Giolon said::lol x 1000. Chloe should come along too. NEEDS MORE RED!
Little Miss Moody got kicked to the bench once the Classmate mission ended and the wrong potential got erased. BAH
Giolon said::lol x 1000. Chloe should come along too. NEEDS MORE RED!
Giolon said::lol x 1000. Chloe should come along too. NEEDS MORE RED!
pureauthor said:Little Miss Moody got kicked to the bench once the Classmate mission ended and the wrong potential got erased. BAH
Indeed, but I REFUSE to use Lotte, DUDE, and sometimes Helmut's occupied! Melissa is my sniper and Nichol is benched for being so messed up in the head.Hcoregamer00 said:Chloe is awesome, but her potential is so annoying.
The game keeps erasing the wrong potentials for characters, it was the same thing with Maguri.
Giolon said:Indeed, but I REFUSE to use Lotte, DUDE, and sometimes Helmut's occupied! Melissa is my sniper and Nichol is benched for being so messed up in the head.
I haven't had Moody since I did her mission though. And OMG her double-movement potential. Sometimes you have to take a risk to get the reward.![]()
Giolon said:Also, can one of you guys past June answer my question about Cosette?Why is her being colorblind a big deal? I don't get it.
Pureauthor said:So maybe I just don't watch enough of the correct (or in this case, wrong) types of anime, but what's so annoying about Zeri, duckroll?
Pureauthor said:Little Miss Moody got kicked to the bench once the Classmate mission ended and the wrong potential got erased. BAH
ixix said:Chloe too, huh? I got my hopes up after Coleen's mission that all the characters with crippling Potentials would end up going from ugly caterpillars to pretty, pretty butterflies after their special mission. No such luck, I guess.
ixix said:Aw man, Magari ditches Bookworm and not Stage Fright after her mission. I did a lot of grinding on that girl just to end up benching her. Them's the breaks, I guess.
Chloe too, huh? I got my hopes up after Coleen's mission that all the characters with crippling Potentials would end up going from ugly caterpillars to pretty, pretty butterflies after their special mission. No such luck, I guess.
Salaadin said:I know Anisette keeps her stupid one that ditches all of her AP or something. "Im a star, not an athlete!!" Move!!!!
Zeri doesnt bother me much though I wonder why hes in Class G in the first place. Is it solely because hes a Darcsen? They spend the whole game touting "Class G sucks, blah blah blah" and then theres calm, collected, intelligent, and skilled Zeri being all awesome and smart.
Salaadin said:Zeri doesnt bother me much though I wonder why hes in Class G in the first place. Is it solely because hes a Darcsen? They spend the whole game touting "Class G sucks, blah blah blah" and then theres calm, collected, intelligent, and skilled Zeri being all awesome and smart.
Pureauthor said:On the flip side, they have people like Joachim, who managed to answer a question that was asked over an hour ago, and Erik, who pretty much has 'problem student' written on his forehead.
And that's not mentioning the parade of trainwrecks that are the new transfers...
duckroll said:Marion is rich, pretty, and good with weapons.
Coleen is popular with all the boys and a great lancer.
Magari is really smart.
Avan tops all his military tests and only flunks the written exams, and his brother is a hero.
There's no real reason for Class G's placements. It's very clear that they're not "the worst class" like a lot of the other students say, it's just a mentality the students have, and having no leadership and poor morale makes them lose at competitions against other classes. That's all.
Salaadin said:Avan has a brother? When do they tell us this?
Salaadin said:What about Medics? Can they still fix tanks in addition to their ally reviving skills?
Also, whats more beneficial...Lancer Elite or Mobile Lance? Elites get such nice stat boosts but Mobiles can run far. Im stuck on what I should make Coleen.
Salaadin said:What about Medics? Can they still fix tanks in addition to their ally reviving skills?
Also, whats more beneficial...Lancer Elite or Mobile Lance? Elites get such nice stat boosts but Mobiles can run far. Im stuck on what I should make Coleen.
duckroll said:Coleen and Marion are the real heroines, so of course things are a bit different for them. Not everyone is a special unique butterfly who will defeat all enemies and save the day! ^_^
Salaadin said:I know Anisette keeps her stupid one that ditches all of her AP or something. "Im a star, not an athlete!!" Move!!!!
ixix said:Coleen's great, but Marion? She's a distant fourth place in the Shocktrooper Olympics behind Zeri, Franca, and Anisette.
duckroll said:I see you love assholes in your squad. Carry on then! :lol
ixix said:Anisette's Unfit only reduces her firing accuracy. Considering that she's a member of the class that does not give even half of a shit about accuracy, it ain't much of a negative.
ixix said:Balderdash. If we're discussing general assholery then the racist, bourgeois weapons fetishist is by no means exempt.
ixix said:When proximity to a member of an ethnic group causes a person pronounced distress even amongst the tumult of a battlefield I feel comfortable in regarding that person as less than a model ambassador for race relations, regardless of whether said response is borne out of ignorance or malice.
Most of my main team is comprised of assholes (Erik, Franca, Nahum, Vario) and yes I do love them.duckroll said:I see you love assholes in your squad. Carry on then! :lol
duckroll said:But that doesn't happen to her.![]()
ixix said:Of course it does.She just gets better at hiding it.
And don't even get me started on how her excessive enthusiasm for rebel armaments causes me to question where her true loyalties lie.
duckroll said:Her true loyalties lies with my special gun. The one in my pants.
AniHawk said:That's a pretty dangerous place to keep a gun.
duckroll said:It's hidden so the rebels can't easily find it. They might get too excited.
Trent Strong said:Can Avan switch classes back and forth at will, or if I change his class is he stuck in that new class forever?
Also, the boobs in this game are way too big.
Giolon said:*cough* Ahem, back on topic: When do 3rd Tier/Elite classes open up? And are Diplomas as bad as Certificates?
Trent Strong said:Can Avan switch classes back and forth at will, or if I change his class is he stuck in that new class forever?
Also, the boobs in this game are way too big.
FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUHamblasto said:As for Diplomas, they're just like Certificates. Some people just seem to have better luck than others when it comes to getting ones for the units they want.
DarthWoo said:Are there any storylines for the code-unlocked characters, or are they just there to be there?
duckroll said:You can keep changing his class as long as you meet the credit requirements. There are no requirements for base classes.
I have only a single gunner, Anisette, and while she was rather powerful in May or so to take down armored foes like enemy fencers up close, is now rather useless. Chances to suppress more enemies at once are scarces, and for everything else a shocktrooper or commando is more effective, reliable and flexible in both assault and suppression. The gunner branch of the tree is dead to me, like the mortarer's, the tech's and the musician's one (sorry Sofia).ixix said:So is there something odd about counterattacks from Gunners?