I finished the game and I gotta say I liked it overall. Liked the Phantom system for the most part and I like how you got multiple Drive stages that add to your moveset instead of changing it like in Senran Kagura (in SV I prefer normal Mirai moveset but I got to transform if I want to use her Ninpo). The boss fights, both for the Valkyrie and the gods, need to be worked on if there is a sequel. Also should add neutral triangle combos, didn't like how triangle was only used for charge moves with the exception of Mana. I was trying to get the platinum trophy but just now the game crashed on a loading screen so hard that I thought that my Vita got bricked for a while... I think I'll wait for a patch before I continue.
My favorite characters to play as where Ranka and Viola, I checked online to see if there was a figure of one of them but couldn't find one
. I guess the VD franchise isn't that popular overall? I expected to at least find a Rinka figure since she's basically the main character of the game but it seems only the main two characters from VD Mermaid got one made.
My favorite characters to play as where Ranka and Viola, I checked online to see if there was a figure of one of them but couldn't find one