Connoisseur Of Tedium
Just thought I would share this with you guys. I received today via email. That was the actual title of the email.
Well there you go. Maybe with this my dating life will improve as well as yours.
I'll keep this short and sweet... (you probably get
this all the time and are sick of hearing it although
i did not yet read a response so i'll quit prematurely
apologizing.) I'm like a 6-7 and want to date 8-9's.
I'm slightly above average looking and want to date
girls above my range. Is this possible? I can't
settle for less so how can I pull this off with out
getting rejected 9 out of 10 approaches??
>>>MY COMMENTS: This is a very interesting combination
of questions...
First of all, what would be so bad about only having
1 out of 10 women who are "8-9" range go out with
Just think of it...
You could make 10 women feel good by approaching them
and boosting their self esteem, and one of them would
wind up going out with you.
You'd probably spend about 60 minutes of time, and
about 147 calories of energy (try a Zone bar or something
if you begin to feel tired).
Investment: One hour plus 147 calories
Return: A date with an unusually attractive woman.
I'd play that game with you all day long.
I think you see where I'm going with this.
The problem most guys have is that they imagine the
9 times that they don't wind up with a date as being
"cold, hard, shut down" style rejections.
And unless you have no class or tact at all, this
just isn't going to happen.
At the Double Your Dating LIVE! seminar, my friend
Orion shared his perspective when it comes to meeting
women. (I've personally seen this guy get 25 women's
phone numbers in three days... with my own two eyes)
His objective is "to make women smile". He likes to
see if he can make a woman smile when he starts talking
to her. Then, if she's the kind of woman that he'd
like to date, he gets her information.
Think of it! He wants to find out if SHE'S THE KIND
OF WOMAN HE LIKES by seeing if he can make her smile
before he decides if she's the kind of woman he'd
like to date.
Interesting new way of looking at things.
To answer your first question, OF COURSE YOU CAN DATE
Look around... you'll see all kinds of stunning women
with average guys. It's actually the rule, rather
than the exception.
And try making women smile when you meet them... and
find out if they're beautiful on the INSIDE as well
as the outside before you choose to see them again.
Well there you go. Maybe with this my dating life will improve as well as yours.