that will drive holiday sales to non PS3 owners.
antoniogaud said:and NOT the AAA game that will drive holiday sales to non PS3 owners.
antoniogaud said:I am retarded because I didn't drink enough of your happy pony kool-aid? Please. The game is fun but is certainly not perfect and NOT the AAA game that will drive holiday sales to non PS3 owners.
dammitmattt said:It's the part after you kill the guys in the courtyard, climb on top of the pillars and jump over to the ledge. I looked around the courtyard (admiring the scenery) for a minute or two before I kicked in the door. I took out the first two guys with a grenade and then take cover to take out the wave coming in from the right. All of the sudden I start getting blasted from behind and I turn around to see a dude running in the doorway. I try to run out the doorway while rolling except I get stuck to the doorway and die. The enemy comes from behind me the second time, but at least I knew he was coming so I killed him.
Yes. You've said it and said it and said it and said it and said it. I predict you'll say it again on this page.antoniogaud said:Well, i dont think calling anyone who has 'negative' comments retarded is constructive, but I guess you missed that.
Like I said, very good but not great demo.
dante786 said:I would argue that while the shooting and cover mechanics work great, they don't refine or improve on Gears. They're different, but certainly not better.
Gears is a shooter, pure shooter, so its much more important to be able to get into cover immediately when you have to. Uncharted doesnt do this or allow you to change from cover to cover as well as Gears does, in my opinion. The combat also doesn't seem to be more "refined" to me either. That isn't to say its worse, its just different. I wouldnt say it works better than gears though, because really, what about aiming and shooting in Gears was off?
Again, the games are different, and I really do love the way uncharted feels, I just have to strongly disagree about your point of this game improving Gears cover mechanic substantially. It's different, and I might concede the animation of going into and being in cover is better, the functionality of it certainly isn't great than Gears.
dammitmattt said:I'm just relating what I saw. I hope you're right![]()
Speevy said:A great demo is one that provides an accurate impression of how a great game looks and plays.
Snah said:i dont know why anyone is complaining about something as trivial as SixAxis control on the logs. I felt it was very easy to get used to and isn't frustrating at all.
Avalon said:Why have it in the game at all if it's going to be to be utilized so poorly? It remind me of the whole circle drawing in Castlevania: Dawn of Sorrow... it's just awkward and intrusive. Excellent demo, but the Sixaxis controls are very poor.
antoniogaud said:WOW some of you guys are sensitive to negative comments about the demo. I have a PS3 so I don't know what you think my motivation is besides actually having an opinion that differs from yours.
antoniogaud said:I only posted the downside because it felt like some people were praising the game higher than it deserved.