Optimistic said:That's some terrible artwork!!! Is it for Xbox? Actually wait, if it's for GC I retract that statement, and put in place "Teh artw3rk is awes0me much bettear than teh Fable!11"
Meier said:God people like you are idiots. This game though, is fucking awesome and was one of my top 5 games at E3. Ridiculous amounts of fun to be had.
Li Mu Bai said:Prediction: This will undoubetly be ported over to the GC.
Sho Nuff said:I myself am doubetful.
Li Mu Bai said:Thanks for catching my typo, you troglodyte.
ToyMachine228 said:I'd imagine Capcom wants to see how the game does on the PlayStation 2, before they even consider a GameCube port.
ge-man said:Capcom has yet to actually port any PS2 games to the GC--ports have been going the other way around from the GC to the PS2.