Kuran said:Should I still get this game, if the story sections and characters repel me?
The gameplay from the demo was just like VP1 though, which I loved.
Kuran said:Should I still get this game, if the story sections and characters repel me?
The gameplay from the demo was just like VP1 though, which I loved.
radiantdreamer said:JUST picked up a copy of the VC2 artbook. It costed a pretty penny, but it's worth it. They had STACKS of it at Kinokuniya. OMG.
I suppose if Udon localizes this one, I will pick it up too...
Lain said:I still have to pick up my copy of that artbook. I wanted to get it together with a Soejima's artbook, but it was too much. Maybe next month ><
In the mean time, I finally gotMan, I love this character. It's like for characters like Vario, Noel, Marion etc. etc. the phrases they say while you use them are just cool (or in Vario's case, funny sounding)Aliasse!
Augemitbutter said:gameplay is good, but more on the easy side. story could've been much better if they took the war theme more serious. i feel like i'm guiding a bunch a teens through a theme park at times.
JEKKI said:man I've been playing this game for like a week.
got dang man... the story is sooooooo anime -_-
Ive played all the way up to May now and yeay... it's sooo anime
Just a cheap excuse to put people in swimsuits.RurouniZel said:Okay, so I'm finally catching up with the game, I'm in July and...
WTF was up with that random pool cinema?? Seriously, so out of place! LOL
Akainu said:I just got this awhile back. This March story mission is bullshit! These V2s are bullshit! This escort crap is bullshit!!!! ARRRGGHHHH!!!!! >XO
Hamblasto said:Just a cheap excuse to put people in swimsuits.
Akainu said:I just got this awhile back. This March story mission is bullshit! These V2s are bullshit! This escort crap is bullshit!!!! ARRRGGHHHH!!!!! >XO
Augemitbutter said:i didn't know VC2 could be frustrating. i'm past the main storyline right now and the only "feature" that might piss me off is when lots of throwaway soldiers keep respawning.
Augemitbutter said:yes, you can. no missables, no pressure.
RedSwirl said:Did this game do anything to alleviate that or make any UI improvements?
You won't miss a thing as the story goes no where and is too disjointed even if it did. Just hit start during any story sequence and you'll skip it.RedSwirl said:Can I just skip all the cut scenes and dialogue in this game? I never do that the first time through any title, but goddamn this is some terrible writing. It's all the faults of translated anime writing x100.
The first game's cast was bearable and text didn't get in the way as much. This here is trying to put me through a wannabe Persona 3 but with characters nowhere near as likable. Will I miss anything by ignoring this shit and just skipping to the game, which is actually pretty good?
I installed it. Even faster load times.Steroyd said:Question: Because it's already on the mem stick is it worth me installing the game, or is that a waste of space?
maskrider said:
This man speak the truth...rockman zx said:People complaining about certificates don't know how paintful is to get the medals for 100% R&D development, that's true grinding.
The whole game is doable with A-ranksSteroyd said:Holy crap, Augusts story mission in insane I don't know how I could have done it without the overpowered lancer and machine gun I got from one of the DLC missions I bought.![]()
Try to make them as one of the two top people in missions (you can check points during missions). Capturing enemy camps is useful (5pts IIRC). Don't forget that Engineers have a good gun, often better than scout.Steroyd said:Is there an efficient way to get certificates and Diplomas only upto September but my Lancers, Engineers and Armour techs are really lagging behind in terms of class upgrading.
RedNumberFive said:Super late to the party here, and probably an annoying question...
Does anyone have a save with all the stickers / characters unlocked? I'm finally about to start fresh and I don't want to spend half a day entering codes into a PSP.